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Darling placed both of his hands on Miia’s shoulders, drawing her attention. “Come on,” he chuckled, “I gotta finish dinner. I don’t wanna burn anything.”

Miia released him, unraveling her tail before following in his wake to the stove and watching as he prepped the final stages of their dinner. The meat looked especially tender tonight, baking in the dark teriyaki sauce. Desire bubbled from her heart down into her belly. He glanced over at her, curiously. 

“Fooooood~” she sang.

He laughed.

Miia twirled and went to the cupboard. She withdrew a stack of plates and placed silverware on top before going back to the table and setting it out. Cerea and Mero had moved some of the chairs to make space for the centaur’s body and the mermaid’s wheelchair. The sat quietly sipping the wine while Miia hummed as she set the table. 

“Can you pour me a glass?” she asked Mero.

The mermaid nodded and obliged while Miia came round to her seat near where Darling would sit at the head of the table. She sighed as she sat down, taking the offered alcohol and drinking of it. The sweet fruity taste of the cup was mostly lost on her carnivore taste buds, but the hint was enough to appreciate.

Again, she huffed, resting her other hand atop her belly.

“Long day?” Mero asked with a smirk.

“Mhmm,” Miia replied. “We did a lot today!”

Mero’s expression was flat. “I was joking,” she said, “All we did was go shopping and stop by the gym. You didn’t even work out!!”

“You didn’t?” Darling asked from the stove.

“I did too!” Miia answered. She turned up her nose. “I went for a walk with Cerea. Isn’t that right?”

When Cerea didn’t respond, Miia glanced over to the centaur. The girl was fidgeting with her hands, her tail twisting behind her. Yet her eyes were unblinking, locked forward. They glimmered like Mero’s had, and she felt the same familiar suspicion in her chest. Miia turned to see where she was looking, over into the kitchen.

Darling was stirring a pot, fresh steam blowing free from it.

“Eh?” Miia asked and then rolled her eyes. She poked Cerea with the tip of her tail. “If you wanna see your vegetables, then just go look!”

Cerea hopped, her muscles going tense and looking to Miia in alarm. “I-I wasn’t-” she broke off. “I mean… umm… yes. The vegetables.”

“They’re almost done!” Darling called. “You can come see if you’d like, Cerea.”

Miia looked over to Mero, exasperated. “And you two are teasing me about being hungry, gosh.”

Mero had a conspiratorial smile on her face as she watched Cerea lift herself from her spot and timidly walk over to Darling at the stove. “You know, it isn’t just the food,” she told Miia in a hushed voice. “It’s the… context of it.”

“Eh???” Miia glowered, not understanding.

Mero placed her hand to her cheek, leaning into it. Her blue eyes went to her glass and she swirled it round. “It’s all rather… glamorous.” Mero went on. “I must admit, even I feel a bit envious.”

“Envious??” Miia repeated. 

She looked to Cerea in the kitchen, leaning over the stove and watching her steamed carrots being finished. Darling pat her on the back and her blonde tail twitched, waggling.

Miia turned back to Mero, puckering her lips. “Are you saying you’re hungry or not?” she asked.

“Oh, absolutely…” Mero grinned. She mimed Miia, resting her hand on her unfit middle. “Famished.”

“O-okay…” Miia still felt like she was missing the point but noticed Cerea returning and Darling turning the stove off. Dinner was about to be served, and she felt her tummy rumble once more.

Mero noticed, her eyes falling to her belly. “Regardless,” she said, “I think tonight has given us all something to think upon. Don’t you agree, Cerea?”

Cerea swallowed before nodding her head. She was blushing heavily and spoke hesitantly. “Y-yes,” she nodded, “I do.”

Miia looked back and forth from either girl. There it was, the brilliant glimmer that shimmered in their eyes. It seemed stronger now, almost like a white fire. They raised their glasses in unison and drank, some silent understanding between them.

Highly confused, Miia shrugged them off and instead shifted to watching her Darling as he divided the fresh meat onto a platter. He noticed her hungry eyes and winked at her, and she felt the hunger inside push all thoughts away as her husband drew near with the steaks first, already sticking one and ready to serve it onto her plate.

A thought passed over her and she wobbled in her chair, excited. She couldn’t wait until after dinner. Some alone time with her Darling… they’d so much to talk about. Her tail moved to wrap around his chair, thinking about bringing some snacks to their bedroom to go with the tight black top she’d purchased…

Miia could hardly keep herself from attacking her plate as Darling served her. Her hunger was challenging, yet she held herself back by inches, instead watching as the mountain of meat was placed before her. Two steaks to start, still glistening with chewy red meat. Fresh and juicy, almost even bloody… Miia couldn’t help but lull her tongue out, tummy grumbling.

