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-- CHAPTER 19: F-CK --



Something tickled my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.


“Mmph!” somebody grunted, and as I sat up, I realized I’d just shoved my dick an inch into a girl’s throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hand and sucking on the mushroom head as if I’d never interrupted her.


My eyes fluttered for a brief second, giving me just enough time to see the flaming red-haired head of an outrageously beautiful babe bobbing up and down in my lap. She looked up at me, her baby-blue eyes twinkling with mirthful delight as she continued to stuff her abundantly freckled face with my turgid tool. And her super-long eyelash extensions rapidly fluttered like butterfly wings as she took on an expression of deep carnal satisfaction, moaning around my meat as if savoring the most delectable delicacy. But then she pulled up and off my prick to smile at me while continuing to pump my shaft with her right hand.


Réveille-toi, mon doudou,” the gorgeous girl teased me with a wink, her head and naked torso still surrounded by misty infinite white that slowly dissipated, gradually revealing more and more of the world around her. Over the course of five seconds, I became gradually aware of our surroundings, enough to look up and around and realize I had absolutely no idea where - or when - I was.


I appeared to be in some kind of spacious, luxurious living room. Thick, gold drapery covered a large bay window to the side with an upholstered bench before it with drawers underneath for storage. An elaborate gold chandelier was suspended over the foyer. A two-person loveseat and a three-person couch bordered an ornate glass and black-metal coffee table, although the coffee table had been pushed aside. And I lay flat on my back in the space where the coffee table should have been, across what felt like a thick shag rug atop marble flooring in a black-and-white checkerboard pattern.


“What happened? Where am I?” I asked in dazed confusion, and at first, the buxom redhead with my dick in her hand didn’t reply except to laugh.


Multiple distinct feminine moans of arousal drifted across the room, faint and muffled enough for me to believe they belonged to women who were not presently in the living room with me and the buxom redhead. And as my brain slowly processed all of this information, I started to remember where - and when - I was.


This was Rome. This was Hannah and Madi’s fashion-label-provided apartment just outside the southeast entrance to Villa Borghese. This was the very same place - and nearly the same time - I’d been before transporting myself to Imperial China.


And now I was back.


“What happened? You passed out while cumming inside of Hannah,” Madi Cressy explained with a giggle. “And where are you? Why, you are with ME now. And you are so, so hard. So I think I’ve waited long enough to feel this merveilleuse chibre inside me.”


With a giggle, the scintillatingly sexy supermodel slid up into my lap, straddling my pelvis with her knees on the shag rug to either side of me. Sitting up, she held my throbbing dick in her right hand, rubbing my glans against her soaking wet snatch. Her left hand hefted one of her big, pillowy breasts, squeezing the massive melon so that its skin flushed enough to blend in color with the abundant freckles covering her chest. And with a coy grin, she started to slide herself down onto me.


But then I abruptly grabbed Madi’s hips and twisted them, removing her moist slit from its alignment over my dick. She wound up merely shoving my prick down against my belly, and then she yelped in surprise as I unceremoniously toppled her off of me and over to the side where she banged into the couch.


Que diable!” Madi exclaimed in shock and anger.


“Sorry!” I muttered dismissively, already scrambling onto all fours and then up onto my feet. As much as I would’ve loved to bury myself into Madi-effing-Cressy’s glorious supermodel pussy for the very first time, something was far more important to me right now.




I somehow still felt exhausted at the moment, as if all of the energy I’d spent fighting the entire Liang Army, the elite guards, the Huodou, and the rat demon warlord had somehow drained this body as well. Madi’s recent blowjob had helped. But when I impulsively decided to vault myself over the loveseat in a hurry to race over to the apartment’s bedroom, I managed to trip myself up catching my left foot across the backrest, tumble face-first onto the black-and-white checkerboard marble floor, and awkwardly land on my shoulder in a way that knocked the wind out of me.




No matter. I had to see her. So I rolled with the impact, crawled a few more feet on all fours, and just managed to stand back up as I reached the open doorway.


Her naked backside was to me, presenting me with her familiar lithe and linear shape capped with a curvaceous ass with jiggly globes I could still remember mashing around my meat in the mornings. She had the exact same figure I’d seen only minutes ago, even though more than a thousand years must have passed. And even though I couldn’t yet see her face, I felt my heart go all aflutter at the realization that she was here right in front of me.


We’d made it.


