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Ashley missed the days when Nora had been tan.

Well, to be more accurate, she missed the days when her roommate was thin, and her house didn’t always smell like pizza and fast food.

Nora used to be fit. 

She used to have a strong, slim waist that showed toned abs. Her glutes rippled with muscles, muscles she used to kick ass and take names. She even liked chewing bubblegum! Even if Nora never got that joke.

She’d been a badass raven, had worn her muscles with pride! Four-time champion of their high school’s kick boxing league, Nora had been dancing around, sliding into any and every conversation to show them her full scholarship into the illustrious Fulsome Academy.

Now, Nora struggled to fit anywhere.

She couldn’t slide into anything, except for maybe the double-sized loveseat. An upgraded size from the one last year, she’d brought it home from he academy along with the wide, wide computer desk that her huge TV was now set on top of. Even this seat seemed tight on the big blonde’s fat covered hips. 

There wasn’t much space in Nora’s bedroom, most of it being occupied by Nora herself. There was her bed, which was broken… again. Bent straight down the center at the steel half-point. Her desk and her double wide seat, which was where Nora actually slept when the young streamer wasn’t gaming, reading, or stuffing her face. Then there was the coffee table, which was currently decorated with a variety of ancient boardgames and a dozen bags of snacks, and finally a bookshelf next to a long dresser with a mirror reflecting the wide butterball. 

Her reflection stood over all of her old kickboxing trophies, still proudly displayed, though they were currently buried in a ton of random video game merchandise and anime figurines. 

On the wall behind them was a poster of a woman that, if she wasn’t almost as fat as Nora, Ashley would have been sure was Samus. The supersized blonde was flexing an arm without muscle, her beauty mark tiny over her fat double chin. Above her the words “We can do it!” were exclaimed, although what ‘it’ implied was left to the imagination.

‘We can fit into those XXXXXL pants!’

‘We can finish off the rest of this pie!’

It made Ashley feel even more flustered as her eyes returned to her closest friend’s body, watching Nora as her belly rolled over her thighs when she bent over to the cables on the ground.

Nora’s skin was the color of marshmallow fluff, her deep black hair now brightened into a an almost ashy color. The only part that she did upkeep on was the long strip of vibrant red on the left side of her bangs, which added some much-needed color to the near ghostly cow.

She used to lay outside in the sun, layering her bronze abs with tanning oil. This Nora wouldn’t even fit on the beach towel. She’d been big after a year at that school, but now that her sophomore year had finished, Nora had gained more than Ashley could have imagined.

And she seemed almost proud of it all. 

Ashley watched Nora move, humming to herself as she readied the equipment. She was fluffy and round as a freshly washed kitten making ready to pounce. Her blackout drapes had banished the sun from the room, leaving only the cool neon blue illumination of her sign that displayed her Sorority’s insignia. 


F was not a Greek letter, but Nora insisted it’d make sense if she learned the history. Ashley wasn’t interested in the background of the Phi Alpha Taus, nor of their FAT pants. All she knew is that every time Nora came home, the girl brought with her food, furniture, and a few extra Xs on the tags of her clothing. 

“Are you at the login page?” asked the world’s fattest ass, wiggling back and forth in tight red pajama pants. Across the bottom, written in deep black letters thick enough to match her fat sign was her Tau insignia.

“Yeah,” Ashley rubbed her fingers over her eyes, trying to get the image of two pigs dancing out of her mind. She readjusted the laptop, checking the chords to the camera. “You said Twitch, right?” 

The porky ballet straightened up, each round ham taking a jiggling bow while the massive woman waggled her sausage fingers in front of an expensive looking camera. “Mhmm! Mixer offered me an exclusive contract, but I dunno. It just doesn’t seem that good. I’ve already got my own emotes for Twitch, you know?”

Sinking back into Nora’s couch, Ashley let out a concerned sigh. “Aren’t you supposed to be… kickboxing? What happened to that?”

