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My beta readers and I are winding down the final few chapters of The Big Tits Club, and editing the early chapters has begun. Unlike an OSL novel, back when I first started writing BTC, I didn't yet know where the series would take me, and I didn't yet have a full grasp of the characters and who they would ultimately become. So besides the usual grammar cleanup and wordsmithing, Thomas Fox and I are taking a hard look at the characterization and trying to ensure they are consistent from start to finish. 

Rather than go back to the beginning and edit previous chapter posts, I will be posting new "BTC Posting Versions" here as they become available (should be starting this Friday, May 21). They should (in theory) be identical to the version that goes up on StoriesOnline and Literotica (assuming Lit doesn' t make me take out common real world name references like they did to me last time). Current plan is for chapters to land on those websites the same as they've been arriving on Patreon (2 chapters a week). So my Patrons who are currently about 30-odd chapters ahead will stay that way. Then, ASL2 chapters will also start landing here on Patreon first once BTC finishes posting (First draft of BTC finishes posting, not the final versions. You won't have to wait THAT long).

If you do take the time to read the new versions, I hope you enjoy the story as much the second time around!



I know it’s a bit late to ask but wound add if Matt played some sport at school. Likewise the girls After all all kids play some organised sport or do gym at school. How can a guy have pecs if only has sex as his exercise. Imagine a guy with his own cheer squad.at sports carnival.