Across the table, Mero was having a similar expression beholding her fillets of honey barbequed salmon. Her eyes shined brightly when Darling spooned each bit onto her plate, even giving her a third right off the start because how enamored she looked with the fish. Her modest chest puffed in and out, her own soft belly rumbling with hunger.

Cerea, meanwhile, was desperately trying not to show her own influences. It was entirely unsuccessful, given how rapidly her tail was waggling behind as spoonful after spoonful of steamed carrots plopped onto her plate. 

“Would you like any more?” unabashed Darling asked her. “I think the others will be fine, and I made extra carrots for you.”

Her tail waggled faster and her ears twitched while her face grew tense. Still, even there, the immense blush gave her away. “Th-thank you,” she whispered hoarsely while nodding. Then she clutched her wine glass in a shaking hand, drinking deeply while Darling covered her plate.

Finally, he went to his seat and sat. He laid his hands upon his lap and then decidedly looked at Miia.

Miia grinned, lifting her tail and plopping it onto his lap. She purposefully used the closest, and heaviest, part of her tail. It won an appreciative smirk from Darling as his hands gently laid upon her scales before he cleared his throat and took his own glass of wine.

Raising it, he said to the others, “You know, I really don’t know what to say.”

Miia laughed aloud while Mero sniggered into her hand.

Cerea, though, cleared her throat. She raised her own glass. “To friends,” she said.

“To friends,” Darling repeated.

“To family,” Mero chimed in, raising hers.

Darling inclined to her. “To family.”

“To fooooood~” Miia sang.

Each of the other members laughed warmly. “To food,” they all cheered.

And then they began to eat.


Kimihito was unprepared for the feasting that was occurring before him. As they ate, each of his company seemed to only grow hungrier. He was used to Miia eating herself into a stuffed little sausage who only wanted to curl up and nap afterward, but the others…

Mero was now on her fifth fillet. She’d have eaten nearly three entire fish at this point, each a sizable slab of meat, and she showed no sign of slowing. Her hunger was voracious, and as Kimihito had thought, she hadn’t touched the vegetables at all. Practically carnivorous, she ate as if the fish hadn’t even had bones. And the way that she drank… it was as if she feared not drinking would set the wine to waste. She’d had so many glasses that Darling had lost count, though three empty bottles now sat on the table, and the mermaid’s breathing had grown very labored.

Cerea, meanwhile, had eaten two plates of the butter creamed carrots. She had seemed very excited over at the stove and was now showing that as she shoveled each bite down into her gullet. She had shifted at some point, rising up on her equine body, showing her tummy through the gap in her clothes. Her pale waist still looked strong, but it was obviously packed.

Yet still, Miia was putting both of the others to shame as she lightly pat the side of her cheek with a napkin held at her tail. “More please,” she bade Kimihito.

He obliged, sliding another two full pounds onto her plate. She dug into them with gusto, slicing off a hefty piece and depositing it into her mouth. Watching her cheery expression as she chewed her meat made his heart melt, though her fat tail trembling over his lap was turning him on. 

A light trickle of juice squirted over her lip as she took an exceptionally large bite before dribbling down and plopping onto her shirt. She didn’t even notice, her tongue simply lapped at her cheek before she went for another chomp. It was enticing to watch her eat more and more, knowing that with every pound his chubby snake would grow fatter, softer, rounder. Soon he’d have her alone, all to himself. He’d dig his fingers into her tight tummy, feeling her feast beneath layers of soft fluffy dough. 

There was a brightness about her. In fact, Kimihito noticed, it surrounded each of the girls tonight. Each one seemed perfectly content with stuffing themselves full, almost entirely enamored with the… food…

He blinked at them, taking his glass of wine and drinking from it. Enamored. The word stuck out at him and he watched their movements. The way Cerea’s hand traced over her breast as she ate, or how Mero placed a hand onto her hip, jostling back and forth as she drank yet another glass of wine… it was all so familiar to him. Then, he noticed the color to each girl’s cheeks, and their little movements stood out far more.

It was Miia’s hand atop of her tummy that gave it all away. She had placed her hand beneath her shirt and was lightly rubbing herself, pinching her belly at the side and snaking her tail tighter around her husband’s chair.

