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I finished Vash and Inuyasha.  I hope you guys like the look of them.

Edit:  In my experience glases rarely work out well on miniatures but I added a glasses version for anyone who wants it.




Extremely happy with the Inuyasha model!


Me too. InuYasha face a little bit odd (too mature), but overall is a good model.

Projekt Darkside

I am big fan of the Vash model! A small part of me was hoping he'd have his glasses, but it's really neat regardless.


Thank you for adding a glasses variant of Vash. They can definitely be hard to print though, you're right! No complainers; you've been warned!

Projekt Darkside

Mister Savage being a man of the people. I've only ever printed one piece with glasses and it worked out so I didn't even think they might actually turn out this time.


Thank the good lord your comment on basing his look on the new show was a joke! haha

Halo Tilgia

Hot damn he added glasses, it looks like the Vash I really wanted, and with some iridescent paint we will have him looking awesome in no time!!!