The reason I couldn’t see her face was because it was presently pressed into Hannah Hampton’s pussy. The leggy lingerie model with dirty-blonde hair and bright-green eyes had been pinned flat on her back across the bed by Rae. The self-professed flat-chested shorty with the blue pixie cut was making out hot and heavy with Hannah, the pair of gorgeous girls writhing together while Hannah fingerbanged Rae with two pumping digits. All three girls were naked and moaning and having a great time, but I simply HAD to interrupt them by rushing into the room, seizing her around her waist, and yanking her squealing in surprise up to her feet while spinning her around to face me.


I cut off her squeal by mashing our lips together, pouring all my pent-up emotions into my kiss.


All of my joy.


All of my relief.


I’d gone into that last battle with the rat demon knowing that the odds were stacked against me and knowing I wouldn’t survive the attempt. My destiny was to die - that had been certain.


Returning back to my life here? That part had been… less certain.


I’d certainly hoped for this outcome, of course - hoped that even though my corporeal being in Imperial China had expired, Aksel Andersen would still wake up in the modern world. But I’d been given no assurances, and I could never be sure whether or not I’d ever see her again. I’d point-blank asked Dong if he could promise me that I’d see her again, and he’d told me mournfully that unfortunately, he couldn’t.


But I was here. Now. With her.


And it felt SOOOOO good to have her in my arms again.


Not that she had any idea what was going through my mind right now. For all she knew, I was simply done porking Madi Cressy outside and had come to plug myself into yet another wet snatch simply because I could. She kissed me passionately enough, enjoying my kiss and excited to get her turn. She had no way of knowing what I was about to say to her, no idea of how the words would make her feel.


“万事开头难,子仪” I told her simply as soon as our lips parted. Everything is difficult at the beginning, Ziyi.


Her eyes got BIG.


Like really, really big, and for a second I thought she was about to faint again. But she didn’t. Instead, she merely gasped, covered her mouth with one hand, and started shaking.


“Chezhou?” she asked hesitantly, her voice hopeful and yet tinged with fear.


I winked and said softly, “Wo ai ni. For all eternity.”


“Wait, what?” Rae exclaimed from over by the bed, but her voice was rapidly drowned out by Ziyi’s screaming as my thousand-year-old lover leaped into my arms and wrapped both legs around my waist.


I laughed and swung Ziyi around in a wide circle, suddenly feeling flush with new energy. We weren’t even having sex, and yet I could feel her love fueling my body, recharging my spirit, and just plain making me feel HAPPY.


Ziyi was both laughing and crying, alternately hugging my head to her boobs and pulling back to grip my cheeks and stare down at me as if seeing me again for the first time, and I could only imagine what was going through her mind at this moment.


From my perspective, I had only been away from her for however long it took to fight off the crazy rat demon and buy her as much time as I could. But from her perspective, she had lived over a thousand years since that moment, never knowing for sure when she might see me again, only to finally meet me, but only meet a previous version of me who didn’t know who she was.


Who didn’t know what she truly meant to him.


Until now.


I wondered what it had been like for her, having realized days ago when Dong first appeared on my shoulder that Aksel Andersen was actually Liu Kang’s distant descendant who had not yet traveled back in time to Imperial China to eventually become her beloved Chezhou. Looking back now, it all made sense why she’d switched sides so abruptly as soon as Dong had appeared. I understood now why she’d stared in awe at the little blue gecko with the beatific expression of a deeply religious Fremen fanatic. It wasn’t just because Dong was the avatar of Qinglong.


It was because she remembered him.


Just like she remembered me.


After more than a thousand years, we were finally together again.


“For all eternity, Chezhou,” Ziyi said softly, her green eyes aglow with happiness. “Wo ai ni.”


She kissed me…


… and then wall beside us suddenly exploded.




“EEEEEEKKK!!!” Hannah shrieked in terror, her high-pitched scream an exclamation point of noise to the riotous cacophony accompanying the apartment wall’s abrupt destruction.


But while I could hear Hannah, I couldn’t actually see anything that was going on. That’s because I’d been standing right next to the wall when it exploded inward, getting the wind knocked out of me when my back hit the floor right next to the bed.


“ARRRGGGHHH!” Ziyi growled on top of me, no longer naked. Her nearly indestructible serpent scales covered her entire body like a second skin, taking the brunt of the explosion’s force against her back. Her iris eyes had become mere slits and her fangs were bared as she hissed in righteous rage, perhaps amplified by the fact that we’d been interrupted during what had been such a precious moment for the two of us.