The hair on his neck suddenly stood as memories of the lunar nights back at home stood out to him. One night a month where it was a living nightmare, unable to get any sleep as girl after girl would throw themselves at him, craving his body and desiring lewdness. 

Each girl, right now, was showing their desires. The way Cerea lightly toyed with her breast, how Mero rocked back and forth in her chair, each were mannerisms they’d displayed before when they were so turned on they would nearly implode.

Miia, though, she was different. Her normality on nights like this, she’d simply tie herself so tight around him that she’d risk cracking his ribs. It was all focused around her tail and her arms being wrapped. But now, she was loose, comfortably in his grasp, and the hand on herself… she was playing with herself. With her tummy. And it was turning her on.

He coughed harshly, trying to refocus his mind. He still needed to get though dinner!

However, when he looked up, his eyes went wide with neigh terror as three pairs of eyes all held upon him. The scarlet scales began to tighten over his legs.

“Are you okay, Darling?” Miia asked.

“What’s the matter, Master?” came Cerea’s question.

“Whuzzat?” Mero blinked drunkenly.

“Ahem,” he cleared his throat, leaning forward. “Just need another drink…” he laughed nervously.

Cerea shook her head, clearing her own focus. “I-I could go for another as well.”

“I have it!” Mero frivolously chimed. She swayed to the side, taking the final bottle on the table and sat up in her chair. 

“Err,” Cerea grimaced. “I could-”

Mero shook her head, having none of it. “Oh, just lean forward, pony.”

“P-pony?!” Cerea flushed indignantly.

Mero grinned, holding out her hand and beckoning with her fingers.

Cerea huffed before sticking out her glass. Mero dizzily filled it, somehow managing not to spill a single drop. After her glass was filled, Cerea sat backward and raised it to her lips. “Drunken fish,” she jibbed.

Mero appeared not to have heard her, instead turning toward Kimihito while brandishing the bottle. Her hand twisted over the top in an almost suggestive way. “Gimmie,” she pointed at his glass.

“Gimmie gimmie never gets,” Miia sang before dunking her head back and finishing off her own glass. She then took her and Kimihito’s glasses, passing them to Mero.

Mero filled each, doting over them with lidded eyes. She poured Kimihito’s glass to be properly full, about half of the wine glass, but Miia’s glass she went far past that.

“Hey, what are you doin? Did ya fall asleep?” Miia questioned.

“Mynaahh,” Mero moaned pathetically sticking out her tongue. She tilted the bottle upward, and more spilled into the cup until it reached the brim. She sat back in her chair, cradling the bottle and pointed with a finger. “Lookie, it’s like Master and Miia.”

Miia arched an eyebrow, her other tugging downward. She rose from her seat and moved next to Cerea, who was trying to stifle an uncomfortable giggle. She peered at the glasses. “What the heck does that mean?”

“I think she’s-” Cerea began.

Mero cut in, her words elongated by her tipsy titter. “Yooou’re fffat.”

“Hey!” Miia hopped upward, tucking her hands into her curvy hips. The movement caused her shirt to jump up a couple of inches around her stuffed tummy. “Rude!”

“She does have a point,” Cerea giggled. She raised a hand to Miia’s exposed chub. “You are getting round.”

“Not you too!” Miia complained, although now she was grinning as the girls teased around. She tucked her hands around her tummy, pulling it in and letting it bounce. Even she couldn’t stop her own little giggle at her expense, which surprised Kimihito.

It was the look afterwards, the sharp inclination of her soft cheeks, the exposure of one of her fangs over a tight grin while she pinched her belly and her eyes gleamed with the lunar light, that Darling felt himself turn to stone. She watched him watching her, and in that moment, he could see each of their affections. 

It wasn’t that the girls were particularly lustful of Darling tonight, nor were they so enamored with the food. More than likely, it tasted better to them and their heightened sense of pleasure, but in the back of their minds, Mero and Cerea knew. They weren’t wanton for calories nor delectable sweets, both of them were looking at Miia, seeing her looking at him. That’s what they yearned for. The lascivious lifestyle of the lazy lamia, able to play with herself, able to grow soft and plump and loved. They hungered for that, and in this instant, he saw each plainly.

While Miia hungered for nothing other than him.

He pushed out from his seat, taking his feet while each pair of eyes landed upon him. 

“I think,” he began, “that’ll be all for me.”

Miia caught him by surprise with how slow she moved as she sauntered back to him, making no effort to conceal her tummy. “But Darling,” she put a hand to her cheek. Her forked tongue lightly flickered out over her lips, “don’t tell me you didn’t plan for any dessert?”


