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The first of this month's literature suggestions prompts is an open field! Any prompts that you'd like to see done, with no constraints for the content!

Post your suggestions / prompts down in the comments below. These will then be voted by those in the $5 tier in a poll that will take place in a few days time.

Suggestions will be accepted until Wednesday, July 8th, and the poll will be posted then.

The second Literature Suggestions Prompt will be posted on July 15th, and after talking with a number of folks this month's theme will be Juicy July! Please look forward to that!

As always, thanks for reading!



I will go with the Dessert Warfare prompt from last month. It almost won so I think it stands a good chance.


While this may not be the actual themed... suggestion input thing, figure there's nothing wrong with trying to do something juicy already! With that in miiiind, here's my idea: Quintessential Quintuplets, but each of the girls is or becomes a different type of berry/fruit of different sizes and proportions. Let the chaos rollll!


Itsuki visiting Miku a bit before the current FBF timeline for a big round of taste testing could be fun I think!


Evangelion prompt where Ritsuko has Asuka try out something that’ll help her with her sync rate but instead makes her bwoomph


I couldn't think of anything until the last minute lmao


Attack on Titan: Sasha retires from the military and brings fast food to the cities on Paradis. Humanities attack on potatoes begins.