“Cops!” Rae shouted as she leaped off the bed and into the air, passing beyond my view. But I’d glimpsed enough to know that she was likewise no longer naked and had already started summoning electric fireballs in both of her hands. And I heard familiar blasting sounds as those electric fireballs started smashing into their targets, accompanied by deep, male grunts of pain.


“EEEEEEKKK!!!” Hannah shrieked again from the bed, her voice followed immediately by Madi swearing something I didn’t catch in French from over by the door.


Meanwhile, Ziyi had already pushed off of me and vaulted herself into the air towards our attackers, so I was finally able to sit up and see what the hell was going on.


Sort of.


Smoke from the initial explosion filled the room, but there was another, smaller explosion as a smoke grenade started spewing and making it even more difficult to see.


The bodies of two men clad in black riot gear with helmets and goggles were already on the ground just inside the gaping hole in the wall where a picture window had been, but more black-clad men were pouring inside. At the same time, more men burst through the apartment’s front door, ran through the living room, and rushed into the bedroom to flank us on two sides. I thought I caught the words Polizia on the armband of one of them, and Carabinieri on a patch across the back of another one.


Red spotting lasers crisscrossed the room, which seemed pretty stupid to me because they made it easier for Rae and Ziyi to find their targets. Rae threw two more electric fireballs before sprouting her longsword, and she promptly chopped one of the Carabinieri’s assault rifles in half.


Other assault rifles spat bullets in response, the loud staccato sounds almost deafening at this range. Hannah and Madi had never stopped screaming, but Madi’s screaming started to get fainter and quieter as she ran from the room. Hannah’s screaming had gotten much louder since she’d rolled off the bed onto the floor beside me.


When one of the red lasers started tracking towards us, I immediately threw up my arm and created an ice shield. Moments later, I heard the rhythmic drumming of a dozen bullets impacting the magically reinforced ice, none of them penetrating through.


“Get under the bed,” I told Hannah, raising up onto one knee and looking for a target. I quickly spotted one right behind Ziyi, bringing his rifle in line with her. She had shapeshifted into her hybrid form and was busy using her claws and teeth to slash at two of the intruders at the same time. So I raised the knuckles of my right hand to summon sharp icicle daggers to throw.


But no icicle daggers came. I turned my head to stare at the empty space where the daggers should have formed, frowning in confusion. But then the rat-a-tat sound of a gun firing made me whip my hand back around, just in time to see a burst of bullets bounce off of Ziyi’s scale-armored back, followed by another burst of bullets that bounced off of her serpent’s hood.


Unharmed, she turned, hissed, and then sprang off her tail so fast that the guy never stood a chance. Her fangs buried into his neck at the gap in his riot gear, and he collapsed across his back while she sprang off him to launch herself at another one.


The smoke in the room was starting to thin out, making it easier for me to see everything all at once. If there were any other men outside, none of them tried to come in through the hole. Indeed, the remaining few men inside seemed desperate to back their way out.


Rae stood beside the decapitated body of one officer, her longsword gleaming in her right hand while her left hand held aloft the bloody head, swinging it menacingly at the retreating officers while her electric blue eyes quite literally glowed.


Ziyi was in the middle of yanking her fangs out of another fallen officer, and she coiled in place atop his body while hissing quite viciously at her future potential victims, her green eyes also glowing.


The last three men didn’t even try to lay down covering fire as they retreated. All three of them simply turned around and ran.


Rae snarled as she tossed the decapitated head through the gaping hole in the wall after them and then turned to glare at both me and Ziyi. She was quite clearly pissed and ready to do some more decapitating, practically itching to find someone new to punish for interrupting her pleasant evening.


Ziyi looked at me and then smiled with relief to see that I was alright. Exhaling slowly, she slowly morphed back into her human form, albeit one that still had her scale armor up. And as she slowly walked to me, only then did I finally let my ice shield drop.


“Chezhou… I can’t believe you’re actually-- AAAHHH!”


Ziyi had just started walking to me when a glowing golden rope literally crackling with electricity suddenly flew into the bedroom through the massive hole in the wall, wrapped itself around Ziyi, and yanked her out through the hole with alarming speed.


“ZIYI!” I yelled, immediately running after her, completely careless of my nudity. Leaping through the hole, I landed in the alley that ran alongside our apartment just in time to see my thousand-year-old lover getting dragged across the street with that glowing rope wrapped around and around her struggling body.


