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-- CHAPTER 9: Voyeur --


“I just totally cock-blocked you, didn’t I?” Belle said apologetically as she and I returned to my bedroom.

“Kinda, yeah,” I admitted. Upon hearing that both Belle and my mother were outside the door, Sam and I had hurriedly made sure we were presentable. I’d locked the door and had to get up to let them in. Mother didn’t actually come in, of course. She simply took a quick glance around the room and at the bed, eyes narrow as if confirming to her own satisfaction that Sam and I had not, in fact, been fucking. And then she made some polite comment about leaving us kids alone and headed back downstairs.

Belle had immediately apologized again for interrupting us, saying she’d just come over to talk to me and didn’t realize Sam was also visiting until Mother led her upstairs and told her Sam was with me along the way.

Sam said it was no big deal, that we were done with our conversation, and that she needed to get back home. “Still a school night, you know?” she tried to say flippantly, not quite succeeding. And so we ended up walking Sam to the front door and waved goodbye before coming back here.

“But that’s okay,” I added while opening my arms for a hug. “I’m always happy to see you.”

Belle smiled and leaned into my embrace. I squatted and scooped up her light body in my arms like she weighed nothing, carried her over to my bed, and sat down with her in my lap. She spread her legs to straddle me, wincing as she did so, and my eyes immediately sharpened in alarm.

“Are you okay?”

Belle winced and gave me a helpless shrug. “I’m pretty sore, actually.”

I winced sympathetically, picking her up and setting her down beside me so her inner thigh muscles wouldn’t be so stretched. “I’m sorry. That’s all my fault.”

“Stop saying that. At this point I don’t want to argue over whose fault it was. It just IS. I love you and don’t blame you and that’s that.”

I shrugged, accepting her answer but still feeling guilty for causing my Annabelle any pain. Giving her a warm smile, I leaned in and kissed her gently. She held my head and kissed me back, sighing happily as she did so.

But when she pulled away, her smile vanished quickly. “I wanna do it again ASAP, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen anytime soon. I’m afraid it’ll just hurt too much as long as I’m feeling this sore.”

“I get it. Don’t worry about it.” Giving her a reassuring smile again, I added, “We have the rest of our lives to make love.”

“I’m looking forward to it. At least we tried it again immediately and got it right. THAT’S the time I’ll always remember as the first time we made love.” She smiled back, her pale green eyes sparkling. But then she popped her eyebrows and exhaled. “Still, if this doesn’t get better tomorrow, I’m going to have to concentrate just to walk normally so I don’t totally give away that we had sex.”

I arched an eyebrow. “So you’ve decided not to tell the girls just yet?”

Belle nodded. “I haven't figured out what I’m going to say to them. This really could blow up everything.”

“Keeping me to yourself for a couple of weeks? Like the blowjob thing?”

Belle giggled. “Don’t think the thought hasn’t crossed my mind. Thing is: if I’d gotten caught giving you a blowjob, I knew things would have pretty much turned out the exact same way they did. This is different. Mari is NOT ready to have sex, and I don’t think Alice is either. I'm not as sure about Zofi, but she still hasn’t even given you a blowjob. The BTC is not ‘in balance’ already, and this would throw everything even further out of whack.”

“Not YOUR fault. Sam started it.”

Belle nodded. “What did SHE say about telling the girls? I mean, I’m assuming she hasn’t told anybody given the fact that none of them have come breaking down your door to ask you about it yet. More to the point, no one has called ME to find out if I knew already.”

I shook my head. “She hasn’t told anyone yet, not even Zofi. But she also said she didn’t know how long she’d be able to keep it under wraps. She doesn’t think she could lie to the BTC for very long.”

Belle’s eyes suddenly sharpened. “You didn’t tell her about US, did you?”

“No, and she has no reason to suspect we’ve done anything.”

Belle looked visibly relieved, but she gave me a curious look. “But you told me about HER right away.”

I shrugged. “You’re my Annabelle. I tell you everything.”

She blushed and smiled at that. “Thank you for keeping it a secret for now. It’s not that I’m ashamed of what we did, but we both know there will be - what’s the SAT word? – repercussions… when the truth comes out.”

“For sure.” I gave her a rueful grin. “To be honest, my M.O. has been to let you girls make all the decisions. I get in less trouble that way – fewer repercussions for me - and it seems to have been working so far.”

Belle snorted. “You may be right, though. If we get caught, nobody’s gonna blame you. They’re all just gonna get mad at ME.”

“No they won’t. They’re your best friends. They’ll understand. They’ll want IN, but they’ll understand.”

“I hope so.”

I placed a hand on Belle’s leg. “Would you really be okay with that? With some of the girls wanting to have sex with me?”

“What, you trying to say you'd turn them down for me? Isn’t it every guy’s fantasy to have a harem of hot girls begging for his dick?”

“I’m not in love with any other girls but you,” I stated with dead seriousness. “If you asked, I’d leave the BTC to be with you.”

“Don’t say that.”

“It’s true.”

“Well I wouldn’t leave the BTC to be with you. I’ve already told you I’m not breaking up the club for us.”

