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-- CHAPTER 8: Annabelle --


I’ll never forget for the rest of my life the first time I entered her. She was so freaking tight. At 5’1” with proportionally scaled-down hips, Belle was a small girl, and her vagina was similarly small. Add in the fact that she was a virgin who’d never stuffed a cucumber, hairbrush, or even a tampon into her pussy, and you’re setting up a recipe for peeling the skin off my dick upon entry. Seriously, the two fingers I’d stuffed into her tonight only to the second knuckles were the biggest things she’d ever felt inside her. Those muscles simply weren’t prepared to be stretched by something as thick as my dick, and I’m a little embarrassed to say her deflowering did not go very well.

Belle, too anxious to get fucked for the first time, was overly overconfident in her virgin pussy’s ability to accept my big dick without preparation. While I told her I wanted to go down on her first and get her warmed up, she insisted she was already wet and wanted to feel me INSIDE her. Like NOW. Before I second-guessed everything and went into vapor lock about thinking of her like my little sister again.

She had already stripped herself naked, so once we agreed that yes, we were doing this, she helped me get naked too.

“Do you still wanna be on top, or do you want me?” I asked.

“You.” She smiled up at me coyly. “I’d settled for the idea of impaling myself on you before you realized what was going on. But I’ve always dreamed of you holding me in your arms, looking down into my eyes, and cuddling me close while you push your thick cock into my little pussy to just… take… me.”

Well that sounded pretty great to me, so I rolled Belle onto her back, climbed on top, and started kissing her like the apocalypse was imminent and the last things I wanted to feel on this earth before the meteor of doom hit were her lips pressing against mine.

I actually told her that while we were kissing, and she moaned and wrapped her legs around me. Our height difference was such that her pussy was more or less around my belly button while we kissed, so it wasn’t like I could grind my shaft against her clit, not without breaking our lip-lock. All of a sudden she was in a terrible hurry, whimpering, “In me, Matty. I need you in me. Please?”

How could I possibly say no to that? So I nodded my assent, crawled forward a bit so that my chin was at the crown of her head, and looked back down my body. She reached for my dick before I could, spreading her legs wide and aiming my mushroom head at her entrance. Her labia had been opened slightly by my fingers, so it wasn’t like her pussy was completely closed. She managed to notch me into place, and while keeping her tiny right hand circled around my shaft as a guide, she dug her heels into my ass, directing me to start pushing my way inside.

It hurt.

A lot.

I did a full push-up, locking my elbows so that I could get a good view of her face as she felt her first ever penis penetrating her pussy. She said she wanted me looking down into her eyes, and if she’d been looking back at me she would’ve seen the concern in my gaze. But her eyes were clenched shut as she grimaced and winced and generally looked to be in terrible discomfort, so I immediately stopped my forward momentum and started to retreat.

“No!” she cried, clamping onto me with her legs and gripping my dick tight in her right hand. “In me! In me!”

“You look like you’re in pain,” I reasoned.

“A girl’s first time always hurts; don’t you know that?”

“Uh, I mean I’ve heard stories, but--”

“Just fucking DO IT!” Hugging my torso, Belle yanked on me with both legs and arms, so I stopped resisting her and began to push my way forward again.

Belle was in agony. She screamed, and not in a good way, as my cockhead tried and failed to push through. Her labia weren’t separating, and it felt like I was pressed up against a brick wall. Tears were now running down her eyes, and after the way Sam had cried so much it made her waterproof mascara run, I was beginning to wonder if every sex encounter I ever had would begin with me making the girl cry.

“I don’t think it fits,” I groaned, feeling Belle’s insistent pressure for me to push down but literally feeling blocked by… something. It was as if my dick was caught in a spider-web or some other kind of elastic sheet.

“It’ll fit!” Belle whimpered. “Everyone has always said it’ll fit. I’m a girl! A woman! My body was made for this!”

“It’s not fitting though. And I don’t think you’re really wet enough. Lemme go down on you. Give you a nice orgasm and get the fluids going. Stretch you with my fingers a bit, huh?”

“Just push it in, gawddammit!” The tears were flowing freely, and she looked absolutely terrible. “Maybe it’s my hymen, I dunno. Just DO IT! Tear that shit up! In me! Now, Matty! INNNNN-OOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!

I should have listened to my own advice, but she was so insistent I finally just slammed my hips forward. That elastic sheet suddenly ripped, and before I knew it, I had three inches of dick inside her. That was it. I’d torn Belle’s cherry. She wasn’t a virgin anymore.

I’ll never forget for the rest of my life the first time I entered her. And NOT in a good way.

I had three inches inside her, but I wasn’t getting any farther anytime soon. I may have gotten past the first obstacle, but more challenges still lay ahead. Now that I’d gotten past her entrance, I figured pushing in the rest of me should be fairly easy. But it wasn’t. She was SO. FUCKING. TIGHT.

I tried letting gravity drop my hips, but I didn’t budge. Actually, attempting to support all my weight on my dick just sorta made my dick start bending in a direction it wasn’t meant to, and that didn’t feel good at all. I tried digging my toes in and really mashing my hips downward, and that got me maybe another inch, but that’s all.

Meanwhile, Belle started sobbing, in a world of pain, and when I looked back down and saw her face, my resolve completely left me. I’d spent years convincing myself that my role was to protect Belle like my little sister, not to molest her, fantasize about her, objectify her, or in any other way consider her as a sexual being. I was the one getting high-fives from Belle’s dad for telling him I’d pound the face in of any boy who made her cry. And yet here I was, the molester who had painfully torn Belle’s precious maidenhead and quite literally made her cry.

I got my knees under me, pulled out, and that’s when I saw the blood on my dick. I didn’t know for sure if it was hymen blood or period blood, but let’s get real: seeing blood on your dick is NOT arousing in the slightest, and I started to soften immediately.

Belle didn’t seem much in a sexy mood, either. And as soon as I pulled out, she twisted her hips and curled up into a fetal position, hugging my pillow like a life preserver while she sobbed her little heart out.

