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There wasn’t any coffee.

There was just a big white girl in a baby blue top wearing a scowl that was almost as fat as her ass.

Sammy sighed, pulling into the parking lot. She was the second car in a lot made for sixty. Feeling as large as Chloe looked, she got out of her car and began walking to the entrance of the Golden Sun Buffet.

Chloe was tapping her sandal impatiently against the sidewalk outside of the entrance, her full arms folded on top of a belly that would have been impressive thirty pounds ago. Her skin was pale enough to make her look like fat dough, with shoulder-length hair that was a bright shiny pink in the pale glow of the morning sun.

Her shirt didn’t fit, but nothing much ever did on Chloe. It was just something Sammy had gotten used to. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and Chloe’s clothes didn’t fit. Her belly was sagging out from beneath the blue top, covering a waistband that could barely cover her hips. 

If she had the energy, Sammy might have been embarrassed for her fat friend. But no coffee lead to no energy, and she was already dragging herself to just walk down the sidewalk.

But as she grew closer, Sammy could feel herself becoming almost irritated. Chloe was wide awake. At this early hour, on this weekend morning, the young woman had managed to roll, possibly quite literally, out of bed, struggle into a snug top that desperately tried to give shape to the dough, and was now standing her with her thigh jiggling against the other as she glared at the entryway. 

Probably because she had the calories to spare. 

“What is taking them so long!” she complained as Sammy came up from behind her like a zombie, wondering if she could somehow steal her energy through munching on the marshmallow. “It’s eight thirty-four! They were supposed to open four minutes ago!”

Sammy turned to look at the entrance, seeing herself in the mirrored glass. She’d figured she’d have to rush from here over to practice and had already tied her golden-brown hair back into a very long braid. She wore a pure white outfit over lightly baked skin and a tiny white cap to keep the sun off her face.

“Maybe everybody decided not to show up,” she said in a dead tone.

Next to Chloe, Sammy looked thin. But that wasn’t fair, over four hundred pounds of college-aged girl tended to make most sows look thin. She knew she was thicker than the average girl, carrying a few dozen iced lattes in her thighs and her ass, but at least she worked out!

Well… tried to work out. From the results of yesterday’s tennis match, she might as well be as fat as her friend. Stupid Crimson Cows. Stupid wannabe goth chick.

Sammy yawned before trying to add some cream to the swirling black pot. “So, uhh, you’re looking well.”

Chloe frowned, her nose lifting up as if she could smell the bull from the rotting corpse’s mouth. “I know exactly what I look like. And you look like shit.”

“Gee, thanks,” Sammy rolled her eyes, grimacing at the corpse in the mirror. “So, uhh,” she found herself repeating, “what are we supposed to do?”

“Wait, I guess.”

“Wait for what? If this is about food, we can just go-”

“What is with both of you?!” Chloe hotly demanded. “It’s not about food! Why is everyone obsessed with… ugh…” she stamped her foot before knocking five times on the big double doors. “Come on!! Is anyone in there?!”

She stepped back, resuming her tubby stance with her hands poking into her fleshy waist and tapping her foot. 

After a moment she said, “I guess it’s kind of about food.”

“Well, going to breakfast normally is.”

“Don’t be such a smart ass.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Chloe’s blush brightened her soft cheeks. “Humph!”

They were interrupted by a thumping sound that permeated through the locked doors. The Golden Sun had a double entrance, a storm door that lead into a small alcove before another, heavier door that lead into the restaurant proper. They watched the main entrance doors shake as the thud came again.

“Is someone trying to break out?” Sammy asked.

Chloe was about to reply when a deep rumble that was almost as loud as the thump vibrated from her center. Chloe’s belly whine was so audaciously hungry that it made her thighs jiggle, flushing the girl with an embarrassed color that highlighted the growing progress towards a permanent double chin.

“Come oooon!!” she groaned, placing her hands on her tummy as if to try and make herself stop bouncing.

The interior doors opened. 

A woman… no, it was a girl. A girl that couldn’t be older than eighteen but moved as if she were thirty stepped into the storm lock. She was already short but the look was redoubled as she walked with a hunch. Long, long, long brown hair that flowed like vines all the way down to her knees covered most of her face, only revealing enough of her body for Sammy to get the impression of thinness beneath a shiny red shirt.

