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-- CHAPTER 3: Study Breaks --


“So what happened then?” Belle’s eyes flicked to the prominent bulge in my shorts, but she quickly returned her attention to my face.

I shrugged, folded my arms behind my head, and reclined back against the headboard in her bedroom. Only an hour earlier I’d sent Holly home un-fucked but satisfied nonetheless. I took a shower, felt the need to talk to someone, and walked next door to see Belle.

“I ate her out until she pushed my head away and curled up on her side, just like before. She actually tried to teach me for five minutes, telling me to go softer or harder or to push another finger inside her. But after her first orgasm she kinda got incoherent, so I just went to town making up stuff as I went.”

“Well she obviously enjoyed it.”

I nodded. “When she finally recovered, she took one look at my throbbing erection and pounced on it. She said she wanted to try deep-throating me, but she kept choking and couldn’t quite pull it off.”

“Was your dick too long or too fat?”

“I, uh, I dunno. I didn’t stop to ask.”

Belle laughed.

“In the end I came in her mouth, she swallowed it all, and then gave me a quick peck on the lips and said thanks for a fun evening. We got dressed and she left. That’s it.”

“That’s it? Did you make any plans to hook up again? Maybe go on a date?”

“A date? Didn’t you hear the whole part about how she’s not into having steady boyfriends?”

Belle shrugged. “One date does not make a steady boyfriend. I’m just saying, if the whole night was that enjoyable for both of you, one would think you’d talk about doing it again.”

I shook my head. “Not a good idea. She’d want to have sex, and I’d have to turn her down again, and she really didn’t like the feeling of rejection.”

“Yeah, exactly why DID you reject her?” Belle screwed her face up. “I mean, when the rest of us went home last night, I assumed you were going to wake up this morning an ex-virgin.”

I averted my eyes and shrugged. “I just told her I wasn’t ready yet. That I had performance anxiety and couldn’t go through with it.”

“Yeah, you said that. But knowing what I know about Holly, she would’ve just tried to convince you otherwise. Believe me, that girl was HOT to get you buried deep inside her pussy last night, and all you’d have to do was lay there and let her ride you. If you popped off early, so what? She’d just suck you hard so you could try again. I can’t believe she’d back off with so simple a deflection. And then despite your rejection, things were patched up enough that you still went down on each other afterwards. So what DID you say to her?”

“That was it,” I lied, shaking my head. “I told her I wasn’t ready, and she wasn’t going to rape me or anything, so she accepted it. And maybe I really am that good at eating pussy that she was happy to settle for a few more oral orgasms. Simple as that.”

“Matty, this is me. I can tell when you’re hiding something.”

“Belle, seriously.”

“Alright, alright, I won’t push you. Yet.” She got a teasing smirk on her face that let me know she was going to worm the truth out of me eventually.

I sighed, trying to figure out how I was going to hide the truth. I knew the idea that I was saving myself for the BTC would be a bomb that could fracture the whole group. The girls might feel obligated to have one of them put out for me, which could start a chain reaction of them squabbling about which one of them should get my cherry (Neevie, maybe? Hopefully?) and disrupt the balance of the group for the same reasons none of them was allowed to date me. And let’s say one of them started having sex with me, then maybe one or more of the others would want to because it would only be “fair”, and girls could get jealous about that sort of thing, right? And even if some of them started having sex with me, maybe some of them would NEVER want to have sex with me, and the pressure of hanging out with a guy you KNOW wants to have sex with YOU could strain my relationships with them and ruin the comfortable, “safe” bond that we’d formed over the years. And that didn’t even consider the peer pressure part the girls had already discussed about feeling obligated to “keep up”.

I’d explained all this to Holly and asked her to not tell Sam the exact reason I’d turned her down. Holly had offered to lie and claim she DID get my cherry, and I’d been sorely tempted to take her up on that offer. But the idea of going around pretending I’d lost my virginity - and then somehow answering the avalanche of questions I’d get from the BTC about said de-virginization without losing my mind - did not appeal.

Fortunately, Belle was no longer scrutinizing me and didn’t notice my contemplative state. She looked pretty contemplative herself, reclining on one side across her bed propped up on one elbow and holding her cheek in her palm.

“So what was it like?” she asked quietly, without looking at me.

“What was what like?”

“Oral. What did it feel like to have her mouth on you?”

I grinned at the memory. “It felt incredible.”

“Better than masturbation?”

“WAY better.”

Belle shivered, and I noticed the way her nipples started poking through her sweater. I also noticed the way her free hand drifted down from her hip, rubbing her thigh as it moved closer to her crotch.

“You imagining Holly putting her mouth on me?” I asked quietly. “Maybe imagining you putting your mouth on me?”

“Matty!” she yelped and gave me a scandalized look.

“Imagining ME going down on YOU?”


I arched an eyebrow. “Ah, I see. Imagining Holly going down on you.”

She sat up and threw a pillow at me while I laughed.

“Hey, fair’s fair. You girls are always teasing me.”

She pursed her lips and mused on that. “You’re right. We do.” Sitting up straight, the petite strawberry-blonde crossed her legs and leaned forward with a gleam in her eyes. And in a sensuously thick voice, she began, “Fine, I admit it. I AM fantasizing about putting my mouth on you, and this isn’t the first time. I fantasize about sucking your big, throbbing dick a lot, actually. Two weeks ago, we were eating dinner with my dad. I pictured myself crawling underneath the dining table and cramming every last inch of your beautiful cock between my lips and giving you the most incredible blowjob until you filled me with gallons of sperm. But in MY dreams, I can do the deep-throat Holly couldn’t quite pull off. I’d be better for you than she was.”

“Okay, okay, you can stop now.” I averted my eyes and held up my hands defensively. “You’ve made your point.”

Breathing hard, Belle slid one hand beneath the hem of her sweater, which was tight enough for me to see the outline of her fingers inching upwards until she’d started cupping one of her own D-cup breasts, all while adding, “And yeah, I was imagining you going down on me. You have no idea how many nights I lay awake, fingering myself while imagining you and your long tongue are between my thighs.”

“Belle…” I warned.

“I’m so jealous of Holly, you know that? She actually got to feel you cumming down her throat while I can only fantasize.”

Belle,” I said a little more strongly.

“Do you realize how many times I've wished you’d come lick ME to an orgasm?” Belle’s other hand slid into her crotch. “And then fucking HOLLY… who you barely even know… got what, six from you? Seven?”

BELLE. Stop it.” I barked quite loudly, grabbing one of her pillows and throwing it at her. “The teasing’s not fun anymore.”

She’d pulled her hand out of her sweater to block the pillow, and now sat up straight as well. In a challenging voice, she intoned, “Who’s teasing?”

“Hell, B. You don’t need to make up crazy shit like that just to mess with me.”

She gave me a serious look. “I didn’t make up a thing.”

I blinked twice and frowned at her. “What?”

She repeated, more slowly this time so she could enunciate each word, “I didn’t make up a thing.”

I kept blinking and shook my head, not quite believing what she was telling me. “Seriously?”

“Is it really such a surprise? We ALL fantasize about you. Just like YOU fantasize about us, don’t you?”

“That’s different. I’m a guy.”

“And what, girls don’t fantasize? Please, I ring Baby Belle at least three times a week,” she scoffed.

“But you never said anything like THAT before. All the stuff about crawling under the dining table while your dad was there, that shit was real?”

“That shit was real.” Belle shrugged. She reclined back on her elbows and raised her knees, spreading them out to the sides. Biting her lip and giving me an intense, sultry gaze, she slid her right hand beneath her waistband, murmuring, "So many times I've been in this position, rubbing myself while dreaming about you crawling between my legs and eating me out to incredible orgasms.”

My eyes got big. Was she actually masturbating herself right here and now? I blinked a few times and muttered lamely, “Uh… Do ALL the girls have had these kinds of fantasies about me?”

“Well, you, Keanu, and Brat Pitt.”

I thought about that. “Fair enough.”

“You gonna say you haven’t had the exact same kinds of fantasies about all of us?”

I was about to nod, but caught myself and winced. “Well…”

Belle noticed and frowned. “I know. Everyone but me, right?” Shaking her head as she pulled her hand out of her shorts, she turned and slipped off the bed.

“You’re gorgeous, B," I said apologetically. "I just--”

“I know, I know. I’m like a sister to you.” She stretched out the word as if it was a curse.

“You’re my Annabelle. And that’s a good thing!”

“Is it?”

“C’mon. You can’t say I’m not like a brother to you.”

“You’re like a sexy STEP-brother to me.” Shaking her head again, Belle paced away toward the door, but she only took a few steps before turning back to face me. “Look, I know you try not to objectify me. I get where your heart comes from. But I don’t have the same problem fantasizing about you. I KNOW we’re not related, and I know you’d treat me right if we ever did cross that line.”

“But we can’t cross that line, even if we wanted to. We have The Rule for a reason, one that has nothing to do with our brother-sister relationship. We could never do that to the rest of the BTC.”

“I know, I know. I just…” Shaking her head, she gave me a helpless look. “You’re hot and sexy and I can’t help but fantasize. A girl can dream. Just like I’m sure you dream about sticking your dick between Sam’s big tits and blowing a load all over her face. That would be crossing a line, but you still think about it, don’t you?”

I sighed. “Well I certainly am now. But fantasizing about Sam is one thing. We're friends and all, but if something happened and things got awkward and our friendship got ruined… I'd get over it. But I wouldn't get over you. You're my Annabelle. My feelings for you are just so much stronger and more important to me than my feelings for Sam. YOU'RE so much more important to me than Sam."

Belle smiled at that. "Good."

"I don't want to risk screwing things up between us. Do you?"

"No, of course not."

"Then don't push me on this, alright? I…" I took a deep breath and gave her a serious look. "I love you, Annabelle. You mean the world to me, but… not in THAT way. You're my little sister, and I can't sexualize you. And to be honest, to hear that you've been sexualizing me… It's kinda freaking me out."


