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Patreon doesn't make polls easy...

I missed some poll options and Patreon doesn't let you edit polls after opening them so... I had to make a new one... Again.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Here we go.  Time to vote on what gets made this month!

These are based on the requests made by the $9 and up patrons.

Remember: You can vote for as many options as you like and if you vote for a series put the name of the specific character you want to see in the comments.


Michael Giblin

Saeko From School of the dead please


Valvatorez from Disgaea would be cool


Wiegraf for Ff tactics


Hoping to see the Tenchi cast continue, and Owl Eda would be great to have before the series finale.

Halo Tilgia

Personally if Tenchi does happen to make it I really hope we get Ryo-Ohki!

Halo Tilgia

I like Delitas design but as a character I hated him. I want to see Orlandu or Agrias, but honestly any of the main cast that doesn't betray Ramza will do.


Ethan did do Agrias a few months back. 🙂 Also I too am in the “Delita is a Walking Garbage Person” camp haha

Capsule chibi

THOUSAND ARMS! I remember that.


Saeko from HS of the Dead


T.G.Cid from FF Tactics


Disgea, dealer's choice because there are lots of fun options.

Anthony DeMinico

ALWAYS going to hit the "Anything I Want" button, because you never fail to impress. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with and decide upon!