I grabbed a few tissues and quickly cleaned up my shriveling penis. Then I dropped to the mattress and spooned behind Belle, holding her firmly in my arms. She shuddered and backed up into me, seeking comfort in my embrace, so that helped me not feel so bad about the molesting-destroyer-of-virginities feeling, and I shushed her gently, feeling a very weird sense of déjà vu having done basically the same thing just last night with Sam in this very same house.

“I’ve failed you,” Belle sobbed.

“No, no. It’s okay, it’s okay. This isn’t your fault.”

Seriously, I was NOT expecting to be in this position again so soon. Less than twenty-four hours ago I’d lost my virginity to one of my gorgeous friends, and now I’d taken the virginity of another of my gorgeous friends. Less than twenty-four hours ago, I’d had to comfort a despondent girl who was crying over her apparent failure to please me. And now here I was again.

“I wouldn’t have even been able to impale you by surprise if I wanted,” she moaned in abject misery. “I’m too small. It wouldn’t have fit.”

“I think we were just in too much of a hurry,” I reasoned. “I should’ve taken the time to stretch you out before we started. This is my fault. I should’ve slowed you down.”

“This is MY fault. I was the one who insisted you just hammer it in.”

“We’ll do better next time. There WILL be a next time. I’m not going to go into vapor lock and try to say you’re like a little sister to me anymore. I can’t hide behind that shield any longer, because it’s time I admitted the truth to myself. I LOVE you. I’ve always loved you. Fuck, I’ve been in love with you since I was twelve. You’re my Annabelle.”

She was still crying, but the sobbing slowed and eventually stopped, and her whole body went still for a second. Then, the petite strawberry-blonde in my arms started to turn around, looking back at my face through bleary eyes. “Wait, what did you say?”

“I love you. You’re my Annabelle,” I repeated.

“No, the other part. You’re in love with me?”

“What? No. I’ve always loved you, and I always WILL love you.”

“No, no. You specifically said you were IN love with me.”

I snorted and backed away from her a bit. “That’s just crazy, B. I think you misheard me.”

Belle frowned and furrowed her eyebrows as she completely turned around to face me. “You’re lying. You’re not a very good liar, and I can always tell.”

“Belle, seriously.”

“How long have you been in love with me?”

“I’m NOT. I’m not in love with ANY of the girls. That would totally ruin the BTC. We’ve had this conversation before.”

“Then why did you say it a minute ago?”

“I didn’t.”

“Yes you did,” she said seriously. “You said you’ve been in love with me since you were twelve.”

I sighed. “Yes, I had a crush on you when I was twelve. I’ve told you that already, back when you were infatuated with Taylor Guazelli.”

“And you’ve been in love with me all this time?”

“No, no, of course not. You’re blowing this whole thing out of proportion, B.”

“Am I?”

“I can’t be in love with you. You know that.”

“Why not? And don’t give me some bullshit about me being your little sister.”

“No, I told you I wasn’t going to hide behind that anymore.”

“Why were you hiding behind it in the first place?”

“I…” My voice trailed off, and I took a deep breath to try and collect myself.

“You’re not twelve anymore, Matty. You told me you mentally categorized me as ‘out of bounds’ so you wouldn’t be hurt by rejection, but that was a long time ago. There hasn’t been a Taylor Guazelli in my life for a long time, and the relationship we have now is nothing like it was back then.”

“It’s not,” I agreed. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and tried to relax my brain. I could feel the truth bubbling beneath the surface, the words trying to float into my brain if only I’d let them. Just like the words, ‘I’ve been in love with you since I was twelve’ had come into my brain and flown out of my mouth all on their own, a sentence I couldn’t deny I’d said any longer.

“I…” I began again, but stopped as I felt the old mental blocks coming back into my mind.

Belle was patient. She didn’t press me.

“I…” I began again, and once again stopped and closed my eyes.

Belle rubbed my shoulder and gave me a warm, inviting smile.

I started shaking my head, muttering, “I can’t. It’s… I--”

“I love you, too, Matty,” Belle said softly. “I’ve been IN love with you a long time, too. Not since I was twelve, unfortunately. But… I dunno. Fifteen? Before the BTC. I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but it’s certainly the reason why I never really dated anyone else.”

I blinked in shock. “Wait, what?”

Belle grinned. “That’s why I always knew you’d get my cherry. It could never have been anyone else.”

“But you’ve gone out of your way… several times… to state that you’re not IN love with me.”

Belle shrugged. “We all lie, even to ourselves, to avoid getting hurt. How could I tell you I was in love with you when you constantly held me at arm’s length with your whole ‘little sister’ schtick? You made out with everyone but never let ME kiss you. It would have broken my heart to admit I was in love with you only to have you fall in love with… I dunno… fall in love with Sam or something.”

“I’m not in love with Sam.”

“I know that, and I’m glad for it.”

“Shit, B. What are we gonna do? If I’m in love with you, and you’re in love with me… what the HELL are we gonna tell the girls?”

Belle shook her head. “We’re not gonna tell them anything. Nothing changes, at least not for now. I may have tried to cover up just how strongly I felt for you, but I wasn’t lying about not breaking up the BTC for us. There will be time for us to figure out our feelings for each other. There will be time for us to figure out your feelings for the other girls, too. And yes, there will be time for us to make this sex thing work. Because I'll be honest, if we don’t figure out how to make this sex thing work and it’s gonna be THAT fucking painful every time we try it, I am falling OUT of love with you as soon as fucking possible.”

I laughed at that and leaned in to kiss her. She met me with a tender brush of her lips, and I reached up to stroke her cheek.

When we pulled back, I stated sincerely, “I do love you, Annabelle.”

She glowed and replied back primly, “And I love you, Matthew.”

Belle giggled and shook her head. “It does feel a little weird, calling you by your full name. You’ve been Matty to me for as long as I can remember.”

I shook my head. “You used to call me Matthew all the time when we were little. Back then, I NEVER called you Belle. Your friends did, but not me. You had ALWAYS been my… holy crap.”

Belle gave me an amused look. “I’d always been your ‘holy crap’?”