“But you’re still not gonna tell them yet, either.”

“I will… Eventually…”

“Doesn’t every romantic comedy go sideways when someone doesn’t come out and say something they should have said?”

“This isn’t a rom-com, this is reality, and I haven’t figured out what I’m going to say to them yet.” Belle sighed. “But don’t worry, I’m not gonna sit on this for two weeks like the blowjob thing. Because when it comes down to it, the answer is ‘Yes, I'll be okay with the other girls wanting to have sex with you.’”


“You’re not my boyfriend, Matty. I love you, and I know you love me, but… we’re not romantic like that. Maybe someday we will be, but not yet. I’ve spent more than two years sharing you with those girls, sharing everything about you. I never got jealous watching them give you blowjobs or rub their tits into your face, and I really don’t think I’m going to get jealous of them fucking you. I mean, just thinking about it right now turns me on, actually. Like that whole thing we were doing earlier, with you fondling me while telling me what it was like to fuck the shit out of Sam? That was SUPER exciting. I can totally see myself masturbating while watching you plowing into Neevie or Zofi or… WOW… You know, now that I think about it, I’d REALLY like to see you taking Mari’s virginity.”

I started chuckling and shook my head. “Never thought I’d hear those words coming out of your mouth.”

Belle grinned at me and leaned over to pet the bulge in my pants. And in a low voice full of need, she husked, “Can you keep quiet?”

“Seriously?” I asked. Only minutes ago, my dick had been in Sam’s mouth, and now Belle was pawing at my crotch. And Mother was STILL downstairs.

Belle’s eyes glittered. “I need to taste you right now.”


Mother was still in the living room when I walked Belle to the front door. My little pixie looked like she wanted to kiss me goodbye, but she couldn’t do it with Mother in view. So she settled for a warm hug and a quick peck on the cheek, and she waved as she headed out for the short walk back to her own house.

After I closed the door, I turned around to head back up to my room. But Mother’s voice followed after me.

“Are you using protection?”

I stopped dead in my tracks, took a step backwards, and turned to face her. “Excuse me?”

Mother smiled thinly with her don’t-fuck-with-me expression. “I think you heard me.”

I gestured in confusion. “We were just talking.”

Tonight you were just talking… perhaps…” Mother’s eyebrows went up, expressing her skepticism. I mean, did Belle have stray globs of cum on her lips or something? But she continued by asking, “Earlier this afternoon, however, were you using protection then?”

I was more confused trying to figure out how Mother knew what was going on with such accuracy. Did she plant a camera in my room or something? “What makes you think Belle and I had sex? She was fucking pissed at me when we walked in, enough that you immediately volunteered to go out and give us some privacy.”

“She’s obviously not ‘fucking pissed’ at you anymore. In fact, she looks quite adoringly at you now,” Mother stated evenly. “And more to the point, that petite young woman is walking like she got stretched for the first time a few hours ago.”

I blinked in surprise at her observation and frowned. “Oh. Uh… you can tell that?”

Mother smiled thinly again. “I asked you simple question, Matthew.”

Rubbing my forehead, I sighed and admitted, “Yes, Belle’s on the pill.”

“Should I expect any other young ladies to start paying you nocturnal visits?”

“Can we NOT be having this conversation right now?”

Taking a deep breath, Mother exhaled and then stood up from the couch. She walked forward, closing the gap between us until she stood only a few feet away. And while raising a single index finger, she stated quite seriously, “I have only one rule in this matter: Make sure to use protection. Do you understand?”

I rolled my eyes and replied, “Yes, Mother.”

Mother’s eyes sharpened. “It’s not about you, Matthew. It’s about protecting those girls, or do you have no care about how an unplanned pregnancy might impact their futures?”

“Of course I care,” I stated much more forcefully. “I’d never willingly jeopardize their futures.”

“Good.” She smiled thinly once more, but after a few seconds, her expression actually softened. “I’m not here to… ah… cock-block you, Matthew. I told you I would support your needs. So long as you can promise me you will take the necessary steps to ensure I won’t be having any unexpected grandchildren before I want them, I won’t interfere in the activities of an 18-year-old boy who appears to have an overabundance of opportunity.”

I frowned, not quite understanding. “Wait, what?”

Mother actually smirked. “You have my permission to… ah… entertain… your lady friends, even if I’m in the house. I won’t disturb you.”

“Wait, are you saying…?”

“The next time Samantha comes over to visit you with sex on her mind, don’t let her go home unfulfilled, hmm? Or Belle, either, for that matter.” Mother patted my shoulder, gave me a knowing grin, and headed upstairs.

My life was getting WEIRD.


Alice was waiting for me and Belle at the parking lot Monday morning and came over to us as soon as we stepped onto the curb. I braced myself for some version of, ‘Is it true that Sam took your virginity after your wedding date and then you banged Belle and took her virginity the very next day?’

But all she did was give me a fist bump and ask both of us, “How was your weekend?”

I shrugged and didn’t verbally reply. Alice didn’t press me. She was a good buddy that way. Belle, on the other hand, answered that she’d had a great weekend, and when Alice dutifully followed it up by asking why, Belle answered quite truthfully by saying she’d spent Sunday afternoon holed up in my bedroom.