She looked as tired as Sammy felt, slowly unlocking the front door and pushing it open.

“What do you want?” she asked in the way that was only known to tired and frustrated teenage girls.

“I’m here to pick up my prescription,” Chloe rolled her eyes. “What the hell do you think we’re here for?”

The girl looked up. She had bushy brown eyebrows and wide brown eyes. Despite her impersonation of a young vampire, there was something undeniably… cute, about her. Her big eyebrows, sleepy girl eyes and her small button nose, all mixed together in a way that reminded Sammy of her kittens back home. She stretched her back, lifting herself up to her full height of four foot ten and revealing all ninety pounds of her body beneath what must be twenty pounds of hair, and yawned.

“Oh,” she covered her mouth before falling back to her slump. “It’s you.”

“It sure is,” Chloe stood up with her hands on her waist. “Now are you gonna let us in or what?”

She looked as if, for a moment, she might say ‘or what.’ Sammy could almost see the thought crawling in one ear before ducking out the other as she realized she was a mere bat in the presence of a snappish hippo.

“I guess,” she turned around, taking a shuffling step back.

Chloe made to follow, but the girl hadn’t unlocked the second storm door. The single looked like it might be a bit of a squeeze and, for the first time, Chloe looked a little concerned. She swallowed, her blush melting away before stepping in after her.

Her belly passed through the door.

Her hips were a much closer call, but with only a slight slide her butt popped free to the interior, and Sammy followed behind.

“You want the same spot as normal?” the hostess asked. “I’ll go let the chef know you’ll want extra cream cheese.”

“Yes, please,” Chloe said, her hands folded over her middle in a hug that couldn’t quite quiet the grumble inside.

The Golden Sun was a very large restaurant. It used to be an aerobics studio that had gone under due to lack of interest, but now seemed to do pretty well as a cornerstone of the All-American lifestyle. A high ceiling hung over a crowded area of empty tables and chairs, most of which hadn’t been brought down to the golden stained hardwood floors. A long arrangement of booths were set along three of the walls.

The remaining wall was entirely dedicated to the buffet tables. Running the horizontal length, four tables were arranged in long double line. Two and two, separated from the seating area by a waist high fence of glittering gold paint, likely made out of scrap. There was also four swinging doors, two on ether side of the tables, and a small stand erected between all of them that had some complicated looking steel and bronze machinery behind it.

The small girl snagged a menu from the second entryway. “Right this way,” she mumbled.

The kitchen doors thumped open and a bald man, wearing an apron and what seemed to be a garrison cap made out of paper, came through. In his arms he carried a black bucket, stomping in military boots over to the first table and upending the contents of his bucket into one of the trays.

When he moved, Sammy could see that it was now filled with fatty pork sausage links. He covered the tray with a topper, tapped his finger on a small console beneath, and headed away.

Both girls’ sights remained on the sausages.

To Sammy, sausages meant breakfast. Real, honest, actual breakfast. And breakfast, meant coffee.

To Chloe, sausages meant sausages.

And Chloe really liked sausages.

The girl led them to a table directly before the golden gateway that lead to the food. She had to put down the chairs, setting one on the top, one on the left, and then, very noticeably, two on the right.

Chloe, in an equally noticeable fashion, decided to sit on the table’s left, leaving Sammy to perch herself between the two chairs while the pink doughball smothered hers. The waitress then handed Sammy the menu before looking pointedly at the pink puffball.

“Where’s mine?” Chloe asked.

The girl gave her a flat stare. “One full buffet access, forgoing the Salad bar. One large cola with no ice. Access to the desserts table.”

Chloe squinted at the girl but said nothing. There was no way to really reply to that.

“You got any idea what you’d like?” the waitress asked Sammy.

Sammy looked down at the menu, licking her lips. “Ermm… coffee options?”

The waitress groaned. “The stand’s not up yet. I’ll go get that running though. Hot, iced, mocha…? The other girl usually gets an extra-large french vanilla with extra cream and sugar and then whipped cream with chocolate shavings on top.”

Sammy blinked. She understood very little of what the girl meant, other than they offered what seemed to be designer cups of coffee. “I-I’ll take one of those…”

“You’ve gotcha. And for food?”