My eyes were wide and unseeing. The truth that I’d been trying to keep down had suddenly floated up into my brain while I’d been distracted. And I shook my head at the realization.

“What is it?” Belle asked.

“I just realized when… and why… I stopped calling you Annabelle and started using Belle instead.”

She snorted. “Because I kept ASKING you to call me ‘Belle’?”

I gave her a sad look and said, “I remember why you started insisting everyone call you ‘Belle’ instead.”

Her eyes flickered, and I saw her start to close up a bit.

“Too painful?” I asked.


“You had always been Annabelle to me. Your mom LOVED saying your full name, saying she chose it because it was so beautiful, like you. And every time I called you by your full name, I remembered the way your mom used to say it, too.”

“Matty,” Belle said a little more strongly, a touch of warning in her voice.

“She was as much a mom to me as she was to you, far more than my own mother, and once she was gone, I clung to you like a life preserver. After we lost her, I was terrified of losing you. I told you it was never a sexual thing back then. I hadn’t hit puberty and didn’t even have hormones. But I knew I wanted to spend every waking moment possible with you. I wanted to marry you, maybe not so much because I wanted to date you or anything like that, but because if we got married, we’d be together forever.”

Her expression softened. “I used to dream about that too. Still do, every now and again.”

I smiled. “Maybe we WILL be together forever. We’re still teenagers right now. Who knows what the future will hold?”

She looked hopeful. “Maybe.”

My smile faded. The truth had come into my mind, and it wasn’t leaving. “But I couldn’t have you back then. By the time I was twelve I was in love with you, but you wanted Taylor Guazelli. I realized I couldn’t have you, and yes, you did keep asking me to call you ‘Belle’ instead of ‘Annabelle’, especially around your friends.”

She gave me a curious look, a kind of realization dawning on her face even before I said it.

“The day I decided you were my ‘sister’ and that I’d never get to have you? That was the day I stopped calling you ‘Annabelle’, at least on a regular basis. From then on, you were just ‘Belle: my sister’. It was as if I could package up all the love I felt for you into the full name ‘Annabelle’ and tuck it away for safekeeping. It still comes out from time to time, in those special moments when it’s just me and you and I feel so happy inside I can’t help but think of you as ‘my Annabelle’ the way we were when we were kids. But so long as you were 'Belle' or even just 'B' to me, we’d never be more than friends.”

“Matty…” she caressed my cheek and said a little uncertainly, “Matthew…”

I arched an eyebrow at the way she physically chewed, as if tasting the way my full name felt in her mouth.

Shaking her head slowly, she grimaced and said, “I don’t think I can go there. It’s a nice enough name, but you’re still Matty to me.”

I laughed. “I never said you had to use MY full name. I’m good with ‘Matty’. Really, I am.”

She looked relieved. I leaned in and kissed her, and gave her a warm smile when we pulled apart.

“I’ll love you no matter what you call me. But for those times I do call you ‘Annabelle’--”

“I’ll hear you saying ‘I love you’ in my mind,” she finished for me.

I grinned. “Yeah, pretty much.”

“Works for me.”

I nodded, and she nodded, and a long silence fell over both of us. We smiled at each other, unsure of what to say. And after the silence started to become a little awkward, only then did we seem to remember our nudity.

“I did NOT expect to have this conversation today,” I finally said, a little embarrassed.

“Me neither. But…” She popped her eyebrows and gave me a hopeful smile. “I know this hasn’t been the most ‘uber sexy’ conversation, but would it be too weird for me to say I’d still like to take another shot at this sex thing?”

I raised my eyebrows. “You sure?”

“I don’t want to go to bed tonight still a… Well I guess I’m not technically a virgin anymore, but I still don’t feel like I’ve earned my woman card.”

I smiled but held up a finger. “You’re letting me go down on you this time, no arguments.”

“Not arguing.”

“Maybe I shoulda bought some lube.” I suddenly grimaced and rubbed my temple as if I could physically scrub away the thought that had just popped into my mind.


I sighed. “It occurred to me that Mother might actually have some in her bedroom. As much as I don’t want to think about it, she’s been a single woman who has kept herself in amazing shape ever since the divorce, and while she’s never brought a man here as far as I know, she definitely stays out pretty late at night.”

Belle could tell I really didn’t want to go snooping around Mother’s bedroom and she stroked my hair, saying, “Don’t worry about getting lube. We’ll make it work.”

Relieved, I nodded and repeated back to her, “We’ll make it work.”


We made it work.

We had both learned our lesson after that disastrous first attempt. We took our time, made sure she was plenty wet, and I pre-stretched her out as best I could.

Belle’s bright idea was to have our very first two-person shower to get cleaned up first. I was in heaven soaping up her petite, naked body, running my hands all over every inch of her silky-smooth skin. After years of fighting my own conscience every time I touched her in a semi-intimate way, it was SUCH a relief to simply enjoy myself grabbing her ass, fondling her tits, and kissing her lips beneath the shower spray.

We dried off and returned to my bedroom completely naked. We kissed and laughed and fell onto my bed to kiss some more. But eventually I started kissing my way down her body, pausing of course to luxuriate in her boobs. She would never have the massive melons Sam or Mari sported – globes that big would’ve looked ridiculous on Belle's tiny frame – but she was so skinny and small that she ended up looking pretty top-heavy anyway, which to me meant they were perfect. I liked my girls pretty top-heavy, you know?

I devoured her breasts while Belle giggled and stroked my hair. But rather than linger, I quickly kissed my way down the rest of her body, tickling her ribs and briefly sticking my tongue into her belly button before reaching the juncture of her thighs.

By now I’d eaten Belle’s pussy many times, so it was with no hesitation that I wrapped my lips around her clit and shoved my tongue up into her twat. Desperate to make up for the pain I’d caused during her deflowering, I sought to soothe her strained muscles while paradoxically doing my level best to make them clench up in climax. At first, I succeeded more at the latter when I ate her to an orgasm, but in the end still got the former because she went limp and got super-relaxed after cumming. That’s when I slithered first one and then a second finger into her narrow channel, pumping slowly, intent on stretching her out while I languidly licked at her pleasure button to keep her distracted.

