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 Hisao awoke to the easy beating of his calm heart. 

The arrhythmia had all but disappeared and now, at twenty-eight years old, Hisao really did feel like he was in the prime of his life. Maybe that was because of the fit body, or the new house, but what put the little spread of warmth in his chest was the naked touch of his sleeping wife.

Lilly’s curvy body filled out most of their queen-sized bed. He smirked to himself, looking over the pillowy hill of her belly and her breasts, knowing she’d take issue with being called curvy.

Lilly was fat. Not chubby, not pudgy, she was adorably fat. A queen-sized woman deserving of a queen-sized bed, that was her joke. She used to take up so little space, having gone from sleeping with Hisao spooning her in a twin to now laying with one ear on his chest, listening to his heart throughout the night. 

Her belly smothered his left arm, and more often than not he woke up with no feeling and several lines where her overweight body had shoved him down for hours into the sheets, but a soft squeeze of her generous backside, a pinch of fluff on her belly, was all he needed to get the blood pumping.

Speaking of pumping, she was starting to give him quite the workout… They’d fallen asleep wrapped around one another last night after less than an hour of making love, with both exhausted beyond reason. Hisao, because he had been carrying over three hundred pounds of blubber over his hips that moaned and fretted so loudly, he apishly worried that they’d break the bed, and Lilly because… well, she was that three hundred pounds of jiggling blonde blubber.

She’d grown so content with her body, so indulgent and even a bit lazy. Which just made it even hotter to see how out of breath he could make her, how much food he could feed her before carrying her to bed and loving her to sleep. She loved how strong he’d become, and made him use every muscle to please his fat princess.

She snoozed easily, breathing through her plump lips and exhaling to tickle the hairs on her husband’s chest. Even her arms and her hands were fat, with tiny folds appearing in her jelly-soft biceps were no muscles remained. She used these soft chubby fingers to lightly scratch against him with a possessiveness that made clear she wasn’t done using her favorite pillow just yet.

He lifted his neck and kissed her blonde scalp, her hair now so long that she could use it like a blanket that reached down to her chunky knees. “Are you awake?” he whispered.

Lilly’s expression changed only a fraction, a slight stir in her sleep perhaps, but her husband knew the difference between looks in the blind woman’s eyes. They were closed with thought now, a purpose rather than the easy of sleep.

Still, rather than pushing her, he started stroking his hand along her back, cupping a handful of fat and squishing her waist. He couldn’t reach up far enough to reach her side or her stomach.

Lilly’s fingers tightened on his chest, her nails lightly scratching him. Her left thigh rolled over Hisao, as thick as a comforter, before dragging back.

“Uhuh,” he squeezed her. “Proud of yourself? Doughball.”

The smile grew fat.

“Creampuff,” he pulled her to him.

The smile grew fatter.

“Sugarplum,” he whispered, kissing her hair.

With a feline smile the size of a Cheshire Cat’s grin, Lilly Nakai opened her unseeing blue eyes. “I like those names,” she softly replied.

“Almost as much as you love eating them, meat bun.”

Lilly quivered as a light giggle graced her chubby face. “I’m not so sure about that one,” she replied good naturedly. “Nicknames with sweets sound… cute.”

Hisao perked an eyebrow, leaning back in bed. “Hmmm… ice cream?”

Lilly twisted, nuzzling her cheek into him. “No,” she shook her head.


“I…” she paused, “don’t think so.”

“Honey buns?”

“That one’s okay…” she said, sounding as if it wasn’t really okay.

“How about Pumpkin?”

Lilly laughed airily, bringing her knees up as far as she could until her stomach got in the way. “You only thought of that one because I’m as round as one.”

“You’re definitely fatter than a pumpkin,” Hisao replied. “I’d pay money to see a fruit that was over three hundred pounds.”