“She hasn’t even looked at the menu yet,” Chloe scowled.

This was true. Sammy had barely looked past the golden yellow logo, although now that she was rushing everything seemed to be swimming in chocolatey brown and topped with whipped cream. “D-do you have any recommendations?”

She’d been talking to the waitress, but Chloe seemed to think otherwise. “Of course I do. Just get what I got. The buffet’s golden enough to make up for the bronze service.”

As if Chloe had just sat on her shoulders, the waitress sagged in a horrendous hunch. The tiny girl snapped her notepad shut, her mouth a tight pout, and made for the kitchen.

“Not my fault you didn't start the coffee machine earlier,” Chloe muttered, folding her arms over her stomach as she watched the waitress trudge away. “I’m not losing the best spot in the restaurant because you want to be lazy. And it’s almost nine o’clock! Get your life together!"

Sammy cocked an eyebrow as Chloe made her best piercing stare at the coffee-slinging corpse.

There was a sound somewhere in-between dress ripping and a goose being throttled as the waitress dragged herself through the gates and made for the small central stand. She came around the backside to begin manipulating the machine before taking a large pot of water and pouring it into the top.

The bald man came through the door again, carrying with him another crate of food. 

“Can you believe this place?” Chloe asked. “I mean, really. How hard is it to open on time? I didn’t set your damn hours.”

"Is it really that big a deal?" Sammy hedged.

"Yes!" she hissed, just as her stomach let loose a furious, gurgling groan that Sammy felt through the table.

Sammy's face lightened in realization. She fought back a smirk. Unsuccessfully.

"Shut up," Chloe rubbed the side of her whiny belly. 

“I’m pretty sure the pancake house down the street is 24/7,” Sammy replied. “We can always go there if this is a problem.”

“What? Eww, hell no. That place sucks. They don’t have cream cheese french toast, and, like, what’s the point of breakfast then? And their bacon? It’s like paper, so gross.”

“You seem pretty passionate about breakfast.”

Chloe snorted. “You should hear Nat,” Chloe referred to her redheaded roommate. 

Sammy was suddenly aware of the lack of the other girl’s presence. Nat was almost always hanging around Chloe, which might be the reason she too had been getting so fat. The red head’s skin was as pale as fresh fallen snow, and it was accumulating onto her tummy as if she were living in a blizzard. Sammy was about to ask after her when Chloe continued.

“She dragged me through like every breakfast place in town, and even a few others. This is the best, but the Mississippi Charm is pretty good. By that quarry in Rockdale?”

Sammy tried to think before shaking her head. She realized that she was still wearing her cap, taking it off and putting it on the table.

“You were over there yesterday, weren’t you? That’s where Bloomsburg University is.”

“Oh. Ohhhhh. Ugggh.”

Sammy placed her head down on the table.

“Let’s not talk about yesterday, okay?”

“Alright, damn,” Chloe frowned questioningly. “What did somebody die?”

“Just my tennis career,” Sammy groaned. “I got beat so hard that I’m surprised I don’t have bruises.”


“And it’s not even fair!” Her golden-brown braid snapped like a whip as she sat up in her chair. “They’re a second-rate school with a first-rate player! That Izzy girl, the one I told you about?”

Chloe blinked. She pursed her lips in thought before lighting up. “Oh! The goth girl you’re obsessed with.”

The way she said it took all of the sudden energy straight out of Sammy. “Ugggh. She’s not even really goth.”

“So she’s a poser?”

“She’s a tennis star,” Sammy sunk back onto the table. “I couldn’t get paired against that blonde ditz, no. I had to get smashed by one of the top players in the state.”

“I can’t imagine there’s a lot of top tennis players in Pennsylvania.”

Sammy scowled. “What do you know about tennis?”

Chloe’s wore an equally heavy frown. “About as much as you know about Micro-biology.”

“I’m passing with a C!”

“Yeah, for now. You spend so much time with tennis. If it gets you this down, then why even play it? The chances of going pro have got to be so small. Doesn’t that feel like you’re wasting time you could spend studying?”

Sammy felt the heat on her cheeks. “And what, are you planning on becoming a chef? With how much you talk about food!”

