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This Month series was ED: Lorena (Ruby 2).

Current series pool:

Undercover 2 [Past] (Baroque/Victorian style; Lorelei, gangbanged by goblins by guards; Red Orcs, assault of mansion; Mira, spying; Lorena, fighting vs Red Orcs) 

Dungeon 4 [Future] (Cave system/Dungeon; Lorelei, escaping, gangbanged by goblins; Syndori, Orcs having fun; Julia, enters Dungeon, killing orcs)

Ruby 3 [Present] (Sci-Fi, Desert Planet/Science Base; Ruby, probing; Julia, scientist, Mira, gets new experience with modern tech; The Boss and guards, humans, robots, and other aliens is also possible).

50% chance of new series.



The RadishGod

Personally i'd like the dungeon series to continue, or something new. But not that it matters much, everything is good anyway :)

Jake theberge

Any idea what a new series might be? As for the three options Ruby 3 has the potential for things you've never done before in your sets. It would be nice to see more undercover stuff too. It has my favorite version of Lorelei in it, and it would be good to see Malia continue to ravish her, then oversee the guards doing their thing.


I think Ruby 3 would be a fun change of pace!


They all sound wonderful. I'd like to see them all done in due time. Ruby 3 sounds like the most fun. Ruby, Mira, and Julia in an alien, desert planet, high-tech environment. Robots, probing gear, etc. Yes, please! :)


Мой голос уходит за "Dungeon 4". Правда, сложно представить, как столько можно будет реализовать в пределах одной части, чтобы история не получилась скомканной. Еще вопрос, есть какая либо вероятность увидеть продолжение "The heat" или ту самую модель Синдори в других сериях?


Dungeon 4 or Undercover 2 please and after these Ruby 3. Variety is important! :-D




Ruby 3 sounds interesting! I think I would like Ruby 3 then Dungeon 4 and then Undercover 2!


Not on your list but I'd like to see Loss of Innocence 3. Goblin(s), rescue, etc.


not sure, would be nice to continue all three, and start something new but I know time and energy is limited, I think I sort of would like for undercover to continue as that is also tied to lost innocence, and after that dungeon, though I am also of course hoping to see Ruby's continued adventures :) But like always I think I will say do what you think will work best for your flavor of creative energy this month, that tends to be the best result :)


Well, i can add Saera and Saeri into the Dungeon 4, Lorelei should find them in chained and used state somewhere deep inside the cave system :D

X3Z Fan

Hmm, difficult choice, they are all superb. Ruby3 would be my top choice and then the others as they come along. Lorena showing/using her feet in the last set was a nice variation.


Thank you for such a detailed overview of stories to come, there is so much to look forward too and every part of those stories I do. I could only suggest "Undercover 2" as a catch-up to what we have been having, but I love all three ideas. ;) Two out of the three ideas, has Lorelei gangbanged by Goblins, so that's a win for sure. =D


i think u should do dungeon part 3 with the story that i sent u on patreon posts. once that's finished do ruby part3. i feel like the ruby series has a lot of potential and has alot of work 2 be done. especially since part 2 didnt even feature ruby


I would love to see more of Ruby and/or the girls from Lost Innocence 1 and 2. An all female set would be yummy! :)


..There is no wrong answer here.


This is a bit different story, and does not fit into Dungeon timeline :(


To be honest Idon't really mind but for the sake of votes lets go with undercover we haven't heard that story in a while


Would you consider a scene in which the sex is consensual? Do any of the girls have boyfriends? Early on there were some pretty seductive images of your elves - on a rug in front of a fireplace, by a mirror, etc. A hot, non-violent scene might make for a nice change.


In current action wasn't consensual? From my own POV is was pretty consensual, probably rough, without romance, but consensual, and impressive for her. :)