Alice laughed, shot us both dirty looks, and whined about why I couldn’t live next door to HER. And the three of us chatted as we headed onto campus and eventually split off to go to our respective classrooms.

Sam was in my first period, and she gave me a flirty smile when I came through the door. There was no time to talk before class, but we were able to walk together to our shared second period afterward.

“I’ve missed you,” the beautiful blonde greeted warmly while wrapping both arms around my right elbow. She also leaned in for a kiss, just a peck, which I gladly gave her.

I smirked. “Missed me? It’s been what, twelve-odd hours since you saw me? Most of that time spent sleeping?”

“I missed that we didn’t get to finish what we started last night.” She bumped her hip into mine. “Do you have any plans later?”

I arched an eyebrow. “Mondays you usually come over to Belle’s place to study with us and Mari.”

Sam’s eyes glowed amber. “I meant tonight.” Her meaning was clear.

I blinked, my jaw dropping open. “Uhhh… no plans…”

She grinned. “Seven o’clock? Your place?”

“Uh, sure. Sounds good.”

Sam giggled and kissed my cheek, whispering into my ear. “Might want to cover up your boner before we get to class.”

I glanced down and sure enough, I was tenting my cargo pants quite a bit. With a sigh, I shrugged and replied, “I’ve got the most gorgeous girl in school wrapped around my arm. People will understand.”

Sam looked up at me with a grin. “Now why weren’t you paying me these kinds of compliments BEFORE we had sex? Makes me think you DO love me more when I do naughty stuff with you.”

I blushed and said, “Uh, well, these were compliments I always had in my mind. I just thought I was in ‘the friend zone’ back then and I didn’t want to make things awkward. I mean, The Rule is still in effect, right?”

“Yes, The Rule is still in effect. I’m not going to start dating you. We’re friends.” Sam giggled and kissed my cheek again. And from only an inch away, she husked, “But I intend to get my benefits.”


“Must’ve been some date,” Alice chided, glancing back and forth between me in the seat to her left and Sam at the far end of the lunch table. Five seconds earlier, she’d asked me about the wedding, and while I’d shrugged and replied that the venue was very nice, Sam had blushed pink and promptly stared at her food.

Zofi chuckled and leaned across the table, whispering conspiratorially, “She asked Matty to go to his place instead of taking her straight home.”

“Hey!” Sam complained, slapping Zofi across the upper arm and turning even pinker. I started to get a little nervous. Sam had said she didn’t like lying to her best friend.

“Leave her alone,” Belle drawled. “Like none of us expected her to take advantage of the situation to get some one-on-one time?”

Zofi and Alice shrugged. Mari said quietly, “I’d have done the same in her shoes.”

Naimh pointed out, “You’ve already had more one-on-one time with him than any of us, Belle.”

“That’s different.”

“I’m just saying… the BTC isn’t ‘in balance’,” the Irish redhead complained. “When’s my turn for a one-on-one? Or a fancy dress-up date? Why does she get to have him going down on her for an hour with nobody else waiting in line?”

Sam started rubbing her forehead. “If you’re so antsy, why don’t you come join us to study this afternoon?”

Naimh made a face. “I have a dentist appointment at three. Plus, my period started on Saturday.”

Sam rolled her eyes. “Ah, so you were PMSing at the end of last week, got it.”

Naimh threw a piece of bread from her sandwich at Sam. “Point is: messing around as a group isn’t the same as getting a one-on-one with him.”

Belle sighed. “Is it really so bad having the other girls around? I rather enjoy us all having fun together.”

Naimh leveled her with a look. “Easy for you to say.”

“Ugh,” Sam groaned. “I knew this was gonna happen if I went out with him.”

“Then why DID you go out with him?” Alice asked with a shrug. “Or ask him to bring you to his place instead of going straight home?”

Sam rolled her eyes. “Would YOU have passed up a chance to shove his face between your thighs for an hour straight?”

Alice giggled, blushed, and looked around to make sure nobody else was within earshot before staring down at her food.

“I’ll take that as a ‘no’,” Sam finished.

Zofi spoke up. “So what are we going to do about it now? Are one-on-ones now on the menu?”

Sam sighed and rubbed her forehead again. “Can we at least table this until the Wednesday trip? It’s a short week before Thanksgiving break. Let’s just get through the next two days like normal. And then? I dunno… Maybe we can start setting up Saturdays or something for one-on-ones.”

Zofi frowned. “You mean, like dates?”

Naimh chirped, “I call ‘next’!”

Sam grimaced and buried her face in both hands. “This is getting out of control.”

Alice elbowed me in the ribs. “You’re just loving this, aren’t you? Six girls fighting with each other to get your shorts off?”

I blinked. “I’m not complaining, that’s for sure.”

Zofi spoke up in support of her best friend. “Let’s everyone chill out until Friday, okay? We’ll figure it out together.”

“I still call ‘next’,” Naimh put in.

“We heard you,” Sam conceded. She looked at everyone else. “Are we all good?”

She got head nods around, and we both started to relax. At least nobody knew we’d had sex.