Nora turned and the lighting of the whole room was changed. It was lucky that she’d freed up some space in her room, because the small act took up a lot of surface area. 

“You used to tease me for playing Pokémon,” Ashley grumbled, “and now you’re streaming all kinds of crap.”

Nora tried to put her fists on her hips, but her chunky arms could barely reach to her sides, much less make the pointed angles she so obviously desired. It would have made her look supersized if her stomach flopping over her pants wasn’t doing that already.

“It’s just a college job!” Nora protested. “Just to pay the bills. The academy is really expensive, you know!”

“I thought you had a full ride.”

Nora frowned. “Not the classes, dummy. It’s… everything else.”

Ashley raised an eyebrow. “Did you just call me ‘dummy?’ What are you, six?”

The blue lighting had colored the marshmallow’s skin, but the crest of her body gave her a planetary shadow. Her blush overruled all other light. “I-I’m not supposed to swear, okay? One of the team leaders says it’s ‘not lady-like.’”

Ashley scowled before rolling her eyes and typing on the Twitch login page. “And playing Connect Four is?”

“There’s nothing else for us to do!”

“You could let me practice on your hair,” Ashley offered.

Nora ignored her, wobbling in exasperation. “I’ve already played enough World of Warships for the freaking month, my doctor said League of Legends is bad for my cholesterol, and New Vegas keeps crashing and I don’t know why!”

“World of what??” Ashley asked with wide eyes. “Last year you didn’t even know how to sync a wireless controller!”

Nora shrugged. “I’m a quick learner.” She stood up on her tiptoes to adjust a microphone that hung over the coffee table, and as her top crawled up to her love handles Ashley was reminded of just how hot the room was.

“W-whatever,” Ashley looked away from Nora’s deep belly button and the folds on her waist. “What’s your username?”

“F A T, all capital, Nora. And it’s one word, so FAT Nora.”

She had to hop to pull the microphone down a could extra inches, the reverberating boom from the wooden floor speaking for Ashley’s flat expression.

“It’s our Sorority tag. I’m trying to get the other girls to play with me more. My dormmate Pandora and Miss Beatrix, err, umm, Miss Bea, they’ll play with me sometimes. They’re the only others who’ve made accounts.”

“‘Miss Bea?’” Ashley frowned.

Nora sank back onto her flabby feet. She was barefoot, exposing the alleged kickboxer’s heavyweight cankles. “Y-yeah…” Nora blushed. “She’s the one who says I shouldn’t swear anymore.”

“You are such a fuckin’ dweeb,” Ashley smirked.

Nora winced, almost as if she’d been punched in the tummy. “Shut it,” she pulled her shirt down, tugging the FAT so it rested right across her comparatively modest chest. “The password is… oh… um…” Nora suddenly became very awkward. “Uhh, actually… here, let me…”

She plodded over to Ashley’s side, her shirt bunching back up with each jiggling step. When she sank down onto the couch, Ashley could feel pressure building on each burdened support. Nora’s grand belly folded over her thighs, her heavyweight hips pushing much further than the cushion could reach, until she was practically in Ashley’s lap. 

Rather than go for the laptop, the young woman’s first instinct was to naturally pluck a handful of cookies and insert them, two at a time, into her mouth. Ashley scrunched up her mouth when Nora let out a relieved sigh, before plopping the laptop onto the fat girl’s tummy. A reverberation quivered Nora all the way up to her startled chin, and Ashley stood up from the couch, the heat of the sun radiating from the whale-woman’s blubber. 

“Jeez! Impatient?” Nora frowned.

She walked over to the dresser and looked at the little figures. “How many people did you say would be watching?” she asked.

“Probably not that many,” Nora replied, leaning back on the couch with the laptop peached on top of her tummy. “Maybe three or four thousand.”

Ashley blew out a heavy breath, looking at herself in Nora’s mirror. Despite everything, Ashley felt extremely self-conscious. 