Chloe’s chubby cheeks puffed in a furious pout. “You need food to survive, dumbass! What do you get from Tennis?!”


Sammy hadn’t thought about her reply. Even if she had, she’d have expected Chloe to blow up further. For the doughy girl’s body to billow with hot air and for her to lash back outward.

She did not expect the silence. The wavering lip, the angry eyes to start shimmering. She looked like she was trying really hard to keep angry, to yell something out, but all that came out was a small, terse, hiccup.

Sammy sagged. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “That wasn’t…” 

“What the hell are you sorry for?” Chloe growled through near tears. “It’s got nothing to…” then it was her turn to sag, to slide forward on her fat bottom until her chin tucked directly into her chest. “Nat and I got into a fight yesterday.”

Sammy briefly imagined two doughnuts striking against each other. “W-what?” she asked. “What happened? Is that why you texted me?”

“Ahem, excuse me.” They were interrupted by a much brighter looking girl than the one who had left. Unmistakably the same short girl, her skin was now glowing and her brown eyes had lost their heavy bags. In her arms she carried a large glass of cola and…

Sammy’s eyes shimmered, looking upon the holy grail. The plastic coffee cup looked like it could be used as a Gatorade dispenser. It was massive, filled with golden brown goodness and plenty of rectangular ice. On top, a pile of whipped cream that was fatter than Sammy’s fist was generously decorated with at least a bar’s worth of shaved chocolate. 

“The coffee station is now open,” the girl bowed pleasantly. “We’ve also finished stocking the buffet. Please, help yourselves.”

“Thanks,” Chloe mumbled, looking away.

Sammy could manage no words.

She wrapped her lips around the top of her straw and sucked.

She didn’t known how much extra cream and sugar was, but it had turned her coffee into the most delicious shake she’d ever had the pleasure of guzzling. Chocolate and vanilla mixed with spectacular results, all the caffeine in the world traveling over her throat and down, down, down into her center.

Sammy kept drinking.

She didn’t know if she would be able to stop.

She drank and drank, not thinking, not breathing, just letting caffeine fill up her mouth, her throat, spill into her tummy as if it were a chocolate waterfall. And even when she felt like she was running out of room, she held her lips over her drink and sucked with all of her might. Let her belly fill with cream, let her lungs fill with coffee. Chocolate held her and she felt herself melting before she finally pulled away, feeling almost bloated at how much liquid was now churning inside, and more than excited when she saw she’d only drank a quarter of the monster.

Then she saw Chloe.

A person sitting on top of their soulmate would be jealous of Chloe in that moment. 

She’d filled her plate with a fortress of french toast. Eight pieces, each as big as two on their own, had been stacked in two pairs of two. They were covered in powdered sugar and dribbling with syrup. She’d lambasted them with the sticky sugar, even though the little motions of her fork made it clear that they’d been filled with fatty cream cheese.

The pink haired girl’s pale skin was glowing much in the way that a newlywed’s did. She was sitting back heavily in her chair, wearing a grin that was as big as her belly. She held one hand to her chewing cheek, her eyes opening to reveal that they had been crossed in unfocused pleasure before she shoveled a syrup-soaked sausage into her mouth with her bare, piggy hand. 

She chewed as if her body were covered in molasses, slow and heavily, her belly jiggling from the small readjustments between heavy bites. It was like watching someone have sex… which, Sammy then readily decided, she needed to try.

“Jesus… is it that good?” she asked.

Chloe moaned, placing one hand on top of her fluffy gut. Her eyes blinked, trying to look across the table. “Y-yummah,” she nodded slowly.

Then, she did something entirely unexpected.

She pushed her plate outward to the center of the table and nodded at Sammy.

Her mouth watering, Sammy leaned over and snagged a bit of french toast with her fork. The cream exploded out of it, dribbling over the table as she raised it to her mouth. The flavor popped her taste buds in a similar manner, smothering them in the wet cream and syrup.

It was almost too sweet, but mixed with the coffee, proved to be the exact combination that Sammy had craved.

Chloe left her plate there, though she was reaching for another bite. “Have some more!” she prompted, grinning with the sweetest little smile. She then began chewing her bite, wiggling excitedly on her very fat ass. A pleased gurgle rumbled out of her tummy and, beneath the sloshing of coffee, Sammy felt hers reply.