Per usual, Sam, Belle, and Mari came over to study, but Alice showed up too. Zofi had dance class on Monday afternoons and Naimh had her dentist appointment. That crowd was a little too big for Belle’s bedroom, so we took things down to spread out in her living room and at the dining table. Well, the girls spent most of their time at the dining table. I, somehow, barely got any work done as I got parked on the couch. And then one-by-one, the girls took turns coming to me for “study breaks”.

Mari went first, barely ten minutes into starting our homework. One minute, we were sitting side-by-side on the couch going over Calculus together. The next, the luscious Latina was straddling my lap with her arms around my neck and her tongue in my mouth. Five minutes after that, she had my cargo pants around my ankles while she knelt in front of the couch and bobbed her head slowly up and down my shaft. And two minutes after that, my neck muscles were straining as I desperately held onto my ejaculation when Mari duplicated Friday’s feat of taking me all the way down.

“Shit-shit-shit!” I grunted, clenching my abs tight.

“Don’t make him pop yet!” Sam hollered from the dining table. “It’s too early!”

Mari giggled, not an easy thing to do with a dick in your throat, and the vibrations of her giggle might’ve put me over the edge had she not promptly choked and backed off. It took her a minute to catch her breath, but no one was rushing us. Eventually she got her breathing under control, wiped her eyes, and gave me an embarrassed smile. I simply kissed her and told her it was my turn. She was more than happy to switch places with me and take her jeans off.

Alice went after Mari. She didn’t even care about making out; she just wanted my tongue on her clit ASAP. After I made my old friend cum on my face, I went to the bathroom to clean up and actually tried to get some work done. But now Sam wanted a “study break” and I found my arms full of horny blonde.

Like in the old days, Sam unbuttoned her blouse and pushed my face into her bra-clad tits while she dry-humped herself against the bulge in my pants. Unlike the old days, after a minute Sam unclasped the bra, pushed it up and out of the way, and now mashed my face in-between her naked breasts, getting me to suckle on her nipples while she reached into my shorts and started giving me a “wristy”, as she put it. At the same time, she leaned into my ear and whispered how much she wished she could mount me right then and there. As it was, she settled for stripping herself naked below the waist, yanking my pants and shorts down to my ankles, and dry-humping her bare pussy against my bare dick, the shaft trapped between our two bellies.

“Holy shit, Sam! Are you fucking him?!?” Alice suddenly shrieked in alarm.

Sam froze and craned her head around. “What? No!”

“It sure looks like you are!”

I glanced down. With Sam still wearing her blouse, the hem draped low enough behind her like a cape. It made sense that neither Alice nor anyone else could see what we were actually doing. And the rhythmic way Sam had been dry-humping me could certainly be interpreted as a fucking motion. I quickly scooped up the back of Sam’s shirt as Alice came over, with Mari and Belle right behind her. And Sam leaned back far enough for everyone to see my angry purple dick sticking up like a flagpole in-between our two bellies.

Alice looked visibly relieved, putting her hand on her chest. “Thank gawd. That would REALLY fuck up the whole BTC if you started fucking him.”

Sam and I exchanged a look and blushed. “Yeah, it probably would,” she agreed, looking pointedly at my chest.

Alice looked embarrassed now and held up both hands apologetically while backing up. “Sorry to interrupt. You two go right ahead.”

I nodded, but Sam shook her head and dismounted me, already hunting around for her clothes.

“Seriously,” Alice said contritely. “You can keep going. I’m sorry for doubting you. I mean, you’re the one who has always been such a stickler for The Rule.”

“Yeah, no worries. It’s fine,” Sam mumbled quietly.

Belle, sensing the mood, came over and knelt before me, saying warmly, “I’ll take care of him.”

I smiled down at the petite strawberry-blonde who looked adorably perky as she knelt before my waving dick. I loved the view even more when she took my throbbing erection into her mouth for the second time today, although none of the others knew she’d already given me a minivan blowjob this morning. She sucked me while gazing up at me with adoring eyes, and if she never stopped for the rest of my life, I would die a very happy man. But after a few minutes, it became apparent that neither Alice nor Mari was going back to their homework anytime soon, as both of them sat on either side of me intently watching Belle work.

Popping me out of her mouth, Belle offered my dick to Alice first. “Want a turn?”

“Eww, no,” Alice immediately replied, holding up both hands. While I’d now eaten her to a half-dozen orgasms in the last week and a half, she still had yet to try going down on me.

Belle shrugged like it was no big deal. “Mari? I think Matty would love to come all over those big tits of yours.”

The way my eyes lit up confirmed Belle’s theory. My little Annabelle gave me a few more licks while Mari knelt down next to her and promptly took off her shirt and bra, but instead of handing me off, the pixie blonde held my cock between them and started licking up one side while Mari giggled and started licking up the other side. It was my very first tandem blowjob, and I nearly spurted then and there.

Unfortunately, it didn’t last very long. Once Mari started sucking on my mushroom head, Belle stopped licking and just pumped my shaft with her hand a few times. And then Belle got up and left entirely, although she at least popped up and kissed me sweetly on the mouth before going back to the dining table.