“Hmmm…” Lilly muttered, her eyes closing in thought. “I don’t think I’d want to be a pumpkin,” she said after a moment. “They’re hard, not soft.” She wrapped her hands around her pillow-like tummy, lifting herself up and down before twisting up towards him while wearing a teasing grin. In a singsong voice she confided, “I like being soft… almost as much as I love being heavy.”

“Well, what would you be?” he asked.

Lilly went quite and he sat back, waiting for her answer. He could see her eyes moving beneath the lids as she thought, almost as if she were scrolling through a list.

“What about an apple?” he asked.

Lilly’s cheeks turned the slightest shade of red delicious as she pouted. “Just because I’m apple shaped,” she began, referring to her large stomach, “doesn’t mean that’s what I’d choose.”

“Would you like to be a pear?”

Lilly’s light giggle dismissed that immediately. “Speaking of, how is Ms. Ibarazaki? Or is it Mrs., now?”

“Don’t tease,” Hisao lifted a finger and touched Lilly on the tip of her nose, her grin only getting brighter. “You know she’s trying. I’m sure you’ve heard that her transfer has gone well, and the track team says she’s been getting along well with the students. I think she’s finally used to teaching from a wheelchair.”

“That’s wonderful. We’ll have to invite her for dinner again next week.”

“You know she’ll want to bring Rin again.”

Lilly sighed. “I suppose that’s true. They’ve been living together so long, one might begin to think…”

“Not this again,” Hisao shook his head. “If they were going to do something, don’t you think they would have?”

His wife beamed sweetly, smiling like a devil. “Perhaps, or perhaps they are something more behind closed doors… Afterall, it took you feeding me to get me this big.” Lilly reached down, her hands circling the smooth surface of her doughy belly.

“Come on. Rin has a hard-enough time remembering to feed herself.”

Lilly lifted a hand to her fat chin, smiling into it. “I suppose that’s true. We’ve only become more and more different, haven’t we?” she absentmindedly rested her hand over her stomach. “Tezuka has been much easier to associate with when there’s a pot of tea and a three-course dinner between the two of us. As long as she doesn’t go wandering around like she used to do at our apartment.” 

“Do you remember when Emi found her hanging out with the neighbor’s pair of rabbits?”

“I do… How Emi nearly tore the complex apart just to find her, and then for Rin to get confused and remember the event as us wearing…” she paused uncomfortably before emitting a tiny cough. “Is that canvas still hanging somewhere now?”

“I thought I told you, I put it over our couch,” Hisao lied, wearing a cheeky grin.

Lilly brightened, using his chest as a stand to lift herself up. “You did not! You can’t have that there, someone will see!”

“Awe,” Hisao laughed, feeling the familiar excitement of teasing his wife. “What’s to be embarrassed about? You and Emi really look good in those bunny costumes, especially with how round it makes your ass-”

She pawed at his neck, her full cheeks nearly scarlet. “You better not have, Hisao!”

His laughing likely gave him away, because it wasn’t long until she’d folded over him and was emitting a bright belly laugh. She crumpled onto her side, laying on his shoulder and tickling his dead arm with her luscious hair.

“It’s in storage in the basement,” he finally informed. “But I should show Emi. She’d probably get a kick out of how small she was. Before you got your fatty fingers into her waistline.”

Lilly lifted herself up, her body sagging backward. Belly squishing her thighs down into the bed, Lilly’s love handles marked the explosive curve of her waist. “Ms. Ibarazaki just needed a little sample of the sweeter side of life…don’t you think?”

“You know, you are friends. You can just call her Emi.”

Lilly smiled softly. “I know. It’s just more fun to be coy with you.”

Hisao snorted. “Well, it’s thanks to Rin and that painting of hers that I was able to squeeze you into trying out that costume, so I’m grateful at least.”

Lilly blushed with embarrassment, though her grin was full of pride. “I suppose there’s that good thing,” she pinched a handful of belly fat, quivering gently. “And Easter will be coming sometime soon, if I’m right.” Then, putting a hand to her cheek she whispered to herself, “I wonder if it’ll still fit…”

A few moments passed, Hisao prompted. “Carrot cake?”