She went in for another forkful.

No wonder Nat had been getting so fat. If Chloe and her had been doing research, had been going through each diner like she had implied, they had a lot of experience with what they were seeking.

They were seeking where the gates of heaven were. And they seemed to have found them.

Sammy took a third and fourth bite, then reached up to the top of the pile for a fat strip of bacon.

Like a ninja-girl that was a quarter her size, Chloe’s hand shot out and slapped the back of Sammy’s grubby wrist. “Hey! Go get your own!!” she ordered, then drawing the plate back to her before turning back into the bundle of joy as sweetness filled every inch of her tummy.

Sammy’s mouth was practically dribbling. She blinked, bit her lip, and then grumbled a soft “Fine,” before hurrying off to the buffet.


It was the Chloe effect.

Sammy had been given a free sample, had developed a taste. 

And now that taste was taking her.

She sank back in her double seat, holding her stuffed tummy with sticky wet hands. Her mouth was flecked with cream cheese and syrup, her breasts covered in light dribbles. She’d lost herself, for the first time, as the great piggy inspired a fatty indulgence, and even when Sammy could barely find the air to burp, the great piggy munched on.

“I told you,” Chloe gleamed, “this place is the best, right? Do you want thirds?”

Sammy groaned.

Chloe lifted another forkful to her mouth. “Gosh, you’re just like Nat! She always grabs too much. And then I have to be the responsible one because she stuffs herself silly!”

Their table had eight plates on it. Stacked one on top of the other, only the syrup was the remains of the massacre. But watching Chloe eat left a part of Sammy amazed that the plates weren’t licked clean.

Where in the world did she put it all?

Well, in her stomach. The loving sounds of delighted indulgence were not lost on Sammy, nor were they on other patrons as time passed on and the restaurant began to fill.

There weren’t many, a few other college students from the university stopping by to pick up a tankard of coffee, but each of them were watching Chloe as they walked past the gates.

She was like the sun at the center of the diner. It was impossible not to look at her heavyweight growl, nor marvel at how a girl so fat could sound as light as air. She was giggling, her hand circling the soft dome of her grumbling tummy, a truly satisfied porker.

“Boy! That was great. For real, I think they’re doing something special with these!”

A fat drip of cream cheese stained her dimple. She made no sign of noticing, and when Sammy tried to warn her, all she could manage was a fat girl growl.

“Wait here,” Chloe ordered, as if Sammy had any other choice. “I’ll get us some pancakes. The piggies in blankets they make are so good. You’ve gotta try one with me!”

Sammy opened her mouth to refuse, but the gallon of coffee sloshed up against her lungs and chilled the breath, and she wilted back down.

Chloe practically hopped out of her chair, a bundle of energy that was as bright as a firecracker. As she wobbled away, Sammy had a clear view of Chloe’s bottoms. 

She’d snapped her button.

It took Sammy a moment to appreciate it. She could only see it in Chloe’s wide profile, otherwise it was concealed by the weight of her gut. Each of the clasps were loose, the zipper tugged down until it showed her red panties. She was so happy, wiggling and bobbing up and down with each stride, her fat butt cheeks poking out from beneath her tight pants while the dimples of her back spilled over the top.

She’d snapped the button on her pants. And she hadn’t even noticed.

Chloe passed by the salad bar without even seeing it. She moved among other people now, girls anywhere from one hundred to two hundred pounds. Normal girls, skinny girls.

She could have fit two of them behind each round cheek, conceal a whole group behind her celestial weight. But, with her fifth fresh plate, she was pilling it high, happy and glowing like the cheery golden sun. 

Sammy looked down at herself. 

What the hell was she doing? She had Tennis practice. She had things to do today. 

But looking at Chloe, she just felt so… envious.

She looked as if she was completely taken with life. She was so sure of herself, every move made with the weight of an elephant but the immense self-confidence of… of… Well, Chloe. There wasn’t anyone that Sammy knew that was as brazen, as headstrong, but who was also so open.

How does a girl that fat look that happy?

Or was it… because…?

Chloe sat back down in the chair, her stomach forcing her to spread her legs wide. “How ya doin?” she asked with a chuckle. “You need some water or something?”