"It's kinda weird, actually."

"No-no-no-no, please don't be weirded out."

I took a deep breath. "I'm trying not to. It's just… I thought things were cool between us. We've grown up together. We hang out all the time. I know Mari's your bestie and I've spent most of the last five years playing video games with Alice, but I share my entire life with you and I really had no idea you were… like… masturbating to thoughts of me."

"They're just random thoughts." She waved dismissively. “I really don't want you weirded out about it. I'm sorry. Can we please just forget I ever said anything?”

I shrugged helplessly. “I dunno. Those fantasies you told me are gonna be kinda hard to forget.”

“Then do it as a favor to me, your Annabelle. Maybe fantasies should just be left as what they are: fantasies. Everybody’s entitled to a little fantasy, right?”

“Of course, of course.” I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

“I just really want to make sure I haven’t screwed up my relationship with you. You’re my Matthew as much as I’m your Annabelle. We can’t afford to get awkward around each other just because you know I’ve masturbated to thoughts about you.”

"I know. I just need to wrap my head around it a bit." I paused, collected myself, and then gave her a reassuring smile. “I mean when I really think about it, it’s actually quite flattering. I’d like to think ALL of the girls have masturbated to thoughts about me.”

Belle nodded. “Oh they have. They’ve all told me about some of their fantasies. It’s just part of... Well... Let’s just say the BTC has a unique social dynamic.”

I grinned. “I’ll say.”

“So we’re good? No awkward feelings?”

I nodded. “We’re good.” With that, I opened my arms.

Holding back tears of relief, Belle ran and launched herself into my hug.


In the morning, the BTC girls didn’t waste any time coming to get the first-hand scoop about what really happened between me and Holly last night.

It started with Alice. She was waiting for me and Belle at the parking lot and came over to us as soon as we stepped onto the curb. Literally, the first words out of her mouth were, “Is it true that you turned down Holly because you were saving yourself for the BTC?”

I blinked twice and looked around to make sure nobody else was nearby. Other people were walking in from the parking lot, so I quickly grabbed Alice by the elbow and pulled her toward a quiet corner where I could at least have my back to a wall and see if anyone was eavesdropping, and Belle followed. “Where the hell would you get that idea?” I hissed.

“Neevie told me,” Alice whispered, understanding the need for secrecy. “She got it from Zofi, who got it from Sam, who talked to Holly like five minutes after she left your house.”

Belle stepped in closer. “That’s why you turned Holly down? You told her you were saving yourself for us?”

Belle read the stricken expression on my face and already knew the truth. Alice did, too. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I muttered, “I asked her to not tell anyone.”

“Wow,” Belle breathed. “Okay I guess that makes sense...”

“Wait, which of the girls are you saving yourself for?” Alice interjected, looking confused. “Which of the girls are you in love with? It’s not me, is it?”

She looked genuinely worried and I smirked at her. “Would it really be so bad if I was in love with you?”

“Yes!” she exclaimed a little too loudly and immediately caught herself. Taking a deep breath, she explained in a calmer voice, “It would ruin our friendship. I like messing with you and feel safe teasing you. I’m not an overtly physical 'pay attention to me and make me feel beautiful' girl like Sam, but it’s nice to know that even with all the hot girls around, I can still give you a boner.”

I thought to the last time Alice climbed into my lap wearing a bikini, rubbing her butt into my crotch and sticking her big boobs under my chin. “Yes, you certainly can.”

“See! THAT look in your eyes. It’s quite validating.”

I smiled and shrugged.

“It gives me a rush and I don’t have to worry about you grabbing my ass or taking things the wrong way. But yes, you being in love with me would ruin everything. You’ve been my friend since we were kids on the elementary soccer field. You’re the one guy that doesn’t treat me like a potential mate, and I cherish that sense of comfortability. I’ve tried to make friends with other guys, but there’s always the tension of whether or not they’ll ask me out, or if I’ll get interested enough to ask him out. It’s all too nerve wracking and I’d hate it if that kind of will-we-or-won’t-we-start-dating tension ever cropped up between us.”

Nodding, I replied, “I totally agree.”

“So you’re not in love with me,” Alice said, more statement of confirmation than a question.

I nodded.

Alice not-so-subtly flicked her eyes to Belle.

“I’m not in love with ANY of the BTC,” I stated firmly.

Alice mused on that for a second before shrugging. “If you say so.”

I shook my head and gestured toward the school. “C’mon, let’s get to class.”


Sam and I shared our first and second periods, so we always walked together from one to the other. Sam was busy talking to the teacher before class (she was a pretty driven student), so there wasn’t time for us to talk before the period started, but as soon as we walked out the door she wrapped her arms around mine, leaned in close, and started whispering just loud enough for me to hear while we kept walking to our next class.

“Are you or are you not in love with one of the BTC girls and saving yourself for her?”

“Ah, hell,” was my only response. Her accent somehow made her sound pretty angry.

“So Zofi and I think it’s either Belle or Neevie. Belle because you two have always been close, and Neevie because it’s clear you’ve always been super attracted to each other, you think she's the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen, and if it wasn’t for The Rule you two would’ve hooked up already.”

“I’m not in love with either of them. Belle’s like my little sister and that’s never gonna happen. And yes, Neevie is super hot, but I’m not in love with her.”

“Then which one of us? Me? Zofi?”

“No, no, none of you,” I cut her off before she kept naming names. “I’m not in love with any of you. Lust, certainly. But not love.”

“Then why didn’t you fuck Holly?”

I winced at her saying the f-word aloud, spotted an out of the way corner, and pulled Sam towards it. She still clung to my arm closer than any non-dating couple would, so we got a few stares, but we paid them no mind before I got my back against a wall. Surrounded on three sides, I felt a little more comfortable having this conversation. At least our second period wasn’t far away.

“Why didn’t you fuck Holly?” Sam repeated.

“I still don’t really know,” I said, a little exasperated. “I’m starting to wish I did just so I wouldn’t have to deal with all these questions about why I didn’t. Yes, she’s really sexy and we had a great time and under normal circumstances I would have plowed the hell out of her. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that if I did that, I’d... I’d...”

“You’d be giving your virginity to someone you didn’t really love,” Sam finished for me. “Hence all the questions about which one of us you’re in love with.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Holly said you said that.”

“I...” I fumbled, looking left and right at the steady flow of human traffic going by, oblivious to whatever might be going on in this quiet alcove. Actually, people seemed to be deliberately avoiding looking at us, and once I realized how closely Sam was pressed up against me, I realized why.

There’s a reason people avert their eyes when they see a couple kissing in public. We’re trained to not involve ourselves in others’ intimacy. Sam had held my arm with both of hers for the entire walk here. And even now, I was hugging her to my chest so that our faces were only inches apart. I had done so for the purpose of keeping our volume down, but to everyone else, it must’ve looked like we were making out or something.

Like any number of romantic couples at this school. Committed couples.

And it hit me. I realized why I couldn’t fuck Holly. “It would have felt like cheating.”


I hadn’t realized I said that last part aloud. “Uh, sleeping with Holly,” I explained. “It would have felt like cheating.”

“Cheating on who? You don’t have a girlfriend.”

“You’re ALL my girlfriends. the BTC. Now maybe I’m not technically your boyfriend or anyone else’s, but I DO belong to the club.”

“As our friend.”

“Let’s get real: I’m the only male. The rules are different. If I were to start dating somebody and spending time away from the club, feelings would get hurt.”

“Which is why we gave permission to Holly. We knew she wouldn’t try to take you away from us.”

“You’re just proving my point that the rules are different. If some guy wanted to hook up with Neevie, would he have to come ask your permission? Of course not. The simple fact that any girl needs to ask your permission to hook up with me proves I already belong to you.”

“Holly didn’t just get my permission. You can’t put this all on me.”

I shook my head. “She wanted permission from the club. I belong to ALL of you.”

“And you got permission. So it wouldn’t have been cheating.”

I snorted. “Just because a guy’s girlfriend gives permission for him to go flirt with another girl doesn’t mean she won’t get mad about it retroactively. Look me in the eyes, Sam, and tell me you wouldn’t feel a little hurt if Holly got my cherry. I saw the way you got up from the movie and stormed off. Now maybe if I fell in love with one of the BTC girls, we started dating, and finally took that next step, you’d understand. But not Holly.”

“Well…” Sam pursed her lips and avoided my gaze before admitting, “Okay maybe you’re right. But then that would still suggest there’s one of us that you’re in love with.”

“There’s not.”

“So what? You’re just gonna stay a virgin forever?”

I shrugged. “It’s not forever. At the very least, once we all finish high school and go off to college, everything will change and the BTC as we know it will cease to exist.”

“So you’re gonna stay a virgin until next year?”

“Sure.” I shrugged. “That’s not such a long time, and it’s a fair price to pay for the special relationships I have with each of you.”

“But the idea that you’re saving yourself for the club isn’t fair to you. What if one of us decides to take matters into her own hands and breaks The Rule? That could ruin the BTC, and I don’t want that. I think we’re all better off if you find a casual hookup outside of the club, like Holly. It’s not too late for you to change your mind. That girl will drop her panties and bend over for you in a heartbeat.”

“Maybe someday I will, maybe even sooner than next year, whether with Holly or someone else who catches my eye. I won’t know for sure what will happen until another hot girl throws herself at me. I’m just trying to wrap my head around what happened last night. Everything spiraled out of control so fast that I couldn’t handle it and I locked up.”

Sam frowned and pursed her lips. “So lemme get this straight: Holly put on the full-court press, you got overwhelmed, had a panic attack over the impending loss of your virginity coupled with a fear that you were somehow ‘cheating’ on the BTC and got scared of the fallout, so you got cold feet. That about sum it up?”

“Uh, yeah, pretty much.”

“So it sounds like we basically need a notarized affidavit from each of the girls certifying that we don’t own you, you don’t need our permission to sleep with Holly or any other girl, and it would not be considered cheating on us if you did.”