“Eh?” Lilly asked. “So early in the… Oh!!” She shook her head, long hair fluttering like wavy fields of grain. “No, that’s not a cute one. Although it is delicious.”

Hisao lifted himself to sit alongside her. “Yeah, yeah, I can take a hint,” he jibbed while poking her stomach.

“What?” she asked in the same moment her tummy released a tiny, high pitched ‘uuuwwaarrrgh’. Her blue eyes widened before muttering a soft, “Oh…” She waggled her hair. “I’m not that hungry yet, though. I promise.”

Her stomach disagreed.

Hisao looked from the light intimate whine of Lilly’s desire, flatly looking into her expression. “You’re sure?” he asked, sounding disbelieving. “You never turn down a chance for breakfast in bed.”

Lilly shifted on her round seat. “I’m sure! I might lie down for a little longer.”

Hisao waited. 

Lilly twisted, ‘looking’ to where she knew his face was before opening her eyes. She was looking a few inches too high, but it didn’t matter. The message was conveyed. “Yes?” she asked.

“Is this because I mentioned wanting to take a bath last night? Because my back?”

Lilly said nothing. She laid back onto her half of the bed, which was really three quarters, and lifted her arms above her head. There was the quiet snapping of several vertebrae in her fat back. The clicks only reinforced the weight that she carried, but her happy yawn seemed to declare the topic had ended.

Hisao shook his head, grinning. As soft as a pillow, but as stubborn as rock.

“Alright,” he said as she began massaging her own tummy. He placed a hand over her, cupping her side and pushing his fingers down so that pale chub could rise all around him. “I’ll be back in a bit. We can have whatever you’d like. Sound good?”

“Don’t worry about me,” Lilly waved him on. “I know exactly what I want for breakfast.”

Hisao paused, looking back at her and tilting his head curiously. “That sounds… ominous,” he admitted.

Lilly chuckled before twisting around yawning lazily. Her piggy toes flexed into the bedsheets, bunching them up beneath her she stretched and then sagged back down like a sleepy butterball.

Hisao shrugged, figuring that if she really wanted something complicated then it wouldn’t be too big an issue, and then stood up from the bed. He went to the hallway, following to the modernized bathroom and securing himself a towel, unaware that breakfast would be a long way away.


Hisao let the hot water coast down his back, careful to avoid the bangs in his hair. The shower felt warm and pleasant, but it would be nothing compared to the heated bath that waited for him.

He shut off the fountain and opened their shower box. Steam filled most of the second-story bedroom, obscuring the rooms white makeup.

His feet slapped wetly on the pearl-colored floor as he made his way to the tiled bath. Set beneath a frosted glass window, the tub was in the perfect location to bask in the rays of the sun while letting his muscles relax. And Lilly’s guiderail, set directly beneath the window, made getting in and out of the tub even easier on his sore body.

Today was Sunday. The day of rest, where he was allowed to spend most of the day relaxing the built-up tension in his muscles. No running, no benching, and he’d already finished preparing the week’s lesson plans! 

Days where there was nothing to do were some of his favorite days. It meant he could dedicate most of it to stuffing his fluffy flower.

As Lilly’s weight swelled, so had her hunger. She’d gone from enjoying indulging herself to relishing in it, always taking seconds of any dish that he cooked, and then thirds if she could manage. Sometimes even when she couldn’t.

She’d pout so big beneath that tired blush, almost as if she was intent on eating more than she could. And the girl could eat quite a lot at this point. Her belly waggled when she walked, her hips bobbing back and forth like a waddling strut. Oddly enough, one of Hisao’s favorite details were Lilly’s arms, so white and fluffy that they looked like she was weighed down by cream, and she was unable to manage into any fine outfit that necessitated long sleeves.

