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The previous poll was a month ago and I'm curious to see how much, if at all, opinions have changed:

This is not necessarily who you think should end up with Matty in the end, but who is your personal favorite and why?



Wow opinions swapped FAST anyways sam is my new favorite. She seems to be the one who best considers her and matty's emotions


It's kind of a toss-up in my head betwern Belle, Sam, & Zofi. I voted Zofi as slightly eking out the other two. But really, they're all basically equal. I like Sam's serious nature. I like Belle's playful attitude. And I enjoy Zofi's subtle cleverness.

Les Bagley

I think a lot of opinions were swayed when you released the photos of women who matched your mental images of BTC members. Based on my personal recollections from those pictures, I’d have to go with Zofi, Sam and Belle, but that’s based purely on physical attractions. But the text still tells me something different, which is how I voted in this poll.


Plus, Chapter 28 was very Sam heavy and very fresh in everyone's mind. I wonder how much things might've been different had I posted this after Chapter 30.


Yeah vs the previous polls this one is VERY Heavily same tilted!


I like Sam because she is both seems the most who wants to make Marty happy no matter what and at same time is happy to let him be his own person.


Sam, I hope. She has more to offer in long term. Second choice Sam, Belle and Mari in a Polyamorous relationship