I snorted. “I think a notarized affidavit would be a bit much.”

“What if we pinky swore? Would that help you not lock up the next time a pretty girl throws herself at you?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe there’s no way to know until something like that happens again. That said, having each of the girls tell me they wouldn’t get jealous really would do wonders for putting me at ease. But it’s one thing to say it and something completely different to actually not feel it.”

“Let me worry about that,” Sam assured me. “I just want to put this whole Matty-saving-himself thing behind us and get things back to normal. Don’t you?”


“Okay then.” Sam nodded and checked her watch. “Shit, we’re gonna be late.”


When the entire BTC got together for lunch, everyone was pretty nervous, including me. By now, everyone had heard that I’d turned down sex with Holly because I was “saving myself for the BTC” and they’d discussed amongst themselves all of the implications therein. Sam took charge, and while she didn’t actually try to get notarized affidavits or anything, she did stress the importance of all of the girls understanding that I wasn’t actually their boyfriend (she got head nods around) and they had no right to get jealous should I actually end up sleeping with someone (the girls had to look at each other a bit first, but eventually they all nodded).

Then it was my turn to assure the girls that I wasn’t in love with any of them. I explained that I’d simply locked up and wasn’t ready for everything Holly was offering, simple as that. The girls seemed to accept my explanation, and we all promised things could go back to normal.

They didn’t.

For the next week, all six of the girls were a little standoffish, a little unsure how to act around me. It seemed to me that each of them was still wondering if she was the one I was in love with and saving my virginity for, and even if she didn’t think herself a likely candidate, she was at least stressed out overanalyzing the possibilities. Even Belle was acting weird around me despite my assurance that I thought of her as a sister, something her dad noticed at dinnertimes.

Nobody flirted with me. Nobody teased me. We still hung out together as a group, but the carefree joy wasn’t there. Small groups of us would meet up in the afternoons to do homework, but that’s all we did: homework. It was exactly the awkward “opposite sex” tension Alice had been worried about, and that whole week solidified in my mind the need for The Rule to keep the BTC running harmoniously. If the tension remained much longer, there wouldn’t BE a BTC much longer, at least not a version that still included me.

It was Alice, actually, who managed to break the tension. While she had always messed around and teased me the same as the other girls, she had done so far less often than some of the others. Alice and Mari were the less physically aggressive ones of the group, making fewer flirtatious comments, covering up a little more skin, and not copping quite as many feels of my body as the other four.

So it was a bit of a surprise Friday afternoon when Alice abruptly dropped herself into my lap while I sat in the armchair, greeted, “Hi, Matty,” and promptly shoved her tongue down my throat.

I stiffened up in surprise and at first didn’t kiss her back, but the lovely Korean girl held my head in a tight grip, kept up the pressure, and a moment later I found myself kissing her back while my arms circled around her body to hug her close. It wasn’t our first ever kiss, so I didn’t feel completely shocked, but I was pretty sure we hadn’t yet broken double-digits on the kiss count.

Kissing her was quite nice, though. While she was still a tomboy through and through in terms of personality, eschewing pretty dresses and makeup in favor of track pants and playing sports, her body was completely feminine. She was of average height for an 18-year-old American girl, which made her taller than most every other Asian girl in the school. She was also more muscular and curvier than most every other Asian girl in the school, sporting fat 36D tits and a nicely rounded ass. She grabbed my hands and planted them on that rounded ass while she ground her crotch against my pelvis and shoved those big tits into my chest.

But the kiss didn’t last long before Alice broke away. Panting hard, she searched my eyes and asked with deadly seriousness, “Are you in love with me?”

I blinked twice in surprise, not expecting the question and therefore not answering right away.

“Are you in love with me?” she repeated, setting her jaw and giving me a fierce look that demanded an answer.

So I stuttered, “N-no. I’m not.”

“Are you saving your virginity for me?”

“Uh, no. I’m not.”

Alice nodded in satisfaction, hopped off my lap, and looked at the next closest girl, who happened to be Mari seated on the near side of the 3-cushion couch. “You’re next.”

“Umm, what?” Maris face was the definition of deer-in-the-headlights.

Alice rolled her eyes. “Nevermind. Neevie?”

Naimh didn’t hesitate and quickly bounced to her feet. The busty redhead eagerly slid into my lap and attacked my face, devouring me, really. This time I returned the kiss with intense fervor, and our lip-lock went on and on and if it never ended, that would’ve been fine with me. But Alice was beside us, tapping Naimh’s shoulder impatiently. And we finally broke the kiss, staring at each other with goofy, giddy expressions.

Alice was impatient. “You have to ask him the two questions now.”

“What? Oh. Uhhh...” Naimh stammered.

Alice sighed and led her, “Are you in love...”

“Right, right.” Naimh collected herself and smiled primly. “Uh, Matty? Are you in love with me?”

I gave her an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, but no.”

“Are you in lust with me? Do you fantasize about throwing me onto a bed and fucking the shit out of me?” She grinned.

“Yes, that, totally.” I grinned, too.

“Ahem,” Alice cleared her throat and gave us a pointed look.

“Right, right.” Naimh schooled her face and asked, “Are you saving your virginity for me?”

I shook my head slowly. “No. I mean, I wouldn’t mind, but no.”

Naimh smiled. “An acceptable answer.”

“Whatever,” Alice said impatiently and snapped her fingers. “Next!”

Zofi went next, followed by Sam and then Mari. I kissed each girl, assured her I wasn’t in love with her, and confirmed I was not saving my virginity for her.

Last was Belle.

Everyone looked at us curiously as she climbed into my lap. Belle had always been an active participant in the group teasing, perfectly content to bend over at the waist and make me check out her ass, or sit in my lap and rub my naked chest while letting me explore her body a bit as well. There was even that one afternoon all six of them lined up in front of Matty’s Chair and raised their bikini tops to flash me simultaneously. And there were a few times she would cuddle up to my side on the couch during a movie, her hand rubbing the bulge in my shorts.

But... See, Belle and I had never really kissed. I’d made out with all the other girls at one time or another. Even Mari had given the inside of my mouth a tongue scraping a half-dozen times, most recently after one of my famous poolside massages back in August. But not Belle. Letting her fondle me like all the other girls did was one thing. Kissing me, though, like a real kiss with tongue and everything, would be... intimate. And I’d never been able to bring myself to do it.

That afternoon would not become the first.

The petite strawberry-blonde squirmed a little in my lap, adjusting herself until she got her crotch positioned just right. The succession of five hot girls making out with me one after the other had definitely been arousing, and the iron bar in my shorts was proof positive. Sam had gone so far as to unbutton her blouse and mash my face into her bra-clad cleavage while she dry-humped herself on my erection. She got close to getting herself off while doing so, too. But when I’d replied in the negative when she asked if I was saving my virginity for her, she’d looked a little disappointed, stopped grinding, and got off my lap.

Mari’s kisses and lush tits had maintained the erection while the lovely Latina similarly rode my cock like a rail, although she didn’t linger as long. And now Belle, my sweet little Annabelle, was moaning in my lap while grinding her clit against my bone.

Her spoken fantasies about me filled my head, but I did my best to ignore them. Belle hadn’t attempted to kiss me yet, too focused on dry-humping my dick through my shorts. So I took matters into my own hands, cradling her head gently and bending down to place a tender peck on her forehead. “I’ll always love you, B, like the little sister I never had,” I said gently. “But I'm not in love with you. And I’m not saving my virginity for you.”

Belle looked up at me in surprise.

I gave her a tight smile and started to lift her out of my lap.

“Hey, wait! We didn’t even kiss!” she complained, visibly aroused.

“And we’re not going to,” I stated evenly, placing her light body back on her feet on the floor beside me. Bracing my hands on the armrests, I pushed myself up to a standing position and turned to face all the girls. “Now that that’s out of the way, can we PLEASE let everything go back to normal? I love you all, but I’m not in love with any of you. How and when I lose my virginity should be up to ME, not just set up when Sam decides to throw a hot girl my way, alright? I really, really just want my friends back. Capisce?”

The girls all looked at each other for a moment. Sam muttered defensively, “I didn’t throw Holly at you. She asked permission and we said it would be okay with us. Even though we all went through the exercise of agreeing you’re not our boyfriend and we’re not going to get jealous, girls don’t know that, and they’re gonna keep asking us if it’s okay. Do you want us to NOT give permission the next time a girl asks if she’s allowed to fuck you?”

“I’m sorry, that came out wrong.” I sighed. “Of course I want you to give her permission. I mean, in an ideal world, girls wouldn’t feel the need to ask your permission in the first place, but I get that my membership in the BTC presents unique challenges to my dating life.”

“You mean lack of dating life,” Zofi remarked. “If you want to really convince us you’re not saving your virginity for one of us, go on a date for the first time in a year.”

“Is that what you really want?”

“Yes!” Zofi exclaimed while Naimh simultaneously said “No!”

Everyone turned to look at Naimh, who blushed pink and exclaimed, “What? I rather like having Matty all to ourselves. Do you all really WANT him to find a girlfriend, commit to her, and start spending all his time with her instead of us? You wanna have some girlfriend start bitching at you when you get the urge to sit in his lap and grind yourself?”

“No, of course not,” Sam said. “But in all fairness, we all know Matty would never stop one of us from meeting a boy and going out on a date.”

“It doesn’t matter,” I interrupted. “It’s a moot point, because I’d never do that to you. I love you all and I love being part of the club more than anything else in the world. I would never risk losing you girls by dating someone else.”

Belle frowned. “So you ARE saving yourself for us.”

I hedged, “It’s not that I’m expecting one of you to take my virginity. Truly, I’m not. I’m just saying I know that if I’d actually banged Holly, it would have affected my relationships with all of you.”

Sam shook her head. “Didn’t we all agree we’d be fine with it? Or do I actually need notarized affidavits?”