Sammy struggled to sit up. Waves churned inside of her, the coffee feeling bitter for tasting oh so sweet. “I-I’m… okay,” she panted.

“Need to be done? It’s no problem if you do!”

It was meant to sound encouraging. But, to Sammy, it felt more like a challenge.

A challenge she’d meet, reaching over to Chloe’s plate and taking a syrup-soaked pancake. The pig-in-the-blanket was cozy and warm, and tasted as pleasant as daylight before landing in Sammy like the weight of a house.

She almost collapsed, her tongue hanging out, much to the clean delight of the pink-haired doughball.

Chloe lifted her arm. “Waitress!” she called. “We need some more servings!”

“Be right there!” came the reply.

“We skipped coming here yesterday. I had cereal and it was just nowhere as satisfying. Then we…” Chloe trailed off. She looked off to the side as a shadow wobbled up to her shoulder.

Nat sipped at a coffee that was almost as fat as her chest. Her snowy skin and deep red hair were highlighted by an equally ill-fitting black top and cherry red pants. Her stomach rolled over the waistband, hiding it from view.

Chloe stood up. 

In that moment Sammy could hazily see the two donuts together. The Chloe effect was showing exceptionally well on Nat’s round belly, her thick ass and thighs, giving her body the ample shape of hundreds of pounds. But… it wasn’t really just Nat.

While in front of her, Chloe looked like an overgrown sister. Bigger in bust, in belly and butt, but undeniably similar. Her skin used to have more color to it. More vibrant, bits of red and of orange and, could even get tan. And next to Nat, she was still a fleshy pink, but the winter snow was undeniably covering her with vanilla frosting.

They were saying something that Sammy couldn’t hear over the gurgling of coffee popping inside of her belly. The doughnuts stood tummy to tummy, each girl’s gut sagging over their pants. Each girl’s breasts fighting for space and in danger of popping over their tops. They dressed similar, looked similar, and were growing together.

They were playing off of one another. Changing the other to be more like herself, and each making her closest friend grow.

Nat walked forward, making their tummies spread to mush as the fat girls hugged. Neither could wrap their arms fully around the other.

“I’m sorry for yesterday,” Nat apologized. “I shouldn’t have lashed out like that. I just kinda got… shocked.”

Chloe looked down at her pancakes. “Yeah…” she giggled, her round tummy jiggling Nat’s pooch. “I think we both were. I didn’t know the scale could even go that high…”

Nat’s grin became a grimace. “So, do you want to go back to the gym again?”

Chloe’s eyes became wide in almost a panic before she leaned her head back and gave a great belly laugh. “Hahaha like you’d be able to fit through the door!”

Nat’s pale cheeks became a bright pink. “At least I can climb up the steps, tubby!”

“Uwwaaagh,” Sammy interrupted them with a ghastly moan, lifting a hand to her mouth to cover a burp.

Nat turned to her, laughing cheerfully. She drew up to her side and put her hand on her shoulder, depositing her cup right next to Sammy’s. “I figured you’d be here with her. Thanks for taking her out.”

Sammy blinked. “W-wha?” she asked like a coma patient waking up from a caffeine and sugar induced sleep. “I… she, she invited…”

Nat shrugged. “She wouldn’t have come if you didn’t.”

“Oh, shut up,” Chloe laughed, returning to her plate. She stabbed three sausage links with her fork and lifted them up to her mouth. “Like anything could keep me away from this! Now sit your ass down! You’ve gotta be starving.”

Nat smirked. “I already had breakfast.”

“Like that’s ever stopped you before! Come on, sit down and join us for brunch then!” Chloe said sweetly before tearing into the sausage links like a hungry cow. Her transformation from ice queen to sugar plum princess was complete, losing herself to her full tummy and her happy munches, and Nat plopped into the seat next to her roommate as the waitress returned with three loaded plates.

Sammy looked down at hers. She watched with glazed eyes as the waitress then refilled her coffee, and then watched her tummy. A solid orb that was stuffed to her limit, yet still her taste buds wanted for more.

Nat and Chloe’s effect could be felt throughout the entire restaurant and Sammy began to wonder. If she made a run for it now, what were her chances of being able to fit out the door?