Mari wanted to practice her deep-throating skills, and this time nobody told her to not let me pop yet. She got herself down to my base twice without choking, and pulled off to smile at me, quite proud of herself. I grinned, bent forward, and kissed her as a way of showing my thanks. And then she wrapped her massive melons around my shaft and started humping away, intent on making me explode within her cleavage.

A minute later, Mari got what she wanted with a geyser that splattered the underside of her chin before she milked out the rest of my load all over her mountainous chest. I thanked my “Angel”, gave her another kiss, and she left to go clean herself up.

That turned out to be the only time I came during the afternoon study group, although Alice did ask me to go down on her one more time. Only then did everyone remember that I hadn’t gone down on Belle, to which she replied, “Not done with my period yet.” Nobody bothered her any further. And in the end, everyone left, leaving me and Belle alone in the house.

No sooner did Mari’s car disappear down the road than Belle launched herself at me. She ended up sitting sideways in my lap, her arms wrapped around my neck while we made out on the couch. I reveled in the ability to let my hands roam all over her cute little body without fear of retribution or concern that I was crossing a line. For the entire study session, I’d been careful to be on my best behavior with Mari and especially Alice, and even Sam to an extent as I didn’t want to accidentally give away how far we’d gone together. Over the past few weeks, Belle’s petite body had become my personal playground. Now I could just let go and fondle my favorite little firecracker’s ass, run my hands up her sides, and thumb her nipples - basically do whatever the hell I wanted to her.

“I wanna go down on you,” I husked when we finally paused for air. “I’ve been waiting all day to return the favor after you gave me a blowjob last night and then left.”

Belle giggled and tickled my nose with her fingertip. “You should never feel obligated to make it up to me. I gave you a blowjob because I wanted to.”

“And I want to go down on you because -I- want to go down on you. I was expecting you to take a turn when Alice asked. Why did you say you were still on your period?”

Belle sighed and brushed a few loose bangs of hair behind her ear. “Well for one thing, I was worried about you doing something that would stretch me and make me tense up in pain. I really AM still sore down there. We can’t have sex again yet.”

I shook my head. “I didn’t ask for sex. I said wanted to go down on you. I don’t even have to push any fingers inside, just lemme lick your clit. Not much chance of stretching pussy muscles, right? An orgasm may even loosen you up.”

“And you would have this authoritative comprehension of female biology… how?”

“Just a theory,” I grinned, “worthy of research, dontcha think?”

Belle laughed and nodded her agreement. It didn’t take long to park her in my spot on the couch and take her jeans off. A minute later, she was gasping while holding her own legs apart beneath the knees and letting her head fall back as my tongue went to work.

She did whimper a few times in what sounded like pain, causing me to pause and ask if I was hurting her. She said it wasn’t bad, like sore calves after a long run, and grabbed the back of my head to shove me down into her crotch again. So I took that to mean she wanted me to keep going.

We didn’t have to stop at one orgasm. This was the whole advantage of having a one-on-one; nobody was waiting, after all. When she squeaked cutely and dumped a load of honey into my mouth, I just grabbed onto her ass, dragged her a little closer to the edge of the couch, and ramped her up to another one. But after the second climax, she pushed my head away, gasping. And as I sat back on my heels with a smug grin of pride in my work, Belle groaned, “Okay, now it’s starting to hurt again.” Grimacing, she added, “The orgasms are nice but I feel every single clench down there.”

My smug grin evaporated. I wiped my face with a couple of tissues and swiftly scooted next to her on the couch, hugging her tenderly. “I’m sorry.”

“I told you to stop apologizing.” She looked back at me, her expression inviting a kiss, so I quickly bent to give her one. She sighed in contentment and pulled my arm a little tighter around her midsection. “I feel bad though. You’re hard as a rock - I can feel it against my butt – and I know you want back inside, but I can’t give that to you.”

“It’s alright. I came all over Mari’s boobs a while ago. I’m good.”

Belle looked thoughtful. “I think you should call Sam.”

I blinked. “Excuse me?”

“She wants to keep fucking you, doesn’t she? That’s more or less what I interrupted last night, didn’t I?”

“Uh, well… I mean, my mother was there,” I stammered before the full memory came back to me and I finished, “But yeah, she wanted to.”

“So call her up. Invite her over.”

“You kidding me?” I chuckled. “I never thought in a million years I’d be cuddling with one girl – a half-naked girl who just had my face in her crotch – and have her suggest I invite over a different girl to have sex with.”

Belle giggled and turned back to kiss me again. “I’m one of a kind. Seriously, though, call her up.”

“We’ve got to start making dinner. Your dad will be home soon.”

“Not to come over now, and not here. Tell her to come to your house at like… seven o’clock.”

I laughed. “Funny you mention that.”


“Ungh, ungh, ungh, ungh, ungh!” Sam grunted rhythmically.

I couldn’t believe we were doing this.

“Soooo fucking hot,” Belle gasped beneath her breath, sitting in the desk chair with her hands in her panties, masturbating furiously.

I REALLY couldn’t believe we were doing this.

“Ungh, ungh, ungh, ungh, ungh!”

