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Artwork suggestions are now open! Suggest any story related artwork that you would like to see provided down below! The artwork can be for a story that has never received art, or it can be something that has been depicted before but with a new twist!

Suggestions will be accepted until Thursday, February 25th! Please have your submission finished before then!!

As usual, the conditions are

* One suggestion per user

* Must be related to story content in some way



I'm really sad that it still hasn't received art, and it probably won't win this vote either, but I suggest the scene from Tempered Flames 6 where Heather and a chubby Astrid are observing an even chubbier Ruffnut lazing about while Heather talks about wanting a girl like Ruffnut.


I was about to put in another option for Tempered Flames, buuuut I think it'd be best to back this option!


Mine's going in for BoP's Rest short, with Samus cuddling with her little plushies in bed


Dessert Warfare 2 image where Kaguya realizes that she has to dress up for the luau


Our Promised Land. Cloud's happy family on a walk through the town