She’d upsized her teaching outfit, sticking with the white and black colors and the button-down front, but with how fat her belly was, Lilly was forced to wear high waisted skirts that would tuck into a fat belly roll. It made her look even bigger, with her lower stomach pressing into the skirt and making her look almost spherically fat, but the happy smile and delighted wiggles always reminded Hisao just how much Lilly enjoyed being the woman she was.

And her husband did too, given his current state. 

He chuckled at the thought that, even ten years in, the thought of Lilly was still turning him on, shaking his head and stepping into the water.

The hot water jets responded to his entrance, pulling out a handful of cooled water at the top while replacing it with freshly heated liquid. He sank into the tub with an alleviated sigh, feeling the tension in his legs and his back being sucked away as if venom from a wound. He’d done a lot of unplanned heavy lifting the previous night…

And as the door clicked opened, it became apparent that the weight was intent on making him do some more.

Lilly entered the room.

She was bare as she walked in, her groin covered only by the curve of her tummy and the fat of her thighs. She wore her long wavy hair almost like a garment, fluffed out around her fluffier body, hanging down to her calves in the back. She took up a good portion of the doorway, but Hisao couldn’t take his gaze away from those bright, beautiful blue eyes.

She didn’t say anything, simply hummed a light tune as she waddled inside, using her right hand to guide herself along the wall until she found the linen closet. 

Hisao felt his mouth going dry, watching the jiggling weight come to a stop. She turned her back to him, putting a hand on either of her generous hips and slowly swayed back and forth like a hypnotist, her ass peeking out beneath the forest of hair. 

“Oh, my,” she said, still moving back and forth. More fluff fell to either side as she put her arms behind her back, lifting it up and exposing herself before turning around. She wore a very, very pleased expression. Eyes gently shut, mouth open with her girlish giggle, and pale cheeks tinged with pink. “I didn’t expect your breath to catch this badly. Am I interrupting you?”

Hisao wasn’t breathing at all. His heart was hammering, a direct contrast to Lilly’s easy tones, because he could see something in his mind’s eye. A wonderful memory stood next to his wife, that of an 18-year-old blonde girl, as confident and sure as she was now.

As pale and nude as that day, Lilly’s body had aged like the finest of wine. Her visible collarbone had vanished beneath layers of tubby skin, shrinking her neck into her weighty body. Her stomach used to be tight, her belly button practically just a line, but now was a deep hole that wiggled with the lightest of amorous movement.

“It’s been quite some time…” Lilly lifted one of her fat legs, her thigh as thick as the memory’s whole body. “But, I wanted to ask…”

And in unison, the two girls asked.

“Do you mind if I take a bath with you?”

Hisao stared as the skinny memory faded back into his mind, before sinking back into the bath with a wry chuckle. “You didn’t let me undress you then, either.”

Lilly’s expression shifted. “Pardon?” she asked, tilting her head.

Hisao shook his head. “It’s nothing. I just remember… God, you’re beautiful,” he told her.

Lilly laced her arms behind her back, framing her spectacular body as she giggled with joy. “Well, thank you. It’s mostly thanks to you.”

“Thanks to me?”

Lilly opened her eyes. “Well of course,” she said, putting on an innocent pout that looked out of place on her huge, nude body. “If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be as small as I was.”

“Oh?” Hisao cocked a smirk. “You think that, eh?”

His butterball lifted herself on her tiptoes, settling back onto her fat feet with enough force to make the bath quiver. “Do you think something else?”

“I know you wouldn’t,” Hisao said, leaning down in the bath and turning away from the apple of his eye. “You’ve always been a fat girl. You just didn’t know it yet.”

Lilly’s bright giggle came out more as a hefty chuckle, all of her weight seeming to settle on top of her at once. “Hmmmm,” she hummed. “Perhaps… but only because I was always meant to be with you.”

Hisao felt the warmth her gooey words put into his soul. “So I could feed those desires?”

“Naturally,” Lilly wobbled forward, her chunky legs rolling over one another. “I am, after all, quite a hungry girl.”

He opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off as Lilly’s tummy rumbled. A soft noise that pierced the young couple until Hisao began laughing and Lilly’s face was now puckered in a bashful pout.

“You’re thinking of breakfast, aren’t you?”

Lilly’s pout deepened. “It’s your fault,” she sniffed. “Why did you have to go and mention cheesecake…”

Hisao blinked. “Did I? I thought I said carrot cake?”

“You mentioned both of them…” Lilly’s belly rumbled once more to accentuate the point, quivering the girl’s soft body with an uncontrollable urge. She held her arms in a hug around her middle, barely able to cover herself.

“Well, that’s hardly breakfast.”

Her lips became a disapproving frown. “You said whatever I wanted…” she reminded.

Her husband chuckled. “I did, didn’t I? Alright well, come on then. Let’s get you washed, and then get you fed.”

The blonde brightened, nodding before moving to the side of the tub. Using her foot, she guided herself towards the bottom, and then placed her towel on the assistant rack before moving back towards the closet with a step of delight. “Would you like to try something that Emi gave us?” she asked.

Hisao hardly heard her, watching the full flabby cheeks of her jiggling butt. Which was okay, because it wasn’t really a question anyways. She’d already been intent on the idea.

As she reached the linen closet, Lilly lifted one of her feet and ran her fat toes through her long golden hair. “I believe…” she reached into the closet. “They were in a rectangular box that I put right…” 

Her belly was resting on the shelf now, lifting up as she reached further in. She hopped up, coming down onto porky feet with a solid plop and backing out with her decorative prize. 

A small container that Hisao mistook for a music box, Lilly opened the lid to reveal two white cylindrical objects with a blue sphere in the center covered in gold and scarlet sparkles. Lilly plucked the sphere out of the center, twisting it around in front of her foggy eyes before taking a soft sniff.

“Mhmm… wonderous,” she pinned. 

“What is it?” Hisao asked.

Lilly shuffled forwards, moving with her slow, wobbling gait to the side of the bath. She sat down on the corner, butt and thighs smothering the surface and puffing outward from pressure. “Don’t you remember? Emi called this a ‘bath bomb.’ You just add it to the tub and…” Without waiting, she dropped the blue sphere into the tub between Hisao’s feet. It began rapidly fizzling, hissing as a sweet fruity smell was unleashed into the room.

Bubbles began to rise in the bath, a soft layer of soapy foam that mixed into the swirling clear waters. 

“Woah,” Hisao said, moving his legs away as the soaps began to mix. Lilly placed the two candles, unlit, on the windowsill edge. Her torso hung over Hisao like an eclipse, casting him entirely into her soft, warm shadow. She then lowered her hand into the spot where she dropped the bomb, mixing the water playfully.

“It’s partly moisturizer,” she explained. “Tezuka is apparently very fond of them.”

“Oh…” Hisao relaxed his legs to either side. The scent drifted up into the air, lazily circling while the bubbles rose to the lids of the jets.

“Is it done?” she asked, sitting again on the side. She had her back to him, love handles folded while her belly sagged between both of her thighs. “How does it feel?”

“Kinda… ticklish,” Hisao admitted.

Lilly puckered her lips in thought. “Is it bothersome?”

“No,” he shuffled in the bath. “It’s added a lot of bubbles. I guess that’s the moisturizer.”

“Hmm… maybe I should have asked to add it beforehand,” Lilly’s eyes looked downcast.

Hisao reached up and took her by the arm.

Her eyes opened wide for just a moment, her voice catching as she asked, “Hisao?” before he gave her a solid tug and with a tiny scream, Lilly was pulled backwards into the water. She fell against him like a meteorite slamming into the ocean. 

Water washed over the top of the tub, displaced as hundreds of pounds of a giggling blonde jiggled her way into his lap. 

“You were taking too long.”