Nora should have had Ashley’s confidence floating through the clouds. After all, while Nora had ballooned from 150lbs to… God only knew how many hundreds, Ashley had… well, okay, she’d put on a few. 

Not a few hundred! Just almost two dozen. She’d been a 180 when they’d graduated, currently weighing in at 200, but compared to Nora she was a lightweight!

So why did Nora’s heavyset smile, her dimpled cheeks and her happy green eyes make Ashley feel so much more nervous? 

It must be the streaming. Or maybe it was college, which Ashley had opted out of to attend beauty school. But there was this undeniable power that Nora now carried in place of her muscles, something inside of all of those inches of blubber. 

Nora was cute. Hell, the way she moved, she was even attractive.

Ashley, meanwhile, was the epitome of plain looking. Aside from her purple-blue hair, which even she had to admit looked nice in the lighting, the novice hairdresser looked almost horrendously basic. She wore heavy eye shadow to bring out her unblemished skin, but her mother’s French ancestry gave her a small nose and small mouth that were completely unremarkable. Her body was pudgy, but she’d concealed most of it beneath a black dress with white skulls, currently colored blue by the light.

“There we go!” Nora chirped. “Notifications are sent. People are hopping in now. Set to… Cards and Board Games.” 

Ashley watched Nora’s reflection lean forward to place the laptop onto the table, her stomach sagging between her wide-spread thighs. It took her a moment to stand back up with an overweight grunt, but she waddled over to the camera. 

“Now we just click ‘Live’ and… viola! Ash, come on over!”

Ashley crossed her arms beneath her chest and came up behind Nora as the cheery butterball greeted the camera. 

“Hey there feeders! Welcome, welcome, thanks for joining the stream.”

“Feeders?” Ashley interrupted.

“Eh? Oh, uh, yeah! They’re what I call our members. Cause, you know.” Nora dragged a finger across her chest.

“Oh. Okay,” Ashley glanced to the camera. 

“Anyway!” Nora smiled, stepping close to Ashley and taking her by the waist. “Today me and my best friend Ash are gonna be playing some board games for you guys! Do you want to introduce yourself?”

“Uh, yeah. I guess,” Ashley laughed nervously. “Umm, hi. I’m Ashley De’Mont. I’ve known Nora since high school, and she rooms with me when she’s not up at Fulsome.” She lifted her hands to her hair, taking the lengths into two separate hands. “I’m a hair stylist, which means I’ve been doing nothing while everyone’s staying home. And, uh… yeah.”

“Ash is really into a lot of card games, like Magic and Hearthstone.

“Uggggh don’t talk about Hearthstone. Pleaaase,” Ash sagged back, giving Nora a cheerful giggle.

“What’s it been lately then?”

“Uhh, mostly Gwent. But that’s cause I’ve been trapped inside.”

“I’ve talked about you on stream before, so I’m sure they can figure a few things about us.”

The way she said ‘us’ made Ashley blush.

“We’ll be playing some good old fashion games that I got with your donations,” Nora bowed to the camera as deeply as her porky legs could. Then she stepped to the side, revealing the table and all of the snacks. “I also picked up a bunch of chips and sodas, so I hope you’ll get to enjoy!”

Ashley was so wrapped up in the moment that she didn’t notice the special mention of all of the foods. She was stepping to the side of the table, fixing her hair behind her ear. “So, uh, what do you want to do first?”

She looked up to the crinkling of plastic. Nora was sliding her container of cookies over to her side, the piggy’s fingers gripping another handful while she hungrily licked her lips.

“Ehh, Nora?”

“Hmm? Oh, sorry,” she hummed. “Whichever you want!”

Ashley frowned, glancing at the camera before back to her friend as she made a visceral grumble of heavenly joy. She rest her paw on her cheek as she chomped, eyes shut and wearing a chunky smile. 