“Squeeze…” I intoned softly. “Imagine my cock is inside you. Squeeze… and release… Yeah… like that… Clench tight… and relax… Holy shit, B, you’re gonna feel so good when I’m inside you. Release… yesss…”

My little lover was moaning and on her way to another orgasm when I pushed in a third finger. But once I had three fingers sliding in and out pretty well, I figured she'd been stretched out enough and switched gears to concentrate on getting her another oral orgasm.

Sam had taught me a few tricks, and I’d practiced them on the girls during Friday’s naked in heels bootcamp as well. But Belle had been on her period and I’d been unable to go down on her, so I was eager to explore and see how she reacted. Rotating my wrist and reducing down to two fingers again, I curled my digits up in search of her g-spot. I could tell I'd found it when Belle shivered and suddenly couldn’t keep her hips still. I bore down with my lips and did my best to keep her pinned beneath me. Eating a moving target isn’t easy, as I’m sure any African predator will tell you. But it didn’t take long before I made her cry out in ecstasy, and once again, my little Annabelle went limp beneath me.

It was time.

Wiping my face with the back of my forearm, I didn’t waste a moment before sliding up her body and notching myself into place. Her puffy pink labia were now wide-open and inviting instead of closed up tighter than a clamshell, and with only a little bit of pressure I felt my mushroom head pop in.

Belle gasped, her eyes fluttering open as she felt that first penetration, and she immediately clenched up.

“Release… release…” I soothed. Stroking her forehead, I added sincerely, “I love you, Annabelle… I love you, Annabelle… I love you, Annabelle…”

She cooed into my ear as her body visibly relaxed beneath me, and with a little more pressure I steadily burrowed inch after inch into her tiny body.

She was still exquisitely tight, tighter than anything I’d ever felt in my life, not that I had a whole lot of sexual experience. Even Mari’s deep-throat couldn’t compare, and when I finally had every last inch of myself inside her, I had to stop and just savor the experience.

Belle was like minded, breathing shallowly with her eyes closed and her forehead furrowed in concentration. It took more than a minute to get myself fully seated, and now that she realized I’d stopped, she opened her eyes and squeaked softly, “Did it all fit?”

I chuckled and pecked her forehead. I had to hunch my back in order to get low enough to kiss her lips, and I sighed, “Yes, it all fit.”

Barely. She was a perfect fit for me, her pussy tailor-made like a glove that matched my cock to its exact specifications without a millimeter to spare. The feeling of being inside her was exquisite, even without any thrusting. My heart was filled with love for the girl I’d adored since I first realized the human species came in two different sexes. And for the next several minutes, we were both happy to remain as we were, making out for the first time while joined together so completely.

But after a while, Belle broke away to breathe, looked up at me through heavily lidded eyes, and murmured, “Fuck me, Matty. I wanna feel it.”

Her words said “fuck me”, but I was seized by a sense of wrongness in that, not so different from the wrongness I used to feel about molesting my “little sister”. I wasn’t going into vapor lock or anything, but I suddenly remembered something Belle had said earlier. She didn’t want to hear my bullshit about how I’d never promised I’d “fuck her”; she’d specifically used the phrase “make love” to her. And THAT somehow felt so much more… right… to me.

So I told her, “I’m not gonna fuck you.”

Belle blinked and looked up at me in surprise, not understanding.

I smiled and said, “I’m going to make love to you.” And then I kissed her.

I did make love to her. Not that there’s anything wrong with fucking. I’d fucked the shit out of Sam last night and she’d loved every second of it. Someday soon I’d fuck the shit out of Belle and I knew she’d love it too. But tonight, Belle and I made love.

I slowly retracted a few inches and then smoothly pushed my way in. I took up a gentle rhythm, not too hard and not too fast. Belle’s pussy was still too constricting to build up much speed anyway. She was copiously wet, but the friction was still incredible. Even my leisurely pace was enough to generate a world of sensation for both of us, evidenced by the fireworks in my brain and the whimpers and moans of Belle beneath me.

“You’re so big inside me,” she whined, arching her back and wincing at the edge of pain but not quite. “I feel so full…”

“You feel so good around me,” I hummed right back. “Your pussy’s amazing, Annabelle.”

“So deep… So big… So… OOOH!” Belle’s eyes suddenly flew open. “Ohmigawd what was that?”

I blinked in surprise myself. I’d started to retract a few more inches, until I was almost out, before sliding back in. The extra inches and extra push let me get about another centimeter or two of depth on the downstroke, and when I hit bottom it felt like my cockhead had bounced off a spongy wall.

“I think I hit your cervix,” I muttered in wonder.

“Do it again!” she breathed. “It set off a little sparkle in my brain.”

As ordered, I pulled back and thrust all the way in again, but somehow didn’t quite get deep enough. I didn’t feel the bump, neither did she, and Belle looked a little disappointed.

“Hang on a sec,” I told her and scooped my arms beneath her legs, spreading them out to the sides until my elbows hooked under her knees.

This time, when I pulled back and thrust in, I felt that little bump at the end, and Belle’s eyes fluttered as she cooed, “Oooh, yeah… That was it. Do it again.”

So I did. Again and again and again.

“Ungh, ungh, ungh,” Belle started groaning every time I hit that spot.

“Hmph, hmph, hmph,” I was grunting every time I put that much extra energy into my thrusts.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she started chanting, her pussy squeezing me as I powered my way through her narrow channel. I still wasn’t up to true “fucking” speed; she was still too tight for that. But I was definitely thrusting harder than I had in the beginning.

“I love it,” Belle whined. “I love this. I love you! Why the fuck didn’t we start doing this sooner?”

It was a rhetorical question, one I couldn’t answer right away. I was too focused on getting her off, sensing just how close she was getting to cumming. Her eyes were shut as she concentrated on the sensations I was giving her. My eyes were laser focused on her face, watching her reactions and reveling in the sense that -I- was the one giving her such pleasure. And all of a sudden, her eyes flew open as she announced, “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum! OHHHWWWAAAAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!”