Sam was buck naked and bent over doggy-style: face-down, ass-up, and hugging my pillow beneath her chest while she absorbed each heavy thrust. I held her hips in my hands, driving my dick into the busty blonde beauty from behind over and over and over again, pumping my prick with piston-like precision.

“Spank her ass!” Belle moaned. “Spank that phat ass!”

Shaking my head in disbelief, I smiled to myself, reached back with my right hand, and let it fly…

I’m getting ahead of myself again.

It all started back when I told Belle that Sam and I had already made plans for her to come to my house at seven tonight. Mother often didn’t return until nine or ten o’clock on weekdays, and even if she came home early, she’d already given me explicit permission to “entertain my lady friends”. I hadn’t told Belle that part though, not sure if I really believed it myself yet.

I had NOT been prepared for what Belle said next.

“I wanna watch.”

I blinked in surprise. “Excuse me?”

There was no mistaking the heat in Belle’s voice. “I wanna watch you fucking Sam.”


“C’mon! I TOLD you last night that the idea excited me.”

“I know you did. I just…” I screwed up my face. “There are two problems I see: One, Sam doesn’t know yet that you know she took my virginity. And two, even if she knew, I can’t have her show up to the house, bring her into my bedroom, and say, ‘Oh, by the way, Belle wants to watch us fuck.’”

“Soooo… I’ll hide in the closet!” Belle suggested brightly.

My eyes flew open WIDE. “Excuse me?”

“Your closet’s right next to the bed. Just don’t close the bifold doors all the way.”

“But… I mean…”

“I’ll stay quiet and she’ll never know I was there!”

I rubbed my forehead. “This has disaster written all over it.”

“C’mon, what could go wrong?”

“You did NOT just say that.”

“What, superstitious?”

“You’re absolutely crazy, B.”

“I know. Dontcha love me?”

“I can’t believe I’m considering this.”

Belle just laughed and kissed me.

After dinner with her dad, Belle told him she was going over to my house. She was coming over in the evenings far more often than before, and I wondered if he’d started to suspect what kinds of activities we were getting up to. After all, if we were just hanging out and talking, why couldn’t we do so at her house instead of mine? But I had other things to worry about and didn’t dwell on that thought.

Belle did recon on my bedroom, standing in the closet and adjusting the louvered bifold doors while asking whether or not I could see her. Once satisfied, she came out and chatted with me while I fought stage fright over what we were about to do.

Sam arrived three minutes before seven. Belle went to hide in the closet while I headed downstairs to let her in. The gorgeous platinum-blonde stood on my front porch looking absolutely radiant, and I wondered not for the first time how one of the hottest girls in the entire school, if not THE hottest girl, had come to be one of my closest friends and now a lover.

She gave me a warm hug, pressing those luscious boobies into my chest while wrapping her arms around my midsection. She tilted her head to mine for a kiss, which I gave her gladly. And the touch of our lips instantly flicked a switch of electricity that sent surges of passionate energy throughout both of our bodies.

Sam’s leg came up to wrap around my hip. She devoured my face, grabbed my ass, and reached between us to cup my package in her hand. Pulling away for a brief moment, she murmured, “Should I blow you right here against the door?”

I nodded at first, having completely forgotten about Belle for a moment, but then abruptly shook my head and answered, “Let’s go up to my room. Juuust in case my mother shows up unexpectedly again.”

“Right. Totally,” Sam agreed immediately, still a bit traumatized from our previous maternal interruptions.

It was that spooked look Sam got in her eyes that made me immediately regret Belle’s plan. My heart ached at the idea of springing yet another unexpected encounter on her after what we’d already been through. So long as Belle stayed silent and didn’t get caught, perhaps it wouldn’t be an issue. But my anxiety over the situation didn’t go away, even after we ended up on my bed behind a locked door.

“What’s wrong?” Sam asked, recognizing that my attention wasn’t entirely on her. “You look distracted. And you’re not super-hard for me.”

Sam’s hands were in my shorts, her fingers wrapped around my semi-chubby. It was arousing to have a hot blonde sucking my face and stroking my dick, only I was too nervous to really enjoy it. But she didn’t know that. Her eyes were big and wary, her expression not so dissimilar from Saturday night when she couldn’t quite manage the deep-throat. And I felt like I could actually see her insecurities rising to the surface.

With a sigh, I let myself collapse flat on my bed and closed my eyes for a moment. Opening them again, I looked straight at the ceiling and announced, “I can’t do this.”

Sam sat up straight beside me, her panic rising. “It’s me, isn’t it? After last night, I started to think you--”

“No, no, not you, Sam,” I interrupted. “Nothing to do with you.”

“Are you reconsidering whether you--”

“I told Belle that we had sex,” I stated flatly, turning my head to face her.

Sam blinked a few times, at first looking worried and then relaxing quite considerably. “Oh, is that all?”

I raised both eyebrows and propped myself up on my elbows. “‘Is that all?’ I thought you were terrified of the BTC girls finding out.”