“So hasty!” she reprimanded, twisting herself so that her legs lay on top of his. Although the affectionate grip of her hands on his wrists and twist of her neck to lean into his chest showed she wasn’t at all upset. “Really, Hisao. I’m too heavy to play with like that anymore. I could have landed on you.”

“You did,” Hisao said, his legs on fire beneath two fluffy butt cheeks. But there was a racing in his heart that enjoyed the settling weight, the touches of pain beneath all of her pressure. She was heavy, there was no mistaking that, but something about Lilly’s weight felt so right on top of him.

She sighed with content, leaning back into him while his touch lifted beneath her doughy arms. They circled around her chest, lifting her breasts from atop of her tummy and holding her tight. He felt her becoming more aware of her body, tuning into an elevated sense of touch while his hands explored every inch of her waist.

“It certainly feels a little… tighter,” Lilly said, her belly lifting in a soft laugh. He could see how her abundance was exposed over the bath, only then noticing just how much water was washing over the edges. Someone should really do something about that…

It’s too bad that they were quite busy.

“You’ve made it like this,” he said into her ear. He watched the gentle rise and fall of her tummy, his hands reaching up to her bare, fat breasts. “You’re filling out the whole tub. You look huge.”

He could feel the shuffle, wiggle on her hips, and saw with a rush that her thighs sank a few extra inches. She really did fill out the whole bath, resting against him.

The memory returned, of how Lilly could sit in between his legs. Now she could only fit on top of him, a generous weight that rose and fell with her increasing heartrate.

“H-Hisao,” she breathed, lifting her right hand to feel his face.

He nuzzled her fingers. They’d been so long before, dainty almost, but now solid with the chub that covered her body. Her leg lifted, pushing her belly up higher and sending another wash of bubbling waves over the edge.

Hisao leaned down and began softly kissing Lilly’s shoulder. She smelled like flowers, mixing appealingly with the fruity scent of the bath, and Hisao could feel his own want for indulgence rising to meet her.

His kiss became tighter, using his teeth to nibble the tender fluff of her neck. Lilly’s arms were shuffling against the soapy sides as he played with her body, lightly rocking her back and forth in the tub. He could see her teeth grazing her plump lips, how she tried to open her legs despite the tightness of the bath.

“I really am… this big,” she mumbled through a feline purr of pleasure. “Aren’t I?”

Lilly squirmed in his arms, a dainty princess in the body of a fat creampuff. Her long legs kicked to the bottom of the bath, feet mixing with her husband’s. He strained his legs to push into her butt, lifting her an inch before letting her drop back down.

Her breathing tightened, hands gripping at his searching touch before dripping down to herself. Lilly lifted her belly, letting it slap loudly against her fat thighs. It made her groan, unfocused eyes sparkling with blue above a bright pink blush.

“I’ve gotten so full… but I’m still so hungry,” she whispered, twisting, trying to reach him.

He let his hand drop to her stomach, pinching around her fat navel. He lifted her again and let her clap down, eliciting a louder, more wanting moan of pleasure. He tried to reach further, to lift her stomach for himself, but she was too big.

Instead, Lilly gripped his hand in hers. “Y-your hand’s not soapy, is it?” she asked. 


She quivered, taking a heavy breath before pulling him forward while she lifted herself up.

His touch met her, drawing out her breath and pleasurable cries. She gripped either side of the bath as he moved against her. She knocked her head back, leaning into his collar bone and making soft pleasure gasps before her hunger overwhelmed her.

She reached down to his wrist, her fingers quivering, but held him tight. “F-floor,” she whispered through an overweight breath. “Take me to the floor.”

He felt the air push out of his lungs. “Yeah,” he responded, withdrawing. His hands glided over her belly, pinching her fluff.

Lilly put one arm on her guiderail, the other on the edge of the tub, and lifted.

She got all of an inch before she collapsed back onto Hisao’s tight legs. “Woah,” he said loudly as the waves slapped into her waist. Bubbles now clung to her belly button. “You got it?”