Belle’s back arched, her hips thrust upwards, and she met my next thrust so that my dickhead made one big hammer blow against her cervix. She screamed even louder when that happened, going into what looked like epileptic convulsions at first glance. I tried to keep fucking through that orgasm, but her cunt clenched down, constraining my cock and keeping it captured in her clutches. With my dick completely surrounded, her muscles milked me from all sides until I couldn’t take it anymore. And a second later, I felt my own ejaculation begin to FLOW.

“ANNABELLLLLLLE!” I yelled, feeling my mushroom head open up like a firehose and begin spraying gallons of creamy cum straight into her cervix. Over and over again I poured my seed into Belle’s snatch, my hips twitching as I filled her up to the brim.

And then I collapsed, gasping for breath. I braced my elbows on the mattress lest I crush her beneath my weight. Our height difference was such that my head was above hers, so she pressed her lips against my chest and nibbled a little on my collarbone.

“Ohhh, Matty…” she crooned, her voice filled with rapturous ecstasy.

Belle… my Annabelle… lay beneath me all hot and sweaty and gasping for air in the aftermath of her very first coital orgasm while feeling my sperm soaking into her womb. Her hands gripped my upper arms as if fearful I would somehow evaporate into an ethereal mist if she let go, that I would fade away into nothing more than a dream.

But this was real. It was all real. Belle and I actually had sex.

Or as I preferred to think of it: we’d made love.

I’d never felt so happy in my entire life.


Mother came home before dinnertime, by which time Belle had already gone back home. She didn’t ask me how my conversation had gone, nor did she really say anything to me at all. She took note of my completely normal appearance watching NFL highlights in the TV room and continued on her way without a word. Although she didn’t cook very often, it didn’t mean she was incapable. So she made dinner for both of us and the rest of the evening passed in relative normality.

And then Sam called me. The cordless handset in the kitchen rang (remember, we didn’t have cell phones yet), and I went to pick it up. Long story short, she asked if she could come over, I advised her that my mother was home, and she said that wouldn’t be an issue. I asked Mother if it would be alright for Sam to visit, and she gave her okay, so I went ahead and let Sam know it would be alright.

The beautiful blonde arrived ten minutes later, and she gave me a warm hug and a pretty passionate kiss on the lips when I let her in the front door. Mother was in the living room, so when Sam noticed her, she blushed and offered a polite greeting. But I quickly took my blonde friend by the hand and led her up to my bedroom, closing the door behind us for privacy.

“So how are you doing?” I asked neutrally as I walked over to where Sam was standing by the foot of my bed.

She didn’t answer verbally, instead wrapping her arms around my neck and searing a fierce kiss across my lips. She then pivoted the both of us so that I flopped backwards across my bed while she followed on top of me.

My knees were hanging off the foot of the bed while Sam crawled over me on all fours and speared her tongue back into my mouth. At first, I enjoyed the thrill of Sam’s kiss and returned her passion with equal fervor, but a moment later I broke my lips away from hers and gasped, “My mother’s right downstairs!”

“So what? She already knows we’re fucking,” Sam reasoned.

“Having her catch us in the act is one thing. Deliberately starting something while she’s in the house is something else.”

Sam frowned, realized I was serious, and pouted overdramatically. “But I’ve been thinking of you all day and I’ve been desperate to feel you inside me again! We can be quiet.”

I arched an eyebrow. “You? Quiet?” I deadpanned. I’d literally never seen Sam have a quiet orgasm, whether on my cock, on my tongue, or even just dry-humping me out on Matty’s Chair. She was definitely a screamer.

Sam winked. “Well I can try.”

I rubbed my forehead, a little tempted to go ahead and let her start something. (Okay, I was a LOT tempted. She was wearing one of her plunging V-neck sweaters with her… well… big sweater-busters on display). But after calming my nerves and taking a deep breath, I gave her a serious look and said, “We need to talk about last night.”

There was a twinkle in Sam’s eyes. “Okay you talk. I’ll suck.” And she reached for my zipper.

“Sam, I’m serious.”

Sam frowned, recognized the intensity in my eyes, and her shoulders drooped in disappointment. A moment later, she rolled off me to the side, and I sat up straight.

She sat on the side of the bed to my right, facing away from me at a right angle. Exhaling slowly with her head bent forward, she asked without looking back at me, “Are you upset I stole your virginity last night?”

“What? No, not at all. I’ve fantasized about you forever. If anything, I only wish we’d started sooner. Please don’t feel any guilt for that.”

She glanced back at me, a shy smile on her face. “You mean that?”


She frowned. “Then why won’t you let me open your pants and start blowing you?”

“That’s a good question, and a big part of me wants to. But there’s something unresolved from last night we didn’t have time to talk about.”

“Like I said: You talk and I’ll suck.”

Sam.” I sighed. “Stop deflecting.”

Sam sighed and gave me a look that said she wanted to keep evading the discussion. But she bit her lip and turned to face away from me again. “You want to know why I did it.”

“The BTC means everything to you. You were the first one to implement The Rule, and you’ve been its staunchest defender for years. I never would’ve expected YOU to cross this line.”

“Me neither.”

“Then why did you? It wasn’t simple horniness. I mean, you were a little bipolar last night. One minute you were totally into blowing me, the next you were bawling about not being able to deep-throat me. And then you went to all that effort to dress up in really sexy lingerie that you had to have planned to show me after the wedding, but I don’t really think you intended for us to have sex in the end.”

She nodded slowly. “I didn’t.”

“Hence the question: Why did you?”

“It’s… complicated.”

I skootched over to her side of the bed, close enough that our hips touched, and wrapped my arm around Sam’s lower back. Leaning in, I gave her a chaste kiss to the side of her head and murmured quietly, “I’m here for you.”

“I know.” She gave me another shy smile. “Believe me, I appreciate it. I’ve just had a hard time wrapping my mind around it all.”

“Well, let’s try starting with an easier question,” I offered. “Why did you come over here tonight?”