“No, no.” I laughed but then took on a serious look. “Thing is, I’ve been watching all of you for years now. I’ve seen you get crushes on boys and listened to you complain about what they do or don’t do, and the fact is you all say stuff doesn’t bother you when it actually does. Notarized affidavits or not, my sleeping with Holly would have bothered a lot of you.”

“It wouldn’t have bothered me,” Zofi stated matter-of-factly. “You’re our friend, not our boyfriend. Although I do admit the idea of you being my boyfriend would be nice. It would certainly get my Mom off my back about my lack of dating life.”

“I don’t mind if you tell your Mom I’m your boyfriend.” I shrugged and looked at the others. “But before the rest of you start trying to reaffirm me sleeping with Holly wouldn’t have bothered you, don’t... uh... well, don’t bother. I know you better.” I gave Alice and Mari in particular serious looks.

It was looking at those two that actually put the next realization into my head, and I explained, “Right now, all the teasing is fun and games because most of us are virgins. It’s a level playing field. We’re all messing around and feel safe doing what we’re doing because we haven’t crossed that line yet, or at the very least, -I- haven’t crossed that line. But if I had nailed Holly, you’d wonder just a little if I was going to start losing control and want to nail you too.”

“You already want to nail us,” Naimh commented.

“True,” I admitted. “And the feeling’s mutual. But I’m not going to lose my virginity in some rushed encounter taking advantage of one of my friends and ruin the whole BTC.”

Sam chimed in, “You’re disproving your own statement that you’d lose control and want to nail us just because you weren’t a virgin anymore.”

“It’s not about him losing control,” Alice put in. “It’s about us losing control, or me, at least. Matty is my safe guy friend. I know we’re both virgins, and I know I can mess around with him without worrying whether or not we’ll stop ourselves from doing anything serious. On the other hand, if he’d fucked Holly, I would have felt pressure to... well... let him do stuff to me too... just to keep his attention. I mean, why would he waste time letting me rub his package on the couch when he could find some other girl willing to let him pork her?”

“Me, too,” said Mari. “That sort of thing has already been happening for years. It’s peer pressure, not from him but from the rest of you. You guys started making out with him with plenty of tongue, so I figured I’d have to just to keep up. You all started talking about what his boner felt like through his shorts, so of course I had to try it for myself. Sam and Neevie started flashing him their tits over the summer, and set up that whole six-girl titty lineup that one time, so I felt like I had to go along.”

Sam made a face. “Okay, I get where you guys are going with this. I know I said I personally wouldn’t be bothered if he’d slept with Holly, but I can understand feeling pressure to put out for him to ensure he liked me as much as her. I’m not a virgin and it feels like it wouldn’t be such a big stretch for me to bang him just to feel like I’m his favorite.”

Zofi elbowed her best-friend. “You’re such an attention-whore.”

I looked across everyone. “So there you have it. I can’t lose my virginity yet.”

Belle stamped her foot. “But it's not FAIR. Not to Matty. All six of us are allowed to have sex but he's not? If you ask me, maybe it's finally time we let one of US fuck him.”

“I call dibs!” Naimh squealed immediately, thrusting her hand up into the air.

NO,” Sam stated emphatically. “The Rule is The Rule.”

“Then you’re asking him to remain a virgin just because we say so,” Mari spoke up quietly. “Belle’s right: that’s not fair to Matty. He’s not our boyfriend and we have no right to demand his chastity for the sake of the club.”

“You’re not demanding. It’s my choice,” I assured her. “I love you guys. And I may not be the boyfriend of anyone in the BTC, but I am committed to the BTC. You are my friends. You are my LIFE. I belong to you, so you know what? I’ve changed my mind. If an outside girl approaches you and asks permission to come try to seduce me, the answer is ‘no’. Don’t give them that permission. You can tell them I’m taken.”

Sam frowned. “Taken by whom? Unless you’re somebody’s boyfriend, girls will always see you as fair game.”

“Fine then.” I shrugged. “Tell them I’m the BTC’s boyfriend.”

Mari frowned. “But then they’ll think we’re all sleeping with him or something.”

“They already think we’re all sleeping with him,” Naimh pointed out.

“Which is one reason guys don’t hit on us quite as much as they used to,” Sam sighed.

“That’s a good thing if you ask me,” Zofi put in. “It’s nice to not get harassed quite so much. You said you don’t mind if I tell people you’re my boyfriend, Matty? I just may take you up on that.”

“Wait, if we make you our public boyfriend,” Naimh chimed in eagerly, “does that mean we can do boyfriend/girlfriend stuff with you?”

Nobody dates Matty: that’s The Rule,” Sam stated firmly.

Fine,” Naimh huffed.

“But I do like the idea of declaring Matty off-limits,” Alice said. “Inside the club, nothing changes, but to the outside world, we tell people he’s the BTC’s property.”

“I don’t like that idea,” Belle growled. “He’s not property.”

“I really don’t mind,” I assured her. “I meant everything I said about being committed to the six of you. I belong to you. I belong to the BTC.”

And so it was agreed.


The next Monday, Sam whispered things into the right ears and the news spread like wildfire through the school. The notion that I was the collective “boyfriend” of six hot girls blew some people’s minds, and started a whole new round of guys coming up to ask me if I was fucking all of them. This time, my new go-to response was, “No comment.”

For half of the guys asking, they took that as a “yes” and proceeded to congratulate me. I didn’t bother going through the effort of correcting them.

Conversely to its intended function, I felt like I started getting MORE attention from girls instead of less. I noticed a lot more stares in my direction from females of all shapes and sizes, wondering exactly what it was about me that could satisfy SIX girls at the same time. It didn’t help that a rumor got started that I’d scrambled Holly’s brains out just before the “BTC’s Boyfriend” declaration, which made it seem like I’d been banging all six of the girls for years, and it was only when I went astray that they felt the need to lock me down and declare me off-limits.

To their credit, the girls took everything in stride. Like Naimh said, everyone already thought I was banging all of them, so there wasn’t much of a change in the way they were treated. Interacting with people outside the club, they probably got a few more inquisitive questions and comments for a week or two, but those died out pretty fast.

Interacting inside the club, things went back to normal, and in many ways better than normal as far as I was concerned. The girls all seemed to like the idea that I was their collective “boyfriend”, and even though we all understood it was an empty title, as the weeks went on it seemed to me they were individually starting to treat me the way they would treat an actual boyfriend, even in public.

They’d always been flirtatious and handsy with me in private, but those little PDA touches started to creep into daily life. Zofi started holding my hand as we walked down the hallway between classes, a shy smile on her face. She really did like the idea of calling me her boyfriend. Sam got in the habit of kissing me in the parking lot at the end of school days. Naimh liked to sit in my lap during lunch, hand-feeding me grapes or doing other sorts of attentive, “girlfriendy” things, which fulfilled a half-dozen fantasies I'd long had about the gorgeous redhead being my actual, official girlfriend. And all these things started to really cut down on the amount of hassle the girls went through on a daily basis, at least while I was around. Random guys seemed to hit on them less than they used to, whereas in the old days, guys would walk up to proposition the girls whether I was there or not.

The makeout session barrier also seemed to have been broken that day I’d told each of the girls I wasn’t saving my virginity for them. Sam was the first to take advantage Monday afternoon during a group study session at Belle’s. There were only four of us around for that one: me, Sam, Belle, and Mari. Sam was getting frustrated with some problem in her homework, decided she needed a study break, climbed into my lap, and stuck her tongue into my mouth. Belle called party foul but Sam pointed out she wasn’t doing anything we hadn’t all done together as a group of 7, so everything was, quote, “still in balance”.

Belle complained that SHE was personally out of balance since she didn’t get to make out with me, but Sam dismissed that as a particular Matty/Belle issue and not a BTC issue.

Mid-kiss, Sam suddenly jerked upright and exclaimed, “I got it!” She scrambled out of my lap in a hurry, grabbed her pencil, and started scribbling at hyper speed. Mari was quick to take advantage and climbed into the recently-vacated spot in my lap to “study break” with me next. And the curvy Latina got so turned on, she pulled my hands up so I could cup and fondle her breasts.

The rest of the group found out the next day (the girls shared everything with each other, it was an unwritten rule), so Alice and Naimh came over to my house so they could have “study breaks” as well. And on Friday afternoon, all seven of us ended up at my house to hang out, grill dinner, and do a LOT of kissing. Sam even managed to dry hump herself to an orgasm while mashing her bra-clad tits into my face.

The weather had turned colder, so Mother and I had drained the pool. But the girls still hung out at my big empty house, and the circular in-ground hot tub big enough for eight people remained in use, so I still had plenty of opportunities to see them in skimpy bikinis.

It was in one of those hot tub makeout sessions that Naimh decided to shove her hand beneath my trunks and wrap her fingers around my shaft. Perhaps she thought the hot tub water would obscure her actions, which may have been true. But my eyes had gone pretty wide, and the rather obvious way her elbow pistoned up and down made it clear to everyone else she was giving me a hand job and not merely rubbing my package. Belle was the first to notice my deer-in-the-headlights expression, and she swept all the bubbles aside, stared down through the water, and exclaimed, “You’re actually holding his dick!”

Rather than get upset, Sam looked over, shrugged, and drawled, “Fine, Neevie's giving him a wristy. Just don’t make him pop. I call ‘next’.”

It’s not like all the other girls immediately stuck their hands into my shorts from that day forward. But what Mari said about peer pressure was true. It’s not that the girls would actually pressure each other to do more and more aggressive things, but once a door had been opened by one of them, it was much easier for the rest of them to go through.

For a girl who up until a week ago had only seriously kissed me half a dozen times, Mari really loved our makeout sessions. She started kissing me seemingly every chance she got. Meeting up at my house or Belle’s after school? Straight into a kiss hello. Need a study break a half-hour later? Onto the nearest bed or couch so she could stick her tongue down my throat. And she wasn’t shy about pulling my hands onto her ass or tits, giving me permission to grab and fondle away.