There were multiple straps encircling her, binding her arms to her sides, keeping her ankles crossed together, and even including a strap across her mouth. There had to be some magic involved, given that she wasn’t shapeshifting into a serpent in order to escape. And I took off at a dead run after her, crossing my arms over my chest, my thumb and two fingers of each hand extended while my fourth and fifth fingers were curled inward.


Nothing happened.


No spinning ball of water appeared in the air before me, not even a little one. I didn’t understand what was going on. I wasn’t tired at all. I had enough sex-energy. This body had been fucking non-stop for a while now, plus the rush of power kissing my long-ago love had given me just recently, and I’d made an ice shield no problem. But for whatever reason, my other elemental water powers weren’t working.


I could tell that Rae’s powers were working just fine though, given that a glowing electric fireball flew right past me to slam into the shadowy figure holding the rope that was dragging Ziyi down the street.


But the ball of charged energy had absolutely no effect. If anything, it looked like the guy simply absorbed the power of the blast, Rae’s fireball shrinking in half a second with a sudden sucking sound and a loud pop as it disappeared. Rae swore and threw another ball, but the exact same thing happened.


And then she laughed.


No, Rae didn’t laugh, and with her mouth covered, Ziyi couldn’t laugh either. Instead the guy - well, the girl - who had been dragging Ziyi turned and laughed.


She laughed loud.


She laughed long.


She even had something of an evil cackle going, if you know what I mean.


The woman came to a stop beside a large, black Mercedes G550 SUV. When she turned back to face us beneath a streetlamp, I could see that she was incredibly beautiful with chiseled cheekbones, a blemish-free Mediterranean complexion, and dark auburn hair. And in a deep voice with a clear Italian accent, the woman called, “If you want her back, Aksel Andersen, bring the relics to us.”


“Who is ‘us’?!” I yelled, still sprinting hard. I had almost caught up. “And bring them where?”


The woman didn’t answer except to laugh again as she hopped into the SUV, easily hoisting Ziyi’s bound form in her arms with supernatural strength as she did so.


The door slammed shut less than ten feet in front of me.


I almost managed to grab the door handle, but the tires burned rubber as the SUV peeled out and rapidly drove away.


“FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!” I howled, punching the air as I futilely tried to summon an ice dagger, the Buster sword, ANYTHING that would help me get Ziyi back.


To no avail.


I stopped running and balled my fists, clenching my teeth with impotent rage as I stared after the departing vehicle.


“FUCK!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!”


I will be taking a one-chapter break. Beta Tier and VIP also got this same break after Chapter 19. In the meantime, check out my story Making Love if you haven't read it yet: https://www.patreon.com/collection/496544?view=expanded

Chapter 20 of TBD will post on July 2. For anyone who can't wait, VIP Tier will be maintaining a 7-chapter lead from that date on until the story is complete.

Remember that all authors thrive on feedback, so let me know how you're enjoying the story! Leave a comment here or come chat with us on Discord! And be sure to connect your Discord account here on the Patreon website to get access to the Patron-Only channels! https://discord.gg/fg3m6MdfN9


Prologue & Chapter 1: The Ax Effect: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102225387

Chapter 2: Santa Monica: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102437478

Chapter 3: The Zellij Fountain: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102691018

Chapter 4: Euhemerism: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102919819

Chapter 5: The Fremont Troll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103191700

Chapter 6: Jade: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103443053

Chapter 7: The Blue Gecko: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103699709

Chapter 8: Yaoguai: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103978374

Chapter 9: Rome: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104213388

Chapter 10: Seeing Sights: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104466709

Chapter 11: Liu Kang: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104728056

Chapter 12: Ziyi: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104949855

Chapter 13: Huodou: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105203881

Chapter 14: Longmen: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105600662

Chapter 15: Difficult: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105783706

Chapter 16: Wo Ai Ni: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105784255

Chapter 17: Shu Yaoguai: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105784780

Chapter 18: The Way of Water: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106536374


Florida Reader

Dude. I really like your writing. But the pacing seems off to me. We just get back from China and then this? It is almost like going through a season fo the Keifer Sutherland show "24." Is that your intention?

JeanMartin Freites

I was certainly caught off guard by the title but it all makes sense after seeing how the nice reunion gets cut off in a most abrupt manner.


Yeah a lot of major events happening real fast makes it seem like the pacing for this one is much faster than the longer stories like BTC. I hope it isn't a short one because the premise is great and I think it has a lot of potential.