Turning back to the table, Ashley let out an uncomfortable cough. “W-well…” she couldn’t see anything, her eyes watching Nora’s hand thump herself on the tummy. She remembered the gameboard she’d mentioned earlier. “How about Connect Four?”

“Sure!” Nora replied. She twisted the laptop so it faced her, watching the scrolling window of the stream. Ashley took the box and began to set up the game while Nora puckered her lips and reached into a freshly opened bag of cheese-dusted chips. 

The hairstylist couldn’t help staring as Nora lifted her fat hands to her fat shoulders, brushing her fluffy hair behind her back. The way that her arms jiggled and wobbled inside of her tee, the completely unabashed FAT stretching over her chest, all beset by a glimmering smile in the dark neon light. 

She didn’t even realize she was doing it until her fumbling fingers were pinched by the games box. “Yow,” she said softly, lifting up the pained digit. She’d nearly broken one of her manicured nails just by scratching the top. 

“You got it?”

“Y-yeah,” Ashley replied. She took the box from either end, trying not to look at the tummy that was wider than the opposite end of the table bouncing as Nora took another handful of cookies.

The box opened to reveal an exceptionally large yellow apparatus that was holed in a 6x7 pattern. Two blue stands were already attached to the board, letting it stand vertical. Large black and red tokens, much larger than Ashley remembered, filled the bottom of the box. 

Nora swallowed her mouthful, pausing before the next while she read from her laptop. “FluffyVixen asks: So what are the stakes? Ooo! That’s a good idea!” Nora placed her chips on the table, scattering them messily as she scooched closer. “Are we gonna play by house rules?”

“House rules?”

“Yeah!” Nora dug through a second package of cookies, pulling out a bunch of cream-filled disks. “At the sorority, one of the rules we have is the loser has to eat a cookie! We’re not allowed alcohol. Some of the girls are real lightweights.”

Ashley’s lips puckered in thought. “Aren’t you the same girl who gets drunk on two bottles of red apple mix-”

“A-anyways!” Nora interrupted, her tummy letting out an emphatic whine at wasted memories. “What do you say? Cookie bet?”

Ashley shook her head. “That’s not fair. You’ve already eaten like ten cookies.”

Nora paused, three cookies a couple inches from her mouth. “Wha? I have not!”

“You eat enough cookies as is!” Ashley smirked.

“There’s no such thing as too many cookies!”

Unbeknownst to either of the arguing girls, Nora’s chat was currently going wild, posting a custom emoji of a chibi Nora in one of her F A T tops.

“Losing should be a punishment, shouldn’t it?” Ashley pushed the checker pieces around, taking red for her and giving black to Nora.

“I guess…” the tubby girl relented before munching up her handful of sweets.

Ashley watched Nora’s belly as it grumbled, awoken by the taste of chocolate, sugar and salt, now demanding that the overweight girl burden it with more. An idea occurred, something to put the out-of-shape girl out of her element.

“The loser,” Ashley decreed with a dangerous smile, “has to do one pushup.”

“What?!” Nora looked shocked. She glanced at the camera. “N-no way.”

“Awe, come on,” Ashley pinned. “Kickboxing champ four years in a row, and you can’t agree to do one little pushup?”

There was nothing about the ashen cow that was little, except for her voice as she replied. “N-no, I can do one…”

Several teary emojis were being spammed in chat.

“Wasn’t that the point of eating so much?” Ashley asked. “You said you were ‘bulking,’ remember?”

Nora looked to the side, her frown folded in an abashed pout.

“Hey, I don’t like working out either.”

“I-I like working out!” she lied very poorly. Nora rested her arms on top of her tummy, using herself like a blob-shaped shelf. “Fine... but only one!”

“Only one,” Ashley agreed. Then she lifted her red token and dropped directly in the center of the board.

“H-hey!” Nora complained. “We didn’t explain the rules!!”

“What? It’s Connect Four. You connect four.”