Sam smirked. “Isn’t it obvious? I wanted you to fuck my brains out again.”

I arched an eyebrow. “You don’t seem nearly as conflicted about having sex with me now compared to last night.”

She shrugged. “What’s done is done. We’ve already crossed the line from ‘friends’ to ‘friends with benefits’. Might as well get my benefits.”

I chuckled at the idea of sharing those “benefits” with such a gorgeous and supremely fuckable teenage vixen. Seriously, Sam had been “sex in heels” personified last night, and even though I’d literally taken Belle’s virginity only a few hours ago, the idea of plundering Sam’s phenomenal pussy again had me packing a pretty hard prick in my shorts.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed those thoughts aside and reminded myself to be patient. I hadn’t gotten this far in my relationships with the BTC girls by leaping for every impulsive opportunity – quite the opposite, in fact. The same instinct that told me NOT to grab that round titty in my face without an explicit invitation warned me that to continue having sex with Sam without getting to the bottom of her psyche had disaster written all over it. And I forced myself to think rationally, not hormonally.

Closing my eyes, I weighed the question I wanted to ask in my mind and reasoned out the implications. It was a risk, but one I thought needed to be taken. So I opened my eyes, hugged my friend to my side, and asked carefully, “Are you in love with me?”

Sam jerked away from my arm and stared at me in surprise. “What?”

I shrugged and tried to look unthreatening. “It’s a simple question.”

“No it’s not.”

“Well, it’s a simple question if the answer is ‘no’. Otherwise…” I let my voice trail off.

Sam schooled her face and stated flatly, “I’m not in love with you.”

I stared at her a little bit, the same kind of lawyerly stare Mother used. Sam’s eyes wavered, and a moment later she turned to stare into her lap, unable to meet my gaze. And she winced, realizing she’d been caught in a lie.

“I’m not in love with you,” she said evasively. “Not exactly. I mean, I don’t want to date you or anything like that. I’ve got too much going on in my life anyway.”

“But you have feelings for me?”

“I like you, Matty. A lot.” She turned to face me, some of her self-confidence coming back as she raised her chin and added, “I think you like me a lot, too.”

I smiled and nodded. “I do.”

“I’m attracted to you. I’ve been attracted to you for a while now. I think you’re pretty gorgeous, actually. The other girls think so too.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Never really thought of myself as ‘gorgeous’.”

“Why do you think we’ve all been rubbing ourselves all over you for the past few years? It’s not because you’re ugly.” Sam reached up and traced my cheek with her fingertips. “It’s in your eyes, really. The intensity of your stare when you look at us with such… heat.”

I started to look at her with heat in my eyes, thinking about all the things I’d done to her last night… Thinking of all the things I could be doing to her right now. But I took a deep breath and forced myself to once again be patient, to think rationally instead of hormonally.

“But what changed?” I asked. “You’ve been attracted to me for a long time, you say. What was different about last night?”

Sam sighed and stared back into her lap. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said quietly, “Maybe I should just go home.”


“This wasn’t a good idea.”

“You can’t dodge this forever. And you don’t have an excuse that you need to beat your parents home.” I blinked, realized I didn’t actually know that, and added, “Do you?”

She shrugged. “They think I’m visiting Zofi. She’ll cover for me if they call for any reason. She knows I’m here.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Does she know what we did last night?”

Sam shook her head in the negative. “But I don’t know how long I can keep that under wraps. I don’t like lying to her. And I can’t lie to the BTC for very long.”

I raised both eyebrows. “But you intend to lie to them for a little bit?”

Sam bit her lip and started to hug herself. “Just… Just until I can figure out what I’m gonna say to them. I never meant… You and I weren’t… Ugh, I’m being so STUPID!” She buried her face in her hands.

“Sam…” I intoned soothingly as I hugged her with both arms. “You’re not being stupid.”

“Mounting myself on you last night was pretty stupid,” she muttered while picking her head back up.

“Best night of my life,” I commented sincerely.

She managed to smile at that, and quickly leaned over to give me a peck on the lips. She sighed, stared into my eyes for a little while, and mumbled again, “I’m not in love with you. But…”

I waited patiently when her voice trailed off.

Eventually, she found the words. Sitting up straight, she narrowed her eyes and asked rather interrogatively, “Who’s your favorite in the BTC?”

I blinked, surprised by having the tables turned on me. “What?”

“Which of the six of us is your favorite?”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “I’m not answering that.”


“I’m serious. I’m not answering trap questions like that. I love each of you for different reasons and I will NOT pick favorites.”

“Belle and Neevie are already your favorites. Everybody knows it.”

I sighed and shook my head. “Belle’s like my little sister.”

“A little sister who apparently can’t go more than 48 hours without swallowing a load of big brother sperm down her throat.”

I blushed and glanced down. “Well… she has more opportunities than the rest of you.”

“And you’ve wanted Neevie since you first laid eyes on her. She’s the one girl you’d actually want to date if only we didn’t have The Rule.”

I sighed. “True.”

“Alice has been your buddy since grade school.”


“Zofi I’m less sure of. I mean, you’re friends and she definitely gets a kick out of holding your hand everywhere you two walk around campus. But your favorite? No.”

“I like Zofi just fine and I don’t rank you all.”

“And Mari’s super sweet. She’s so shy and innocent. But then she pulled that deep-throat like it was so easy for her and I got super jealous and…”

Her voice had trailed off again.

“Is it really that simple?” I asked quietly. “You wanted to deep-throat me so badly, and when you couldn’t do it for me, no matter how hard you tried, you impulsively decided to give me your pussy instead?”

Sam frowned and stared at the floor in front of her. Rather, she stared at some point a thousand yards beyond the floor in front of her. Her breathing came in slow, rhythmic streams. And she went so quiet that I dared not interrupt her train of thought.

Eventually, she answered my question as if nearly four minutes hadn’t passed since I’d asked it. “Yes… and no…”

When no further explanation came forth, I sighed and muttered, “Well that’s clear as mud.”

