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I finished Darkness!

For my free sculpt I did Samanosuke from Onimusha.  I can't be the only one to remember Onimusha, right? Right?

I also painted a Vash.  I think he turned out pretty neat.

Now I have to get busy designing an original character.  I'm probably going to have to draw some sketches maybe look through my old sketchbooks.  I'm open to any suggestions for what kind of thing I should make.




I haven't thought of Onimusha in years. Time to break out the ol ps 2 and give it another playthrough.


For your original character—I don’t have any ideas but it would certainly be a shame if you broke your two month streak of sculpting magic cat girls… 😉


Onimusha?!?! Just when when I thought I was out, they pull me back in


For the OG what type of genre setting is your favorite? Start from there. I would have said something that's like an amalgam of all your favorite characters but I don't know if that's exactly original??


What's your favorite character? What do you think they would look like a few years down the road from where their story last ended? Are they a king/queen now? Did they decide to wander off into obscurity? Are they now more epic than ever before? Now imagine a character of your own that might have been in the background of that story as a spectator. What would someone living in that world look like?