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Since this question keeps coming up, without trying to give away any spoilers, I'd like to let my readers know the definition of the term according to Google:


the sister of one's father or mother or the wife of one's uncle

an unrelated older woman friend, especially of a child

Therefore, if one of my male main characters were to have a hypothetical child but didn't marry said child's mother, every other adult female in that child's life could be referred to as "Aunt".

In other words, just because the child refers to a particular woman as "Aunt XYZ" does not prevent woman XYZ from marrying the male main character and becoming his wife. In fact, the only thing the title does is rule out woman XYZ from being the child's mother.

Got it?



Irrespective of their blood relationship, many of the Australian indigenous people recognise "caring" women in the local community by attaching the word Auntie to denote that 1. The person and their views are repected by the local community; and 2. The person actuallly offers emotional support and guidance to the community.


As long as it isn’t “Aunt Bert”, I’ll be ok…

Benjamin Davidson

10 years later and you're still getting that question.

K A Nilendra Perera

Very curious as to the origins of this discussion ......serves me right for coming late to the party

K A Nilendra Perera

Have not dug into Billionaire yet. My patreon currently revolves around ASL 2 drops