Sam’s relief was palpable. “I was, but I knew they’d all find out eventually. A second ago, I thought you were gonna say you didn’t want to have sex with me anymore. Like… say that I wasn’t good enough for you or something. THAT I would have gotten upset about. But… You and Belle have always been close. It sorta makes sense that you’d tell her. I was thinking of telling Zofi like… tomorrow.”


Sam nodded. “The thing with Alice this afternoon kinda freaked me out. When she thought you and I were fucking on the couch because my shirt was covering us and she apologized for doubting me. Made me feel like a two-faced tramp. I don’t think I can live with the guilt much longer.”

I winced. “Funny you should mention the idea of guilt.”

Sam read my face and frowned. “What did you do?”

“Not did. Doing.” I sighed and winced again. “Please don’t get mad. But after I told Belle, she uh… I don’t know how to say this.”

“Matty…” Sam growled warningly.

“She said she really wanted to watch. She’s in the closet right now,” I explained quickly.

“Wait, WHAT?”

Belle slid the closet door open. “Matty, seriously?!? You just TOLD her?!?”

“I couldn’t do it!” I stammered. “I’m sorry! It would’ve been a shitty show to watch anyway because I was terrified of her finding out and I would NOT have been able to perform anyway!”

“You were hiding in the closet?!?” Sam yelped at Belle.

Belle buried her face in both hands. “I canNOT believe this is happening.”

“You agreed to let her hide in the closet?!?” Sam yelped at me.

“She REALLY wanted to watch us and I didn’t know how to say ‘no’ and I’m sorry but at least I told you before we actually started doing anything!” I squawked back.

“Why would you TELL her?” Belle squalled.

“How could I NOT tell her?!” I protested. “She trusts me and I don’t wanna lose that trust, alright?”

“Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait!” Sam screeched, holding up both hands palms out, one at me and one at Belle until we shut up and looked at her. Then, she turned to Belle. “You wanted to watch us having sex so badly that your bright idea was to hide in his closet?!?”

Belle turned bright pink. “Uhhh… well…”

Sam smirked. “If you wanted to watch, you could’ve just ASKED.”

Belle looked confused. “Um, what?”

Sam giggled and smiled at me. “I’m an attention whore.” She looked back at Belle. “I LOVE having an audience.”


Belle didn’t have to hide in the closet anymore, so she sat in my desk chair. Both she and Sam told me to pretend like she wasn’t there, but I couldn’t help my eyes darting over to look at her every so often as Sam did her level-best to calm my nerves and distract me by gradually revealing her gorgeous naked body to my hungry gaze.

She was quite successful.

The curvaceous Aussie blonde still wore her school clothes, dressed to be alluring but not skanky. It’s amazing what a difference a few buttons make on a blouse though, especially with a 36DD rack like hers. I started salivating as inch after inch of creamy titflesh was slowly revealed to my hungry gaze. But even after she finished unbuttoning the blouse from throat to tails, she didn’t take it off. Instead, she turned around, waggled her juicy ass at me, and started taking down her jeans by bending over at the waist in order to drag the offending material all the way down to her ankles.

Sam didn’t have the fancy corset or expensive lingerie of Saturday night, but she still wore matching underwear. The bikini-cut panties exposed the firm skin of her supple asscheeks, and the patch at her crotch looked darkened and damp, evidence of her arousal. Sam waggled her ass at me teasingly, remaining bent all the way over. And then without standing up, she reached for her panties and started them on their downward journey as well.

I groaned as the blonde bombshell’s naked ass and puffy pink pussy were revealed to me. She stepped out of the panties, stood up, and turned around to finally take off the blouse, leaving only her breasts still covered up. The bra this time was a front clasp, and while staring straight at me to watch my reaction, she finally set those puppies free and opened the cups like a set of double-doors, welcoming the arrival of my gaze.

The whole time, I kept shooting quick glances at Belle, looking for any sign of jealousy, anger, or resentment. In all fairness, if you’d asked me to watch Belle… MY Annabelle… giving some other guy a blowjob, I would’ve throttled your neck on the spot. But there were no recriminations from her lips, no clenches of tension in her jaw, just raw sexual excitement in her every expression. There was only pure heat in her eyes as she watched Sam peel off my clothes, jack my shaft in her hands, and start going down on me.

In fairness, Belle had seen Sam do all these things to me and more. She’d seen ALL of the girls messing around with me by now, so perhaps I was overthinking the situation entirely. Likewise, Sam had now performed with the BTC as an audience many times, and as I let that concept truly sink into my brain, I started to relax.

At least, I relaxed until Sam climbed into my lap, notched my cockhead into position, and slowly sank herself all the way down. Then I tensed WAY up, anxiety over Belle’s jealousy coming back into my mind. And instead of watching Sam’s wet pussy make my dick disappear from view, I watched the changing expressions on Belle’s face as she witnessed someone else’s penetration for the first time.

Her pale green eyes glowed as she stared, enraptured, at the junction point. Her mouth hung open as she panted shallowly, her jaw dropping lower and lower in sympathy with Sam’s bare-shaven pussy sinking downward to meet my crotch. At the moment of touchdown, Belle shuddered and briefly closed her eyes. Only then did I notice she’d shoved a hand into her panties and was rubbing herself furiously.