And oh did she have a body worth fondling. Mariangel had stopped growing any taller at the end of freshman year. That left her on the shorter side of average, although still a good several inches taller than Belle. She’d definitely been on the thick side at the beginning of high school, but over the last two years she had progressively gotten in better and better shape. As she matured, it felt like her curves tightened rather than filled out like the others. She’d actually lost twenty pounds since sophomore year and turned into quite the hottie with an exaggerated hourglass shape. Her 36DD tits weren’t quite as big as Sam’s, but on her shorter frame they definitely looked more out of proportion. And she had a classic Salma Hayek quality booty.

After Naimh and Sam, I never would have guessed shy Mari would be the next BTC girl to put her hand in my shorts. But one Thursday afternoon we got a little carried away on Belle’s bed during a “study break”. One minute we were French kissing like mad while she lay on top of me, both my hands gripping her big booty outside her shorts. The next minute she stopped grinding her crotch on my boner, she slipped off to one side of my body, and her hand shoved down beneath my waistband so she could wrap her fingers around the bare skin of my cock.

“Oh, shit,” I groaned as I broke our lip-lock and let my head fall back. Confused, I asked, “Mari?”

The lovely Latina heard the aroused heat in my voice, the tone exciting her rather than scaring her. Giggling, she answered, “Yes, it’s me.”

In amazement that shy little Mari was doing this to me, I lay back and absorbed the sensations of what she was doing to me. For her part, she focused on jacking my cock in her small hand for about a minute before ducking her head to start kissing me again.

If Mari did nothing more than that, I would have been happy. Making out was fun, and I had no expectations of getting off. I always saved these encounters in my memory for later masturbation fodder, and assumed this afternoon would be no different.

I assumed wrong.

Mid-kiss, Mari suddenly pulled both her lips off my mouth and her hand off my dick. Sitting up, she quickly ripped her sweater over her head, baring her bra-clad boobs to my hungry gaze. Others had done the same sort of thing, and Sam had made cramming my face into her cleavage a personal fetish, but Mari took it a step further by unclasping her bra as well and tossing it aside. My eyes grew as wide as saucers at the sight of her big Double-Ds capped with crinkly brown nipples. She promptly cupped her right boob in her own hands, bent over, and fed the nipple right into my mouth.

I latched on like a starving infant, suckling away to my heart’s content while grabbing all the tit flesh I could with both hands.

“Mmm… Matty…” Mari moaned, her eyelids fluttering while cradling my head to her bosom. She watched me nursing, a serene smile on her face. A minute later, her fingers wrapped around my dick once again, and she jacked her hand up and down along its length with complete disregard for what might eventually happen if she kept it up.

Or perhaps she knew exactly what would happen. In fact, she seemed determined to make it happen. And whatever her motivations, Mari indeed made it happen. I was still suckling away at her beautiful breasts, having switched to the other nipple by now, when I felt the tell-tale tingling in my balls. I tried to fight the urge, tried to make this moment last a lifetime, but I couldn’t hold it forever and she wasn’t about to stop stroking. So I finally pulled my mouth off her teat and gasped, “Mari! Mari! Ohmigawd, Angel… You’re gonna make me cum!”

If my intent was to make her stop stroking me, I failed miserably. Mari heard my words, moaned excitedly, and started jacking me even faster, rapidly spurring me on to the point of no return.

“Mari!” I pleaded again. “Mari… Oh… Angel… I… I… UNNNGGGHHH!!!”

My hands squeezed down on Mari’s massive mammaries, my butt bucked up off Belle’s bed, and my cock started squirting creamy cum all over my own belly.

“Ay, Dios mio!” Mari exclaimed at the sight of it. But she didn’t stop stroking.

“Ungggh! Ungggh! Ungggh!”

Over and over I came, shooting at least six shots of sperm across my stomach. The remaining globs lost power and just sort of trickled out, but Mari kept pumping until there was nothing left. A lot of the white globules stuck to her skin, and on impulse she raised her hand to her nose to take a sniff. For a second there, I thought she was going to take a lick. But instead she stretched out her arm, holding her hand up for our audience to have a better look. “Can you believe I just did that?” she asked, elated with her own boldness.

Belle sat in her desk chair, an unreadable expression on her face. “No,” she replied in a quiet voice. “I really can’t.”

Mari frowned at her best friend’s flat tone. I was a little too wiped out (and blissfully happy from the orgasm) to really notice. But I noticed when Belle clenched her jaw, got out of the chair, and left the room.

Mari and I looked at each other, both of us unsure what to do. Mari spurred herself into action before me, sliding off the bed, grabbing a wad of tissues to blot up the spunk covering her hand, and marched out the door ignoring her toplessness. She must’ve gone to the bathroom to wash her hands, because she came back a minute later, grabbed her bra and sweater, and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

“You know you’re gonna have to get over this whole brother-sister thing, right?” she intoned seriously, more of a statement than a question.

I sighed, not sure how to answer her.

With a shrug, she got off the bed and started heading for the open doorway, intent on finding her best friend. But just before she went through, she paused and glanced back at me. “Did you call me ‘Angel’ just before you came?”

I frowned and searched through my memory, not quite sure myself, but I thought I might have.

She giggled. “I kinda liked it.” And then she left.


-- CHAPTER 4: Halloween --


I didn’t really get over the brother-sister thing. Mari and Belle had their little girl chat, and after Mari went home, Belle and I sat down and had our own talk. But it was the same conversation we’d already had before, with me thinking of her as my little sister and her thinking of me as her hunky unrelated step-brother. Her dad came home early and we were behind on making dinner, so we never actually finished the conversation. And after dinner I went back to my own house.

Word of Mari’s boldness traveled fast.

Alice was waiting for me and Belle at the parking lot and came over to us as soon as we stepped onto the curb. Literally, the first words out of her mouth were, “Is it true Mari let you suck on her boobs while giving you a hand job until you came on your belly?”

I blinked twice and looked around to make sure nobody else was nearby. Other people were walking in from the parking lot, so I quickly grabbed Alice by the elbow and pulled her toward a quiet corner where I could at least have my back to a wall and see if anyone was eavesdropping, and Belle followed. “Can we not have these conversations out in public?” I hissed.

Belle drawled, “Did you wanna do it next or something?”

“What? Eww!” Alice made a stink face. “I just wanted confirmation because doing that is the LAST thing I ever thought Mari would do.”

“Well, not the LAST thing,” Belle snarked.

Alice rolled her eyes. “I’m being serious. When has Mari ever been the first to do anything with Matty? Not even Neevie or Sam have gotten him off yet.”

Belle sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Can we not have this conversation?”

“Fine, fine, let’s get to class,” Alice conceded. “But you know this won’t be the end of it. The others are all gonna wanna do the same. You know, so we’re all still ‘in balance’.” Alice finished the last phrase miming air quotes.

I frowned. “Didn’t you just say you wouldn’t want to do that?”

Alice looked at me like I’d grown a horn out of my forehead. “No, eww! I mess around with you because it makes ME feel hot and sexy. I mean, I AM a little curious about you sucking on my titties. But I don’t actually want your yucky sperm on my hand or anything like that. Like… Eww! But you know Sam and Neevie are gonna be all over that.”

Belle grumbled, “It’s not exactly ‘still in balance’ if only two or three of us can do something.”

Alice furrowed her eyebrows and gave Belle an agreeable look. “That’s a good point. We should take it up with Sam.”

“Well can we do it at home?” I complained. “I really don’t like having this conversation out in the open.”

“Fine, fine.” Alice held up her hands defensively and started walking. But she looked back at Belle and said, “Seriously though. I need your help coming up with some good and logical reasons why we collectively need to tap the brakes. Because ever since Matty became the BTC’s official boyfriend, I’ve started panicking we’re all somehow gonna lose our virginities before Christmas.”

Belle snorted. “Don’t worry. Things would never get THAT crazy.”


“Oooh, oooh. I wanna try again,” Alice chirped enthusiastically as she knelt before me in front of the couch and once again wrapped her hand around my thick and throbbing dick.

I groaned and let my head loll over the backrest, closing my eyes and relishing the sensations of my long-time friend pumping my naked prick with her hand.

Based on Alice’s mood this morning, I would have NEVER expected to be in this situation right now. And yet here I was, getting my dick fondled by all six of the BTC girls.

Yes, I said all six. Even Belle had joined in. Well, I didn’t know Belle was going to join in. I was a little busy sucking face with Zofi and therefore barely noticed when Mari quite literally handed my dick off to her best friend. Only when Zofi broke away to let Alice have a turn kissing me did I look down and notice the petite strawberry-blonde’s small hands stacking up around my big dick with some room left over at the top.

I’m getting ahead of myself, aren’t I?

At lunchtime, Alice had indeed raised the notion of tapping the brakes on our runaway hormones, stating that while the original intent of “The Rule” was for no one to literally “date” me and therefore take me away from the other girls, in practice The Rule had existed to keep everyone from getting too intimate with me. Physical intimacy and plain old “doing sex stuff” would put us on a path where somebody would get feelings that may or may not be reciprocated, somebody would get hurt, and in the end the BTC could very well fracture. As much as I’d enjoyed “doing stuff” with the girls, I couldn’t disagree and figured that when we all ended up at my house this afternoon to hang out and grill dinner, per usual for a Friday, the girls would hammer out a clarified understanding of The Rule and we’d start rolling back some of the liberties the girls had been taking with my body lately.

I was exactly wrong.

Somehow, someway, as soon as we got to my house Sam convinced the girls that “fair was fair” and The Rule was about keeping a level playing field, not restricting the girls from getting too intimate with me.

“We’re not fifteen anymore,” Sam argued. “Aren’t we mature enough to push our boundaries a little? It’s not like I’m asking you to have sex with him. But if Mari is woman enough to explore her sexuality a little bit with the only man she’s ever felt safe enough to explore with, who are we to say she’s not allowed?”

That particular argument was what won over Alice. Naimh was already on the side of pushing those boundaries as far as they could go. Zofi was pretty chill about the whole thing, saying she’d go along with whatever the group decided. And of course Mari did NOT want to roll back being allowed to play with my dick and feel me sucking on her tits the next time there was an opportunity.