Sam blinked her way out of her trance and looked over at me. “Wednesday and Thursday nights alone with you were some of the best nights of my life. I’d had some amazing orgasms with you going down on me with all the other girls around, but it’s hard to get into rhythm when you’re sharing with a bunch of other girls knowing they’re all waiting for their turn. But when it was just you and me - no rush, no worry - getting to have you focus on just me for as long as it took…” She sighed in rapturous pleasure, staring a thousand yards and four nights away.

“I had this big night planned for us,” she continued while still staring off into the middle distance. “I went out in the morning and bought that black lace ensemble, just for you. I was going to be SO super-sexy you were gonna squirt in your shorts like Jake Pedson at the mere sight of me. I was gonna make you fall in love with me, not that I actually want you to be in love with me or anything, but I wanted…”

Her voice had trailed off again.

Shaking her head slowly, Sam furrowed her eyebrows and muttered, “I don’t want you to actually be in love with me, but I wanted to know that I could make you fall in love with me. I wanted to be irresistible to you. That even after all these years of playing it cool, being the ‘safe’ guy friend who would never quite grab my ass no matter how invitingly I shook it in front of you, never quite bite my nipple no matter how close I brought it to your mouth, that I could make you crack. I wanted that rush.”

Sam’s eyes were on fire.

But a moment later, she blinked and that fire was gone, replaced by an abyss of darkness and a… haunted… expression on her face.

“I’m supposed to be the sex goddess. I’ve had men lusting for my body since my tits first grew in junior high. My dad’s co-workers have been hitting on me since I was fifteen. I am Venus. I am Aphrodite. I’m supposed to inspire incredible, transcendent sexual experiences!” Her voice trailed off, and when she spoke again, her volume had gone way down. “But the first time I actually had sex was such a disaster. Antonio was popular and experienced, and after he finished he said I was a lousy lay. I begged him to give me another chance, but a week later he said I wasn’t any better, and he stopped calling me after that.”

“Sam…” I tried to hug her reassuringly.

“Then there was that one-night stand after the college party. He couldn’t even fucking CUM, and I just knew that the problem was ME. I mean, I’m fucking Aphrodite. Of COURSE I was gonna be this incredible lover when the time came. And yet… I… I mean Mari of all people could… Don’t get me wrong, I love Mari. She’s soooo sweet, how could you not love her? But despite the fact that she has that massive rack, she’s not ME. She’s never been as sexy as me. So when we went on that date and we got back to your house, I knew… I just KNEW… I was gonna be SPECTACULAR for you. I wasn't going to fuck you. I wouldn’t need to. I was gonna burn the image of me in that sexy lingerie into your fucking retinas so every lover you ever had after me would pale in comparison. I was gonna deep-throat your monster dick. I was gonna fuck you with my big titties until you unloaded all over my gorgeous face. And Gawd. Fucking. Dammit! -I-was gonna be your FAVORITE!”

I blinked in surprise at the vehemence in Sam’s words. She was crying again, bawling really. Why the hell were girls always crying next to me? But I realized she was going through an epiphany and needed my support more than ever. So I held her close with both arms and let her let it all out while she sobbed in my arms.

“I couldn’t do it,” she whimpered in abject misery. “I couldn’t do it. I’m so sorry I couldn’t do it.”

“Shhh,” I shushed her soothingly. “I know you tried your best.”

Bleary eyed, she turned to look up at me. “If I did, would it change the way you feel about me?”

I gave her a reassuring smile and began to say the same thing I’d said to her last night. “I told you: I won’t love you any le-”

I stopped as I was suddenly seized with the sense that I was about to make a huge mistake. I remembered what Sam had said to me the last time I’d said those words, complaining that I wasn’t listening.

But I was listening now, and I realized that last night I’d gotten everything backwards. So instead, I tilted her face to look up at me and stated evenly, “Deep-throating me isn’t going to make me love you more. I don’t need you to do something like that… or even have sex with me… to try and make me think of you as ‘my favorite’. You can’t buy my love with a blowjob. I care a great deal about you and I’d never want to hurt you. I also don’t want to lead you on. So I need to make this crystal clear: How much I care about you is NOT tied into whether or not you can deep-throat me. How much I care about you is NOT tied into whether or not you’ll have sex with me. I won’t love you any less for not being able to accomplish one sexual act or another, but I also won’t love you any MORE if you do. You can’t BUY my love like that. And your self-worth should NOT be dependent upon these things.”

“But…” Sam looked crestfallen. “But you said last night that you DID love me more for what we did.”

I rubbed my forehead and grimaced. “Sex changes things. You’re special, you’re my first lover, and nothing can ever change that. And after years of fantasizing, I was THRILLED you let me finally have sex with you.”

“And wouldn’t you be disappointed if I stopped?”

I sighed. “Of course I’d be disappointed.”

“Sounds like your love IS dependent on these things.”

I set my forehead against hers and took a deep breath. “I loved what we did, using the term ‘loved’ as a substitute for ‘really, really liked’. But I don’t want you to leave here believing that my feelings for you are conditional on you putting out for me. Make sense?”

“Yeah… Makes sense…” Sam’s words said she agreed, but her tone was that of a six-year-old accepting the fact that broccoli is good for you.

“I get that you’re competitive. I get that you want to feel like you’re my favorite. And I’ll be honest: Yes, I’m thrilled that we had sex. I don’t regret it in the slightest, and if I had the chance to do it all over again, even knowing what I know now about why you chose to mount yourself on me, quite frankly I’d still do it. You were my FIRST. I’m never going to forget that. I’m never going to forget YOU. The sex… I mean…”

“Was pretty spectacular,” Sam drawled with a small smile of reminiscence.

“REALLY spectacular. You truly did become my Venus, my Aphrodite.” I assured her with a smile, although I held up a finger. “But that’s in the past now. If you and I are going to have sex again in the future, I have to know it’s for the right reasons. I have to know it’s because you want me for me, and not to try and one-up the others.”