Nora pouted. She looked at the laptop before making a face. “I can too do a pushup!!” she shouted, the pink in her cheeks inflaming the red in her hair. “Who said that?! Mods!”

She paused a moment before declaring.

“What do you mean that was you?! Pandoraaaa!”

“Isn’t that your Tau dormmate?”

Nora was tucking her fat chin down towards her chest, looking at her belly rolling over the table. 

This was what Ashley was used to. This made sense, the cow-sized woman was now acting like she was the size of a cow. She’d been so unashamed before, that was what was throwing Ashley through a loop! That was what was happening. Ashley wasn’t… she couldn’t think that Nora was…

Nora was hot. She raised a fiery finger, stabbing out with all of her hundreds of pounds like a knight in full plate, even though her sword was covered in a light cheesy dust. “We’re raising the stakes! Ten pushups, loser falls out!”

Ash crossed her arms, wearing a dangerous smirk. “Alright. Deal.”

She reached out and took Nora’s finger, shaking it.

Twitch chat was moving so fast that it could hardly be read. Nora received several hosting notifications from users such as ‘Weightoftheworld,’ ButterballKickboxer,’ and ‘FATPandora.’ Her early estimate of a few thousand viewers was quickly overwhelmed as more and more people began to pour in, though not many were coming to watch Connect Four.

She placed her piece to the right of Ashley’s, cutting her off from the side. Ashley placed another to the left, only to be cut off again. She placed a token on top of Nora’s, beginning a diagonal tower which Nora quickly copied from the opposite angle.

The girls moved quickly. 

In any normal clash of willpower, Nora would have folded in an instant. 

The young girl went to Fulsome Academy. The most elite, all female university in the United States, squirreled away in Wisconsin for months at a time surrounded by Taus wearing FAT tops and Sigmas wearing ASS pants, and all of their food. Neither sorority even bothered to make custom clothing below XXL, because you might not be there when you pledge, but by the time you joined… 

She had nothing left for willpower. It was gone with her muscles, vanished with her abs, but what the woman did possess was the comfort of hunger.

Nora ate as she played. Her sausage fingers clutched cookie after cookie, tossing them in without even thinking. She could practically feel the heightening effect as the chocolate chips were gnashed into crumbly bits. She ate sloppily, dropping more than a few bits to roll down her chin, and her eyes drifted far away from the game.





Nora’s chat recognized the familiar tactic and cheered for their chubby, kickboxing queen. They spammed donuts and chocolates, sweets of all types, surrounded by Nora’s chibi drooling emoji. 

Ashley had been sure that she had her. Nora had started off solely on the defense, and Ashley was backing her into a diagonal corner. But Nora had become a veritable furnace, eating quickly with one hand and playing flawlessly with her other. Ashley was hesitating, second guessing herself as she watched Nora’s top slowly slide up her tummy.

It crept up her doughy stomach, catching in her fatty love handles, letting her belly droop like a rising souffle. But it was the soda that did it. The thing that sent Ashley’s mind through several Nora-sized loops.

Nora’s fingers snatched a two liter of Pepsi from the corner, singlehandedly twisting the top and knocking it back. Like a college freshman might a small bottle of beer, Nora the plow was slamming through her bubbling soda. What little remained of her overweight neck bobbed up and down, pulses of drink in an unending torrent rushing down into Nora’s fat stomach. Without looking, she placed a piece that sabotaged Ashley’s double setup, but the hairstylist didn’t notice. 

She was gaping as Nora swallowed half of the bottle without stopping, watching her shirt now racing up the swell in her middle. Her belly button was being squished by the table, shocking Ashley into making a misplay when the whole surface shunted forwards.

Nora collapsed onto her back with the bottle still clinging to her lips. She was swishing the bottle with her jiggly arm, manipulating the foamy soda to make a swirling whirlpool funnel down into her tummy.