It seemed that a full moon was destined for full bellies.

Cerea’s tummy was pressed out in front of her shirt, packed with a mountain of carrots beneath a thick layer of chocolate cake. She grunted lightly, her hands laying atop her middle in a very Miia-like manner.

Mero, meanwhile, unabashedly belched without any sense of refinement. Her cheeks were marked with crumbs of her stuffing, her belly wobbling out onto her lap. She tucked her hand beneath her gut, grumbling sweetly, “J-just one more drink.”

Miia continued to eat. 

She’d eaten an entire chocolate cake all to herself, her hunger seemingly enhanced. She didn’t eat quickly as Cerea, nor sloppily like Mero, simply consistently, and grinning lecherously at her husband as she forced him to watch.

He was tied to his chair. Unable to rise beneath the weight of her tail, but smart enough not to try and force to his feet. She’d pulled herself closer to him, sitting right around the side. The tip of her tail lightly passed over his constricted hand, and he lightly gripped it once more.

“Unnngh,” Miia moaned through a mouthful of cake. “Ish sho gud…” She tried to hide the lewdness of their play, but the others were too far gone to notice or even to care. 

“M-maybe we should-” Darling began.

“Nope,” Miia said. Her long tongue slithered from her mouth, wrapping tight around her fork before pulling it in. He shivered as she said, “I’m not finished yet.” 

He gripped her tip tighter, causing her to stop midchew, her closed eyes tightening as a chill shook her spine. Her tummy was full and fully exposed. She’d plopped it out over her skirt, letting it wobble freely. The tight material still clung into her hips, the start to her fat scarlet tail billowing over the top as fluffy as the cake she was devouring.

“F-full,” Cerea grumbled, leaning back even further.

Miia snuffed a breath, slowly looking up at her husband. Her tail constricted over his waist, rubbing over his crotch. “We better put them to bed,” she said finally. “So we can go ourselves.”

Kimihito swallowed. “Y-yeah… what room are they staying in?”

Very slowly, Miia’s smile vanished. She blinked at the question as if incomprehensible before her eyes widened further. Shock grew on her face. “We don’t have a guest room,” she whispered.

Darling looked to the others then back to Miia. “O-of course not. It’s a one-bedroom house.”

Miia’s fork clattered to her plate. “W-where are our daughters supposed to sleep?!” she shouted.

“Whaa?” Mero looked up sleepily. “Sorry, hello I’m up.”

“D-daughters??” Kimihito looked at the others.

Miia batted at his arm. “Not them!” she hissed. “Our daughters! When we have kids!!”

“O-oh,” he breathed. “Umm… I thought we weren’t planning on that yet.”

“W-we’re not!” she proclaimed. “But… but, you know…” Miia began shifting in her seat, her voice lowering. “Someday…”

He squinted at her. “We can build an addition?” he offered.

She blinked. “Oh…” she puckered her lips, eyes turning into the house. “Right… we could…”

“What did you think we’d do?” he asked.

She tapped her fingers together, blushing. “I-I thought you were gonna say we’d have to move… I like it here.” She said.

Kimihito rolled his eyes. He tried to raise his arm, then looked down at his binding. 

“Oh, sorry,” Miia muttered before freeing him.

He lifted his freed limbs, feeling the blood rushing though them. He reached over to Miia and took her hand. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to make home adjustments for you,” he chuckled. “You are kinda big.”

Miia’s cheeks took on the color of her hair. “I-I like being… kinda big…” she muttered. 

It made his heart beat loudly. She was so darn cute. “Did you really not notice we don’t have a second bedroom?” he asked.

“I-it’s been a busy month, okay?!” she demanded.

“All you’ve been doing is laying around snacking!”

“T-today was busy though!” the blush worsened, and her tail waggled uncomfortably. 

“Laaaazzzyyyy,” Mero called.

Miia turned on her. “You stay out of this!”

Cerea grunted, taking a moment to lift herself onto her hooves with her hand still over her tummy. “Living room,” she mumbled tiredly before stepping away with a yawn.

Mero raised her arms. “Wait, take me with you!”

Cerea turned and blew out her tongue at the drunk mermaid princess.

“Nooooooooo,” Mero cried, slumping back in her chair. She looked as if she’d passed out right there.

Darling chuckled, turning to Miia. “So, bed?” he asked.

“Not yet!” she called back, reaching over the table. She seized the entire dessert, pulling it to her grasp. Lifting it into her arms, she lifted herself from the chair. “Okay, now bed.”