Belle was the lone holdout, and in the end she just threw up her hands, barked a little angrily, “Fine! You sluts do whatever the hell you want. I’m going for a walk.” And then she went for a walk.

Her little tantrum nearly stopped everything in its tracks. -I- certainly felt that if any one member felt that strongly about NOT crossing a particular line, the group really couldn’t proceed. Wasn’t that the entire point of The Rule? But Mari went after her, insisted she could change Belle’s mind, and sure enough, in less than five minutes Belle came back and said she’d changed her mind.

No one was more shocked at the sudden U-turn than me. But with the matter apparently settled, the girls were happy to move on to other things. I got sent out to heat up the hot tub. The girls started chatting about other things, and an hour later I found myself surrounded by six hot girls wearing skimpy bikinis.

Five minutes after that, Naimh climbed into my lap and started a pleasant makeout session. A minute later, her hand slid into my swim trunks. The rather obvious way her elbow pistoned up and down made it clear to everyone else she was giving me a hand job and not merely rubbing my package, and Belle was the first to sweep all the bubbles aside, stare down through the water, and mutter dryly, “Oooh, big surprise.”

Sam smirked and drawled, “Just don’t make him pop. I--”

“Next!” Zofi interrupted before Sam could finish.

“Bitch,” Sam complained without any real heat in her voice.

“Next after Zofi!” Mari announced.

Sam groaned, “Now I think it’s clear that I already--”

“Next after Mari!” Alice cheered with both hands in the air.

Belle frowned. “Wait, I thought you didn’t even want to--”

“Everybody gets a turn!” Sam yelled, and the others all shut up and sat still. “But not in the hot tub. Let’s just relax, have the jets massage our muscles, and enjoy the heat for a bit. THEN we’ll go inside and you all can have your way with him.”

“Aww, does this mean I have to stop?” Naimh complained. The way her elbow kept pistoning, I didn’t want her to stop, either. She also hugged my head to her chest, which basically meant my cheek was pressed into her cleavage with titflesh tantalizingly close to my lips.

Sam rubbed her forehead. “Fine, I’ll give you three more minutes. Do not make him pop.”

Naimh glowed happily. “I promise.” Her hand started pumping and we promptly went back to Frenching. Gawd I loved kissing this girl.

She didn’t get me off. We made out for about four and a half minutes, after which Belle started tapping her shoulder and we reluctantly stopped sucking each other’s face. Naimh didn’t take her hand out of my trunks though, and it was only when Alice noticed her arm was still subtly moving and called her out on it that the Irish redhead finally let go of my cock.

The girls returned to their conversation and I slouched down in the tub to actually relax. Twenty minutes later, we all finally climbed out of the tub and headed into the house to dry off.

But nobody put their clothes back on. Sam’s instructions. Instead, Sam led me over to the middle of the big couch and told me to drop my swim trunks.

“Umm, what?” I balked. I was still topless from the hot tub, and my swim trunks were my only article of clothing. I’d never been completely NAKED in front of any of the BTC girls before.

Sam leveled her gaze, giving me an expectant look. But now it was my turn to have a deer-in-the-headlights expression, and with a sigh, she reached behind her back, unclasped her bikini top, and tossed it away.

I must have blanked out for a second, because the next thing I knew Sam stood before me, completely topless, with those gravity-defying massive 36DD breasts proud and bare before me. This wasn’t a quick 5-second flash with her friends. Sam’s bikini top was nowhere to be found, leaving absolutely nothing to impede my view of those fabulous knockers capped with puffy pink nipples. And this time when she repeated, “Take your trunks off,” I immediately dropped trou.

Sam grinned, quite pleased with my reaction, as she knelt on the couch by my side. She held my head in her hands and leaned forward, initiating a kiss not unlike the ones she gave me in the parking lot after school. Only this time, she didn’t stop kissing me, and her hands didn’t remain on my head.

“Oh, shit,” I groaned into her mouth when she circled her fingers around my throbbing dick.

Sam giggled and kissed me again. I was consciously aware of her naked tits pressing into my right shoulder, but I made no move to grab them. I’d been well-trained not to initiate something like that unless the girls started it first.

Sam and I only made out for about a minute before the other girls caught on. “Wait-wait-wait,” Zofi complained shrilly. “-I- called ‘next’ in the hot tub!”

“And I was after her!” Mari complained.

Sam broke our lip-lock and looked pointedly at both girls. “So sit down,” she said, gesturing to the couch.

Left-handed Zofi took the open spot on my other side, grinning widely. She started to look nervous when Sam stopped stroking my shaft and instead held it out to her best friend. Blinking rapidly, the tall, slender Polish model-type uneasily took my dick into her hand, holding it extremely gently as if it were an eggshell.

“It’s not gonna break,” Sam intoned with amusement. “You can squeeze him pretty hard.”

Still blinking rapidly, Zofi closed her fingers around me more tightly, and even if she wasn’t pumping my prick, the mere idea of this being the first time the pretty brunette had ever held a cock in her hand gave me a surge of pleasure.

She turned to look at me, fear evident in her irises. I felt a surge of protectiveness wash over me, urging me to reassure her. So I cradled Zofi’s cheeks in my hands and murmured, “It’s so fucking hot to have you holding my dick.” And then I leaned in for a kiss.

Zofi moaned when our lips met. Her hand tightened around my cock. And as the pleasure of our kiss built, she started stroking.

Meanwhile, Sam got up and let Mari take her spot. The lovely Latina started by rubbing my pectoral muscles and abs while bending over to kiss my shoulder. I sighed and pulled away from Zofi, turning to Mari and giving her an inviting look. She was quick to take me up on the offer, grabbing my head and searing her lips across mine. Soon we were making out with the same kind of fervor she’d shown yesterday in Belle’s bed.

Alice was suddenly on my left side as Mari took over pumping my cock. After Mari had her fill, she handed me off (literally), and once again I got a little thrill out of the idea that one of my friends was holding a dick in her hands for the first time.

Kissing Alice was always fun, but also a little… weird. She was a pretty girl and I’d had many fantasies about running my hands over her beautiful body, but we’d also grown up together and I still had memories of us running around the soccer field in elementary school. She enjoyed teasing me and playing with my body as a safe way of exploring her sexuality, but I never felt the kind of heat from her as I did from some of the others, and not for the first time I wondered if my erstwhile best friend was actually a lesbian.

That said, I couldn’t imagine a lesbian grabbing my dick and stroking it with such gleeful abandon.

“Careful there, Alice,” Belle intoned with a chuckle. “You keep that up and you may end up with yucky sperm on your hand.”

Alice let go of my dick immediately and stared at it with saucer-shaped eyes, wondering if it indeed was about to go off.

Sam laughed. “Relax, he doesn’t look anywhere near cumming yet.”

“Is it my turn again yet?” Naimh asked impatiently.

Sam gestured as Mari vacated her seat. “Go right ahead.”

“But Belle hasn’t gone yet,” Mari pointed out.

My eyes immediately went to Belle’s. Everyone else’s eyes started yo-yoing back and forth between us. The awkward tension that had formed between us over the past few weeks had become pretty obvious, and this moment wasn’t exactly relieving that tension.

“Go ahead, Neevie,” Belle said after a pregnant pause. Her words were for Naimh but her eyes were on mine.

Fortunately, Naimh didn’t care whether or not Belle and I were feeling awkward tension. She was happy to take over, and better yet, mid-kiss she untied the bows of her halter-top bikini, tossed aside the flimsy fabric, and pulled my mouth down to her pale pink nipples instead.

“Neevie!” Sam scolded.

“What? Mari did this already, didn’t she? We’re still ‘in balance’. Matty sure looks happy.”

I was happy. I was sucking away at Naimh’s freckled Double-D tits with abandon, fearing Sam might change the rules and suddenly take them away. I’d wanted the Irish redhead’s breasts in my mouth the very first time I ever saw them, and that desire had NEVER gone away. Even if nothing else happened for the rest of the afternoon, at least I could say I finally got my lips around her puffy pink nipples. But Sam just frowned and walked away for a minute, looking thoughtful. And eventually Naimh pulled my face off her boobs and started kissing me again.

After that, the whole order of who was “next” got lost, and the girls just started trading off as soon as one of their friends chirped that they wanted another turn. Sam apparently agreed that the girls were still ‘in balance’ and let me suck on her big tits as well, and I nearly came just from the excitement of doing that for the first time. Alice, too, had been curious about what my mouth on her tits would feel like and pulled her top down just low enough to expose a nipple for me to latch onto. From the yelps she made she certainly seemed to enjoy herself. But the other three girls kept their tops on, even Mari. Even though she’d let me nurse at her nipples yesterday, perhaps the pressure of being surrounded by her friends made her less comfortable than she’d been yesterday when it was just me and Belle.

Speaking of uncomfortable, I assumed that’s how Belle was feeling. She’d clearly been uncomfortable with the changes happening between her friends and me ever since I became the BTC’s boyfriend. But I’d been too busy having fun with those changes to really want to stop. So it was a complete surprise to me when she suddenly joined in. Mari and Zofi had me distracted, and then suddenly I looked down to see my “little sister” looking up at me with an expression of can’t-stop-me now mixed with please-don’t-be-mad-at-me.

Her small hands weren’t big enough to completely cover my cock. She started pumping them both up and down the way she’d seen the others doing it, bent over, and for a heartbeat I thought she’d actually put me into her mouth. I knew she’d fantasized about doing so quite a lot, even if I tried hard not to think about it myself.

I was certainly thinking about it now.

“Okay NOW he looks like he’s about to cum,” Sam chuckled while I clenched my teeth and tried valiantly to not let that happen. Thankfully for everyone involved, I did succeed in holding my ejaculation at bay.