“Y-yeah,” she groaned before grunting with effort and trying again.

He could see her hips dragging on either side of the tub. Her ass was pinched, her belly spilling over like a fat muffin top. She sagged back, wiggling with a horny whine.

She fell back down, her arms obviously burning with the effort of lifting her weight. She brightened, turning almost scarlet as he chuckled and his hands pushed between the porcelain and the flab on her hips.

“Need some help?” he offered.

After a blushing pause Lilly’s expression narrowed suspiciously. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”


She swallowed, looking away bashfully. “I… would like some help, yes.”

He squeezed her sides, eliciting a sharp yelp that turned into a soft giggle.

“Oh, my… I knew I was fat, but this is…” she swallowed, leaving the rest unsaid.

“Ready?” he asked.

Lilly nodded, placing her arms at her sides. 

“One… two…” Hisao strained, lifting from Lilly’s waist. She rose a couple of inches before he felt her legs give out, then her arms, and she fell back onto his lap with another loud yelp.

He hissed and Lilly whined. “Oh no, I-I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Nah,” Hisao lied, trying to cover the pain in his legs. “Again. Ready?”

“H-Hisao, I think I might be-”

“One,” he interrupted. “Two…”

Again they both lifted, Lilly struggling to bring her stomach up from the bath. The soft hill became pinched in the center, forming a full fatty roll while Hisao’s hands pushed into the flab of her back, lifting her hips with his knees until her hand slipped on the suds and she came toppling back with another scream.

Hisao collapsed beneath her, catching all of her weight on top of his groin. It’d have been alluring if it wasn’t so painful. 

“I-I’m sorry!” Lilly flushed, wiggling fruitlessly. She tried to lift herself, to sit up from his lap, but it only made it worse and Hisao reeled.

She tried to twist, to turn herself to him, but Lilly Nakai was lodged in the tub. A marshmallow squeezed between two graham crackers, her soft body had sunken too deeply and her pinched hips and thighs left no space for her to move.

All she could do was wiggle, and further she fell. Her fat legs were now being poked at the sides, filling the warm steams of multiple jets. Her skin became even more heated, her blush redoubling again. “H-Hisao?” she asked. “Are you okay??” 

“Fine,” he replied, feeling the pain being supplanted by lust. He reached around her, gripping her breasts, pinching her stomach. He leaned down, biting her neck and eliciting a full moan from the tubby blonde. He began playing with her more fiercely, lifting and dropping her jiggling blubber.

“H-Hisao,” she muttered, her hand lightly touching his, but he didn’t respond. His legs were pushing up into her, rocking her body, displacing even more waves while he sucked on her neck hard enough to leave a bright mark.

She was so fat, so absolutely huge. And even now, caught in the tub, he could feel the whine of her fatty tummy. Hungry for breakfast, wanting for more. Cheesecake and carrot cake, that’s what he promised her. If she was going to get stuck here, he’d make sure she did again and again. Feed her until she popped out of her clothes, make her so fat her hips would lodge in the doorways.

“Hisao,” Lilly moaned, rocking into his touch. Her hand was in his hair, tugging him back, pulling him to her.

He could feel the strength in his hammering chest and, with a sudden burst of effort, Hisao lifted with all of his might.

Lilly gasped as she was pushed upward, her hips coming free with an audible *pop*. She wavered for a moment, twisting to catch herself on the tub while Hisao supported every pound of her body, then nearly collapsed against the side while her husband sank, panting, beneath the waves.

That was until Lilly’s hand snagged him by the hair, pulling him up. “Bed,” she ordered over the loud gurgle of her tummy, face red with want. Her tongue flashed out, licking her plump lips, eyes filled with an almost furious desire.

Hisao had to strain to lift himself free. Lilly clung to his arm, holding it between her fat breasts while he guided them quickly from the bathroom. They reached the bedroom, each intent on being on top, while also wanting to feel themselves struggle to lift the weight of the other.