When she finished, Nora dropped the bottle. It unceremoniously thumped off of her chest before falling to the ground with a hollow thud. She lay there for a moment before, very slowly, pulling herself back up with a wheezing grunt. She had to lean backwards, evidently with no room for her tummy to fold anymore, but she was wearing a dangerous smile. 

“I… I’ve got you,” she declared. Then held her breath, sliding her stomach onto her thighs with a throbbing clap. She reached over the table and took one of her cookies, dropping it into the final hole.

Four blacks in a perfect row.

Nora belched with victory.

It shouldn’t have been sexy. It wasn’t sexy. No, it was pure gluttony, it was a foodie lust, it was the hottest fucking thing Ashley had ever seen and she couldn’t take her eyes off of Nora’s throbbing stomach. Her mouth become as dry as she’d become horny, her hands tight on the edge of the table to keep them from shaking.

She wanted to feel Nora’s gut, to take the weight of her in her hands. To lean her backwards and… and…

“W-what?” Nora asked.

Ashley snapped, looking up at Nora’s face. The girl was even more ghostly pale, turning from her laptop to look at the board.

“No… no, no no!” Nora denied. “That didn’t… when did that happen? When I was drinking?!”

Four little checkers had been aligned, reaching over to the left of the board. Beneath Nora’s.

“Ooooooh,” Nora’s bubbling gut now churned as she thumped a hand on it, sounding as tight as a blubbery drum. “Why didn’t you tell me you won?!” she demanded.

Her double chin quivered, her belly wobbled, and Ashley couldn’t breathe as she watched Nora wheeze to try and sit up on her knees.

“Y-you suck,” the girl struggled, resting her weight on the table. Her belly folded over her cookies, smothering them beneath a fatty mattress. “I can’t…” she looked at chat. “Agggh, you guys suck too! Stop donating, I’ll do them. God…” she turned to Ashley. “Gg, you jerk.”

Ashley coughed. “G-good game…”

Nora narrowed her eyes, her hand clasping around her middle. “What?” she asked. “Go ahead, get your shots in.”

Ashley blinked before asking. “W-want to play again?”

Nora said nothing, letting her sloshing stomach quiver before she muttered. “Let me do these stupid pushups first…”

She pushed herself off of the table, bringing herself up to her feet before putting her hands on her hips. She was huffing and puffing, and the light from her laptop revealed the dribble of sweat that had formed on the underside of her apron belly. Ashley saw the camera’s perspective, the entire screen filled with Nora’s fat profile. “Okay. Where do you guys got a view? Ash, can you move the table?”


She bounced up and gripped the side, pulling it back towards her.

Nora probably meant to try and crawl down onto her hands and knees. But the scene reminded Ashley of the pastures nearby, where cows would collapse and bask in the sun. With a thundering drop, Nora’s rolling knees impacted, collapsing their completed match. Nora tried to walk herself forward, her wide body was already pressed to the ground before she could reach the full pushup stance. Ashley moved to get the view of the camera. And a perfect sight of Nora’s FAT ass.

“Ready?” she asked.

“No…” Nora groaned.

Then she began to lift.

Her butt pinched the fabric between her cheeks, her bottoms so tight that they outlined every fat dimple. Her belly rolled over the ground, only partially raising as Nora lifted herself like a blubbery seal. “O-one!” she gasped before collapsing.

Ashley hurried over as Nora rolled onto her back, groaning in pain and cupping her maddeningly loud stomach. She burped several times as the petulant gas fought its way up. The other girl groaned sympathetically, dropping down to her pudgy knees.

Ashely leaned over Nora, her hands rubbing at her giant stuffed middle. “Hey, hey. It’s alright, you did your best.”

Nora grumbled, her tree-trunk legs bicycle kicking in the air while the fat turtle’s tummy loosed another strained whine.

On stream, there were several notifications of clips being taken, as well as multiple twenty-dollar donations were commending Nora’s performance and begging to be read by the world’s fattest kickboxer. They were overwritten by a three-hundred-dollar donation that simply read ‘Kiss her’.


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