She shook her head. “I’m not trying to one-up the others. I… Okay… Maybe that had something to do with it last night. I saw where the wind was blowing, realized things were going to escalate between you and the girls sooner than later, and I’m willing to admit I may have gone into last night’s date intent on doing something to really knock your socks off before the others could get their claws into you. And when the deep-throat failed, I panicked and decided to fuck you.”

“Simple as that?” I asked gently.

Sam blinked, her eyebrows furrowed as she studied the front of my shirt, even though she clearly wasn’t looking at my shirt. “Well… okay…” she sighed and looked away from me, mumbling, “Mbbemltllvwyu.”

I leaned forward and cocked my ear. “I’m sorry. I didn’t quite catch that.”

Taking a deep breath, Sam looked up at me, her luminous brown eyes looking large and liquid. She gave me a brave smile that nevertheless revealed all of her teenaged fear. And in a voice that was still quiet but at least intelligible, she muttered, “Maybe I am a little in love with you.”

I arched an eyebrow.

Sam chuckled and shook her head. “I didn’t want to be. You were Matty, the BTC’s personal plaything. You belonged to the club, not to me. But then Holly showed up, asked our permission to seduce you, and my first thought was, ‘Of course. Go right ahead!’ You were our friend, not our boyfriend, and it wouldn’t be right for us to stop you from getting laid.”

“But then…?”

Sam exhaled slowly. “I’d been so careful to keep myself and the other girls from doing anything actually sexual with you, you know? To keep everyone ‘in balance’. Because I was afraid… I’m still afraid… that things will fall apart once we start crossing those lines. But then Holly started messing around with you on the couch under that damn blanket, and I got SOOOO jealous. I just KNEW she was doing stuff with you that you’d never done with any of us yet.”

I nodded. “Which is exactly why I turned her down in the end.”

Sam quietly seethed. “I could visualize her hand in your shorts stroking you off, when I’D never even touched your bare cock yet. How unfair was that? I was looking at her thinking, ‘Get stuffed, bitch!’”

I chuckled at that. “Well, Holly DID want to get ‘stuffed’…"

Sam frowned, not understanding right away, but then she cracked a smile and laughed. She rubbed her forehead again and sighed. “I never thought I’d be jealous over you until suddenly I was. Over and over in my head I kept thinking, ‘He’s mine! He’s mine!’ Alice was the one to talk me down and I finally said it was alright. But…”

“But it wasn’t really alright?”

Sam shook her head mournfully. She looked up at me with those big eyes, looking ready to cry again. “I want you to be mine.”

I blinked. “You mean, like a real boyfriend?”

Sam made a stink face. “No… But…”

“You don’t want me to be Holly’s or anyone else’s. You don’t want me to mess around with anyone except you.”

“Well, me and the BTC girls. I’ve watched all of them messing around with you and never felt an ounce of jealousy.”

“But you’d still prefer it if you were my ‘favorite’.” I did the air quotes for her.

Sam blushed. “Is that so bad?”

“Not bad. Just… I’m not going to pick favorites, even if you’re having sex with me. I can’t be bought that way, and more importantly to me, I absolutely DON’T want to put pressure on girls like Alice and Mari to feel like they have to fuck me in order to stay in the club.”

Sam nodded fervently. “That was exactly why I didn’t want things to escalate this fast.”

“Even though YOU were the one to cross the line first.”

Sam held up her hands helplessly. “I’m a bundle of contradictions.”

I smiled. “You’re a teenage girl. You’re allowed.”

“And I AM a little in love with you,” she admitted with a bit of a hopeful smile. “I swore to myself I wouldn’t, but I can’t help the way I feel.”

“Well, if it’s any consolation,” I replied warmly, brushing her hair back from her face and behind her ear. “The feeling’s mutual.”

She leaned into me, so I leaned into her, and the next moment our lips met softly. We kissed tenderly, reassuringly, with none of the passion or heat of our first kisses when she’d arrived at my house tonight.

But a moment after that, her lips weren’t so soft anymore. She pressed firmly, moaned into my mouth, and tilted her head to the side so that she could kiss me even harder than before. With her hands on my shoulders, she rotated me so that I started falling back across the bed. And I suddenly found her on all fours above me not unlike the position we’d first been in upon entering the room.

The bodacious blonde bombshell grabbed my hands and pulled them around to her ass. I fondled her cheeks happily, groaning as the intensity of our lip-lock grew and grew. But a moment later I broke my lips away from hers and gasped, “My mother’s still downstairs!”

“But I wanna fuck you,” she whimpered.

“You are NOT gonna stay quiet.”

“So? She’s heard us fucking before. She won’t care.”

-I- care.”

Sam thought about that for a second before staring down at me with an impish grin. Her eyes sizzled amber. “Fine then. Lemme go down on you. I can’t scream if my mouth is full, right?”

I blinked in surprise but narrowed my eyes immediately afterward, sensing a rat. “You’re gonna mount me mid-blowjob again, aren’t you?”

Sam giggled and put on an innocent face. “Worked once before, didn’t it?” She was already scooting off the edge of the bed and fiddling with my pants.

I sighed and gave her a look. “You’re not trying to buy my love again, are you?”

“Nope. I’m just a happy girl who had the GREATEST sexual experience of my life and I wanna feel that good AGAIN.”

“And the thought never crossed your mind that the more you fuck me, the more I’ll think of you as my favorite?”

“Are you suggesting that strategy will work?”

“Sam…” I warned.

“Sorry, just part of my nature.”

“And you figure that if you go down on me, I’ll feel obligated to return the favor and give you a few spectacular orgasms tonight, mother or no mother.”

Sam giggled, didn’t respond verbally, and yanked my shorts down. A second later she had my growing erection in her mouth.

And that’s precisely when somebody knocked at my door.

“Matthew?” Mother called.

Sam froze for a second, still with my dick in her mouth. A second later she jerked away and hurriedly tried to stuff me back into my shorts.

“Uh, yes, Mother?” I called back after a short delay.

“You have another visitor,” she explained through the door.

“Hi guys,” Belle called. “Sorry to interrupt.”

Sam and I stared at each other.

Um. Shit.


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