But Belle didn’t kiss me. She didn’t even try. She knew I still considered kissing like that to be intimate, at least with her. Perhaps she considered herself lucky I’d let her participate this much and didn’t want to push her luck. When everything was over at the end of the night, I did ask her, “What did Mari say to you to get you to change your mind?”

Belle just gave me a mysterious smile and said, “Maybe I’ll tell you someday, but not today.”

At the time, Belle only jacked me off with both hands for a couple of minutes before letting Sam take over. Then Alice chirped, “Oooh, oooh. I wanna try again,” and I surrendered myself to the blissful sensations. It had been an amazing afternoon, but all good things must come to an end.

By now I had three girls surrounding me at all times: one on each side and one on the floor in front of me. I added a fourth when Naimh stood behind the couch and leaned over to kiss me while Zofi and Mari sandwiched me between them, with Sam kneeling on the floor stroking my shaft. Naimh, Zofi, and Mari started passing my head between them every three seconds or so, shoving a succession of tongues into my mouth one after the other before their friends physically rotated my head away.

I started grunting into Mari’s mouth as the pleasure built and built inside me. Sam recognized the tension in my abs, and she suddenly sped up her strokes. “He’s gonna blow soon,” she told the girls.

Mari broke our kiss and turned to look, watching the busty blonde’s hands twisting and pulling at my prick. I watched as well, taking in Sam’s eager expression and the way her lips parted as if in anticipation of swallowing my load.

“How do you want me, Matty?” Sam asked in her alluring Aussie accent, eyes twinkling. You wanna cum on my face? Or do you want me to swallow it? Or maybe… hmm… I’m thinking you’d love to bust your nut all over my big boobies, huh? Would you like to shower me with your sperm in front of all our friends? Can you imagine blowing a big load right into the valley of my supple, naked breasts? That’s a good idea, actually. Hang on a sec.”

My eyes went WIDE as Sam bent forward, grabbing hold of both her boobs to try squishing them around my cock. The upright rod actually got knocked out of the way at first, and Zofi reached over to hold my mushroom head and keep it in place so Sam could finish wrapping her tits around my shaft. But once she had my throbbing rod enfolded in her titflesh, Sam flicked her eyes up to mine and hummed erotically as she began to hump her chest up and down.

“Holy crap,” I moaned. “You have no idea how many times I’ve fantasized about this.”

Sam chuckled musically. “Actually, I think I’ve got a pretty good idea. Hope I live up to your expectations though. I’ve seen this in porn but never actually done it.”

I shook my head slowly. “You couldn’t disappoint me if you tried. Holy crap, Sam. Ohmigawd… I’m gonna… I’m gonna…”

It didn’t take long. Primed as I was from the girls jacking me off for close to half an hour, plus the girls making out with me one after the other, plus occasionally sucking on Naimh’s, Sam’s, or Alice’s big boobs, I was ready to blow. Getting my first ever titfuck (and Sam’s first, too) was just icing on the cake. And as soon as I started visualizing my engorged cockhead spitting wads of creamy cum all over the busty blonde’s chest, I started doing just that.

“Eeeyarrrghhh!!!” I groaned as my dick erupted. The first two shots actually fired hard enough to splatter onto Sam’s face, one just beneath her left eye and the second across her lips and chin. She hunched over a little more after that, so that the third shot impacted underneath her chin. The rest lost power and merely coated the upper slopes of her chest before all of the cumwads started trickling downward with the force of gravity, the ones on her face literally dripping down onto her spectacularly big boobs.

My hips bucked and shuddered, trying their best to keep fucking Sam’s cleavage all through my orgasm. But eventually I collapsed and went limp, sinking deeper into the couch cushions. Sam pulled her tits off my dick and sat back on her heels, smirking in smug satisfaction. And then to her surprise and everyone else’s, Zofi suddenly tackled her onto the floor, licking up cock cream from her best friend’s boobs before sealing her lips over Sam’s and feeding my sperm directly into the blonde’s mouth.

“Zofi!” Alice exclaimed, scandalized.

“Omigawd!” Naimh squealed giddily.

“Holy crap that looks amazing,” Belle moaned.

Sam and Zofi froze mid-moan and mid-kiss. Clearly they had both been really into it, and I wondered (not for the first time) if the pair of them had ever made out with each other before. Given Zofi’s self-professed virginity, I imagined this was the first time they had done so with someone’s sperm on their lips, although admittedly I couldn’t be sure. They sat up and glanced back at us, Zofi blushing fiercely and covering her face with both hands in disbelief she’d lost control and done that.

“Don’t mind us,” Mari intoned seriously. “If you want to keep kissing her, go right ahead.”

Now Alice’s scandalized expression was directed at Mari. But I didn’t have time to think about them any further as Naimh literally vaulted herself over the couch’s backrest and into Zofi’s vacated seat. She grabbed her left breast and shoved her nipple into my mouth before seizing my head with both hands. And in a raspy voice just bursting with sexual need, she growled, “I am NOT going home until you spray your cum all over ME.”


“Hey, Matty?” Belle called. “Can you help me zip this up?”

It was the Saturday before Halloween, and even if kids wouldn’t be trick-or-treating tonight, the members of the BTC were all dressing up for a party. There would be alcohol involved, so rather than let the girls drive themselves individually, I was going to pick them all up in my minivan and refrain from drinking myself so I could drive them all back home at the end of the night.

Belle had come over to my house already dressed in her costume: Jane from Disney’s animated Tarzan. She had a yellow dress including the structured butt-bustle, white gloves, and a purple cravat with a white collar. A safari hat and yellow parasol completed the outfit, but the dress was super tight up the back (it wasn’t designed to accommodate her bigger-than-normal bustline), and she couldn’t quite get the zipper closed.

I turned away from the mirror as Belle walked into the bathroom. She spun around and I took hold of the back of the dress, tugging it closed and hooking it together. Belle gasped a little, as the top was pretty tight, and I paused to ask, “You sure this is the right size?”

“It’s fine,” she replied with shallow breaths. “Girls are used to suffocating themselves for the sake of beauty.”

“You already know I think you’re gorgeous, B. No need to make yourself uncomfortable to convince me.”

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, Belle smiled and rolled her eyes. “I’m not trying to impress you. I need to look good for everyone at this party.”

I shrugged. “Your funeral.” Getting a tight grip of the zipper, I managed to slide it all the way up to the top. Belle held her chest and fought to get used to the constriction, reacting as if I’d put her into a corset.

“Sure I can’t convince you to dress as Tarzan for me?” she asked one last time, having failed on the previous three requests.

I imagined wearing a brown loincloth and nothing else, immediately replying, “Hell no.”

“C’mon. The girls would have a much easier time jerking you off.”

I blushed and thought about all the hand jobs the girls had given me over the last couple of weeks. It seemed that not a day went by without one of the girls making me explode at least once. Sam and Naimh were still the most frequent culprits; both of them got a kick out of making me pop purely for the fun of it. For Mari, jacking my cock was more of a complement to our continuing makeout sessions, and she also loved letting me suck on her nipples at the same time. Zofi had stroked me to completion twice, both times with Sam present to watch and give pointers. Even Alice had fun playing with my dick, although she only did so on Fridays when the whole club got together, and she never once tried to make me cum.

Speaking of Fridays, those were the only days Belle handled my dick as well, and only for a few minutes before giving up her spot. If all five of the other girls were messing around with me, I couldn’t bring myself to stop her. Everyone had to be in balance, right? But if it was just a small group like her, me, and Mari studying in her bedroom, the expression on my face made it clear I’d rather not cross that line of intimacy. I wouldn’t stop her if she’d tried, but she never tested that resolve.

Fridays were also great for me because those were the days Sam and Naimh really wanted to show off. It seemed to become a competition between them to see which one of them could make me pop during a titfuck. Once, Naimh even got me off between her bubbly boobs in the hot tub. Alice shrieked and promptly climbed out of the water, insisting that we’d contaminated it.

So no, I didn’t feel the need to wear a Tarzan outfit just to give the girls easier access to jerking me off. I was getting plenty of action without the loincloth, thank you very much.

Looking in the mirror, I finished making sure my hair was in place and took a step backward, looking at the full picture of my generic Star Wars Jedi costume. Checking that my lightsaber was clipped to my belt, I nodded to Belle. “Let’s go pick up the others.”

Luckily, I only had three stops as Mari had gone over to Alice’s house, and Zofi had gone to Sam’s place. It took about thirty minutes to collect everyone and another ten to drive to the party. I parallel parked on the curb about six houses away, everyone got out, and then we spent another five minutes making sure everyone’s costume looked alright. Belle took a while to get her structured bustle in place under her dress.

The party itself was fine. The host was an old friend of Sam’s and Zofi’s that the rest of us at least knew in passing. There was pretty good music, a couple of kegs, and an eclectic mix of people from a variety of social cliques at school. Nobody got crazy drunk. Nobody started a fight. The police didn’t get called for a noise complaint. In short, it was nothing like you’ve seen in the movies.

The only real change of plans came in the form of the designated driver. Over and over again someone passing out red solo cups offered me a beer, which I politely declined by holding up my car keys. No biggie, no pressure. But after the first hour, Belle nudged me and said, “Hey, why don’t you go ahead. I haven’t had a drop tonight and don’t really feel like drinking. I can drive everybody home.”

“You sure?” I asked. Belle didn’t own a car, but she still had her driver’s license.

“Yeah, no problem.” She gave me a warm smile, and I leaned over to peck her cheek in thanks.

I still didn’t get drunk or anything, but I had enough to get a good buzz going. Admittedly, my inhibitions were lowered a little and I started to get a little more affectionate with the BTC girls than I would have otherwise been, not that they seemed to mind. After all, I was the club’s official boyfriend, right? Nobody else at the party seemed to bat an eyelash when I gave Sam a kiss, or pulled Mari into my lap, or even when I grabbed Belle’s ass. It just looked so fucking perky and cute, just like the rest of her.

Well, -I- minded (a little bit) that I had grabbed Belle’s ass, and that was my cue to myself to stop drinking.