The next twenty minutes were a whirlwind of activity. Sam certainly performed for her audience, tossing her hair, squeezing her own tits, and moaning erotically-charged phrases quite loudly.

“So fucking deep inside me! I love your big cock! It fills me up so gooood!”

“You like that? You like that? Huh? Feeling my tight pussy squeezing your fucking big dick?”

“So good! So good! You’re making me cum so hard!”

You know, shit like that.

In all fairness, Sam said a lot of those things on Saturday when we didn’t have an audience. But she was saying them a lot MORE tonight, and she said a lot of them while staring straight at Belle, not me.

I didn’t mind. I was just happy to be along for the ride.

Sam rode herself to three screaming orgasms, climaxes I can’t take much credit for. I just sort of lay there and let her use me like a living dildo. My greatest contribution to that round was simply my ability to NOT bust my nut, and the primary reason for that accomplishment was Belle sucking a load out of me before dinner, right after I’d agreed to let her come watch. But I couldn’t last forever, not with a gorgeous girl gyrating against my groin saying erotic shit like that and bending over every now and again to smother my face with her massive breasts. So when my neck muscles got tense, and when I started clenching my teeth in an effort to hold on just a little longer, Sam grinned and glanced over at Belle.

“You wanna see him blow a massive load all over my big tits?”

Belle shook her head, breathing hard, her hand still moving within her panties. “Inside you.”

Sam frowned and looked surprised. “Really?”

Belle chuckled and stopped masturbating for a minute. Her eyes glittered as she leaned forward and explained in a husky voice, “I’ve already seen him cum on your tits lots of times. But you’re having SEX now. I’ve never seen him fill up your pussy. When he’s done, I want you to sit up and let his cum dribble out all over his spent cock. And then I’m gonna come over there and lick it up.”

“Oh, shit,” I grunted as I started cumming right then and there. Sam had never gone completely still, rocking her hips in undulating circles while squeezing her inner muscles around my prick. But it was the vision of my creamy jism seeping out of Sam’s sodden snatch onto my shaft and then Belle snaking her tongue out to scoop up and swallow my sperm that set me off. And before I realized what was going on, I was already erupting great gouts of hot lava to Sam’s surprise and mine.

Sam flinched as she felt the first impact and started squeezing her inner muscles to milk out every last drop. She leaned forward and planted her palms on my pecs, eyes sparkling and mouth gaping a smile as she watched the expressions on my face while I continued to fountain semen into her hot body. Over and over again my hips bucked, spewing sperm with every shot. Finally, I was spent. And I collapsed completely while the hot blonde mounted on my dick bent forward to give me another fierce kiss.

We made out for a couple of minutes while our bodies slowly cooled off. But just when I started to go soft, Sam glanced back at Belle with a self-satisfied smirk. “Looks like you’re gonna get your wish.”

Belle perked up as Sam put her feet down and then lifted herself off me with an audibly wet squelch. The busty blonde remained in a squatting position over my pelvis, her knees apart with her forearms braced atop her upper thighs.

Once freed from the moist grip of her pussy, my flagging erection tipped back toward my belly, slowly starting to shrink back down. But it was still more than half-hard when the first glob of cum leaked out from the gap between Sam’s red-worn labia, pulled down by gravity until its fall was arrested by its impact against my purplish prick. The second glob emerged a few seconds later, like a droplet from a leaky faucet. And the rest followed soon after as Sam clenched and grunted trying to squeeze out the rest of my jizz.

Eventually, the steady trickle stopped, and Sam flopped over to sit down heavily on the mattress opposite Belle. The strawberry-blonde pixie got out of the desk chair, eyes on fire as she stared at the collected cream coating my cock. She hovered over me for a second, turning to look first Sam and then me in the eyes, a wicked grin on her face. And then her gaze turned downwards as she took her first lick, curling the cute tip of her tongue to capture as much cum as she could.

Belle didn’t put it in her mouth right away. She stared straight at me while holding her tongue extended, making damn sure I could see the jizz she’d licked up. And only when the slimy semen started to slide off did she finally slurp it all into her mouth and swallow with relish.

Belle went back for more, licking and slurping and not stopping until every glob was gone. She even started sucking on my dick just for good measure, more to ensure she hadn’t missed a single drop than any desire to revive me for another round. But just because that wasn’t her intent didn’t mean it didn’t work, and by the time she was done I was halfway to another rigid erection.

“That was so fucking hot…” Sam breathed, staring at Belle with a mixture of surprise and fresh admiration. “I never knew you had it in you to do something that kinky.”

Belle giggled. “Matty brings out the best in me.”

“Me, too.” Sam’s expression softened as she gazed over at me. From the look on her face, I started to understand how Mother knew I wouldn’t be a virgin for long.

Belle stood up and gestured to my crotch. “I’m finished. He’s all yours again.”

Sam gestured to my crotch, replying, “You’re welcome to keep going. I don’t mind sharing.”

Belle grinned and shook her head. “I like watching.”

“Clearly,” Sam said with a smile as she bent over to start sucking me again.

“And this time,” Belle continued. “I want to watch him fuck you from behind.”


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