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Her face looks better now after the fixes. Still think the hair could be improved though...

Patreon fan

The face still seems off. The eyes stand out, sort of cloudy with small upper lids and irises. The cheek bones are in close giving a flat face appearance. Lower lip is a little thin. I feel like the new face might just need some softening of features and gentler makeup and skin tone. I do really like the new hair effect though. Looks richer in texture. Only thing I can think of that would make it look better is more body. I don't mean to sound disparaging, just wanted to provide constructive feedback. If it's unwelcome or unhelpful, I will appreciate your amazing work in silence.


Beautiful work!

X3Z Fan

Yay! What a view. :-D

M´ s Den of Lust and Desire

Lorelei should crawl into a hellhound like watchdog monster. It could make the other orc aware of her crawling away and he could punish her buy offering her beautiful ass to the creature to lick out and then impale.


I do feel there is more care in this post of renders and love Syndori's pose and expression. I too have issues with the upgrade, but I do feel this current release has more care. I don't like that you have deadlines sadly, because it's starting to feel that the work is getting rushed otherwise. Outside of that, you are still a master at this art/pornography, but the more you rush and have to, the more it can start to show. This latest move wasn't going to escape any controversy with changing the models, but despite everyone's idea of the perfect Syndori (including my own), we are still right behind you and your work. ;)

Jack Pinder

Wow, I am loving this ongoing saga, Syndori devoted to her moment while the humbling escaping adventure of Lorelei has all kinds of possibilities. Elf's are so good to look at.


btw. where I can take a look at your works?