I was still feeling warm and fuzzy when the party started to wind down and we began collecting all the girls together. Belle, Mari, Alice and I had already been hanging out together for the most part, although I’d spent time with each of the others as well. We found Sam, Zofi, and Naimh together with some of the other “pretty and popular chicks”, let them say their goodbyes, and everyone piled back into my van, this time with Belle in the driver’s seat.

It took close to an hour to run everyone back to their own house, with five stops this time instead of three. By the time Belle parked the minivan in my garage, the alcohol buzz was wearing off but I was feeling pretty sleepy, bracing my elbow against the windowsill with my cheek against my open palm.

“C’mon, big guy,” Belle muttered as she opened the front passenger door from the outside and I nearly fell into her arms. She propped me up and complained, “You’re too heavy for me to carry upstairs.”

With a sleepy nod, I stumbled out of the van but yawned, stretched, and managed to walk under my own power to the door into the house. Belle followed, her hand on my hip as a guide while I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She walked with me all the way into my bedroom where I turned around, sat down on my bed, and then dropped flat on my back. I may have started snoring.

Belle’s musical laugh stirred me awake, and she asked, “You gonna just go to sleep in your costume?”

“Mmm-hmm,” I mumbled. “Think I drank more than I thought.”

“I think it’s grammatically impossible to think more than you thought.”

I frowned. “Uh, I’m not sure that’s how it works, but I don’t think I can do schoolwork in my current state.”

“Nevermind.” Belle giggled. She grabbed both my hands and leaned back, unsuccessfully trying to pull me upright. “Seriously, you’re too heavy. Help me out here.”

With a groan, I managed to sit up and start tugging at my Jedi robes. Belle helped me drag the sleeves off, and I managed to rip my undershirt over my head, leaving me topless. And then I flopped down onto my back again.

Belle sighed and pursed her lips. I closed my eyes and may or may not have passed out, because when I took a deep breath and opened my eyes again, all seemed quiet. I started to assume Belle had gone home, but a moment later, she was on the bed beside me, running her hands over my naked chest. Her palms rubbed my pecs. Her fingers trailed across my abs. These were simple touches, nothing too extreme and nothing she hadn’t already done many times. All of the BTC girls had been rubbing my body like this since we were sophomores, no big deal, and I relaxed beneath her touch.

But then I felt her lips against mine. They were soft and warm, and in my sleepy-drowsy state they felt really, really good. I kissed her back, and she moaned quite happily. So when I felt the tickle of her tongue parting my lips, I opened my mouth and let her inside.

There were none of the usual alarm bells going off in the back of my mind, the ones that screamed “She’s like a little sister to you!” Belle was just a very pretty girl - completely unrelated to me like the rest of the BTC - who was having a pleasant makeout session with me. It was the same thing I’d done with no less than five other girls over the past week alone. Indeed, as the kiss built and built, I circled my arms around her body and pulled her chest on top of mine so we could have a better kissing angle.

My hands grabbed her ass of their own accord. She didn’t have to put my hands on her cheeks or anything like that. I’d graduated past waiting for permission with the other five. At this point, if Sam, Zofi, Naimh, Alice, or Mari started a makeout session, it was pretty much a given that I’d grab her ass and fondle away to my heart’s content. It was an automatic reflex by now.

Belle moaned at my touch, throwing one leg over my hips and centering herself so that she could grind her crotch down against the iron-hard dick in my pants. The height difference was such that she couldn’t actually dry-hump my prick while kissing me at the same time, so she had to settle for riding my cock like a rail for about a minute without kissing before sliding back up my torso so we could resume our liplock. She seemed more interested in making out than getting off, which was fine by me.

And then suddenly she was gone.

I was still sleepy-drowsy-drunk, the pleasant buzz of the makeout session helping me float away on a fluffy cloud of bliss, so I didn’t have any real sense of time. For a moment, I thought I must’ve fallen asleep mid-makeout session, and that she must’ve gone home.

But then I felt her hands at my feet as she tugged off my black boots. After that, her fingers hooked into the waistband of my pants. And sleepy or not, drunk or not, my eyes opened wide once I felt both my pants and underwear start to slide down my legs.

I picked my head up, asking quietly, “Uh, Belle?”

She’d lost the hat, gloves, and umbrella, along with the uncomfortable bustle. She’d even unhooked the back of her dress, giving “the girls” a little more room to breathe, but otherwise my Annabelle was completely clothed. Her tits weren’t even on display, as the dress had a high collar and that purple cravat. Yet there was something unmistakably… sexy… about her at this moment. And I realized the mood came entirely in her eyes.

They practically glowed.

Okay, they weren’t actually glowing in the dark like some kind of evil robot, but there was a shimmer in Belle’s pale green irises as she stared at me. I saw the hunger in her expression as she pulled my pants down to my knees, exposing my semi-soft cock. It wasn’t all the way soft, because while my brain might have been a little slow on the uptick, my dick apparently realized a beautiful girl was trying to get access to it. And it started to get harder pretty fast when she took it into her hands and started squeezing.

And then it was inside her mouth.

No warning. No murmured endearments. Not even a second glance at my face to ask if it was okay. I wasn’t even completely hard yet before Belle ducked her face and crammed every inch of my dick between her lips. But within seconds it thickened and elongated until she couldn’t fit all of it inside her mouth anymore. And the next thing I knew, she had both of those tiny hands stacked one on top of the other, which still left several inches at the top for her mouth to suck on like a lollipop.

Belle’s knuckles suddenly moved, her hands twisting around my shaft in opposite directions before reversing course and twisting back the other way. Her agile tongue licked along the underside of my glans, flicking and teasing. She let her left hand drop away to start tickling my balls instead and used her right hand to start pumping up and down the full length of my cock. And a few seconds later, she placed both hands on my thighs and forced her head downward, trying to swallow as much of me as she possibly could.

Oh. My. GAWD.

Belle is giving me a blowjob.

BELLE is giving me a blowjob.

In all honesty, it wasn’t the greatest blowjob of all time. Even though it was only my second time ever getting a blowjob, I could immediately tell that Belle had never done this before and had a lot of catching up to do compared to Holly in the skill department. Actually, Belle’s first time going down on someone seemed a lot like MY first time going down on someone: just trying things out and attempting to react to your partner’s reactions.

But even if it wasn’t the greatest blowjob of all time, it was still a pretty good blowjob. Even looking back at it in hindsight, I can admit she did an amazing job for a complete novice. I never felt her teeth. She could tell when something wasn’t working and changed up her technique. And she backed off when I started bucking my hips, threatening to blow.

Presently, Belle had returned to sucking on the mushroom head while twisting both hands in opposite directions around the remaining part of my shaft. I liked the pleasure, loved the visual, and she’d picked up enough of my cues to tell. Staring straight at me with those pale green eyes, I felt her love washing over me in waves. I knew she was doing this as fulfillment of her long-time fantasy, but she was also doing her very best to give ME pleasure just for the sake of making me happy.

I didn’t deserve her.

The guilt would come later. The mental angst of letting the little girl I’d grown up with commit such a naughty, nasty act wouldn’t hit me until the morning. But right then and there, all I could feel was the love. And the more pleasure she gave me, the more I wondered why the hell I’d kept her at arm’s length for so long. The more she sucked, the more I agonized over how unfair I’d been to keep her from being just as much of an active participant in the BTC’s “fun” as everyone else. I’d grown up with Alice and Mari almost as much as Belle, and you didn’t see me stopping THEM, or giving THEM warning looks of disapproval, did you?

“Belle…” I moaned rapturously, fireworks of pleasure going off in my brain. The sound of my voice saying her name so erotically spurred her on, and she turned up the pressure.

Belle…” I moaned again, and she shifted her knees beneath her, getting herself into a position where she could bob her whole head up and down, creating a ring of suction with her lips that seemed barely wide enough to fit around my girth.

Annabelle…” I groaned, rapidly reaching the point of no return as she fucked her own face with my cock, pumping her hands with abandon up and down the inches she couldn’t fit. “I’m gonna… You’re gonna make me…”

I expected her to pull me out of her mouth and let me blow all over my belly. The thought of her actually swallowing my sperm never even occurred to me. I mean, I’d thought about cumming in a girl’s mouth, including all of the other BTC girls. I’d even blasted my load down Holly’s throat and loved every second of it. But not Belle. Not my precious Annabelle. It was too… dirty… In my mind, she was too pure.

But she didn’t pull off. Maybe she’d always planned on swallowing. Maybe she just got caught off guard and didn’t realize I was about to actually blow until I already had. Maybe she just wanted to keep her costume clean, I don’t know. Whatever the reason, she didn’t pull off. She flinched when the first blast of sperm impacted against the roof of her mouth, but her eyes tightened and she kept her mouth down. She swallowed reflexively as the second shot exploded, and then the third, and the fourth. Her mouth stopped moving but her hands kept pumping, drawing out every last drop while I groaned and thrashed on the bed beneath her, moaning her name over and over again.




And then I was done.

The next thing I knew, Belle was cuddled up alongside me, her petite 5’1” frame spooned in front of my much larger body. I cradled her with both arms, squeezing her tightly while she hummed quite happily in my embrace.

“Holy shit, B,” I moaned, still a little delirious from the incredible ejaculation. “I can’t believe you did that.”

She giggled cutely and rubbed my forearm where it crossed over her chest. “I can’t believe I did that either.”

“But… why?”

“Silly Matty. You already know I’ve been fantasizing about giving you a blowjob forever.”

“I… okay…” I conceded. “But… why now? Why tonight?”

“Because you didn’t stop me; simple as that. Maybe it was the alcohol, I dunno. For once, you didn’t get all hung up on your ‘she’s like my little sister’ mentality at the first hint of me putting a move on you. Don’t you get it? I’ll let you have anything you want from me, even my virginity.”

Belle rotated in my grasp, turning to face me with those wide, luminous, pale green eyes.

“I love you, Matty,” she said with absolute sincerity. “I always have.”


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