Darling looked from her and then back to the cake. She dabbed a finger through the frosting and brought it to her lips, purposefully smearing some over her cheek before sucking upon her forefinger.

“Okay!” he said a bit too loudly. He reached down, taking her free hand and listening to her giggle as she excitedly followed him from the room.


Two minutes later, Kimihito grumbled to himself as he descended the stairs. In his arms he carried some of their spare pillows and a couple of blankets Miia had shoved into his grasp before ordering him to go tuck in their guests while she made herself ready. Made herself ready, what did that even mean?

Cerea had moved the coffee table, taking up a spot next to the couch. She laid on her side, her hooves splayed outward as she lazily laid. She’d taken a pillow from the couch and unraveled her blanket, placing it over her upper half. Her long blonde hair lay beneath her in a fluffy pile.

Kimihito went to her, kneeling before her.

She was already lightly dozing, surely stuffed from her feast. Her hair obscured the lower half of her face. He knew for a fact that she normally slept nearly nude, and worried for a moment she might be uncomfortable.

“Cerea?” he asked, touching her shoulder.

She blinked awake, huffing to herself and again gripping her belly. Beneath her cut abs, her skin looked tight and almost harsh. “Master?” she questioned.

“I brought you a better pillow,” he said, holding it out.

“Mmmm,” she mumbled. She lifted her head, and her pulled out the throw pillow to be replaced with a real one. She tucked her shoulder onto it and then used the throw pillow beneath her head. “Mhmmm, better,” she sighed.

He smirked and opened up one of the blankets, throwing it wide and covering her. She mumbled appreciatively and he nodded before going to retrieve Mero.

When he entered the kitchen, he was for a moment alarmed. Mero’s wheelchair wasn’t at the table.

He then noticed the nearby pantry door open and saw her seat behind it. He approached it, pulling it wide.

Mero looked over to him, munching like a cow over a cream-filled chocolate snack cake. Her languid gaze hardly seemed to look at him as she raised the bottle of wine to her lips and drank straight from it, despite it being almost entirely empty.

“Mero,” he breathed, “what are you doing?”

“Eating,” she murmured, muffled by chocolate.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

“No,” she said before taking another bite of her cake. She reached forward and took another from the pantry. “I’m schinny,” she said, muffled by the cake.

“S-schinny?” he asked.

Mero nodded, gulping down her bite before taking another and finishing it off. Automatically, her hands began to unravel the next. Her face was sloppy with chocolate and cream. “I’m posed to match ‘er and she keeps getting fat. Maybe I wanna.” 

“W-what?” Kimihito asked. He took a knee next to Mero as she bit into the next cake. “Mero, you’re not making sense.”

She huffed and shrugged lazily. “No,” she shook her head and swallowed. “But maybe I should be. It seems nice. Ahhhhh,” she opened her mouth wide and took in the entire rest of the cake. Her cheeks were packed and crumbs of chocolate spilled down onto her lap.

“Alright, no more,” he declared, standing up and pulling Mero’s chair away from the pantry.

She hardly seemed to notice. “‘Aht way, mai mother can lemme ‘lone too.”

“I can’t understand you Mero,” Kimihito sighed.

“Nghh,” she moaned. She raised the wine bottle to her lips.

Kimihito leaned forward and grabbed it. The girl tried to hold onto it, but it was like taking a sucker from a toddler. She didn’t cry, only muttered pathetically. “Awe, blackberry.”

He shook his head. They entered the living room and Cerea glanced up from her spot. “Oh, goodness…” she said.

“Goddess,” the sloppy Mero drunkenly giggled, referring to herself.

“She was eating Miia’s snack cakes,” Kimihito told Cerea. He went to Mero’s front and scooped her from the chair, her unfocused eyes turning to the ceiling. “I think she said something about her mom.”

“Uugh,” Cerea cringed from the floor. 

Kimihito lowered Mero onto the couch. She pulled her flipper upward, forming a tiny belly roll on her soft waist. She turned inward and nuzzled the cushion sleepily, chocolate crumbs trickling onto the couch.

The man sighed, looking down to Cerea. “Watch over her, okay?”

Cerea looked for a moment like she was about to stand up, a knight given a task to guard her princess. Then, Mero blew a raspberry at the cushion and mumbled “Chubah,” and the sense of rigid duty seemed to die on Cerea’s face.

“She better not get sick,” Cerea threatened. 

“I don’t think mermaids can get sick from alcohol,” Kimihito responded.

Cerea squinted but then nodded her head. “I suppose that could be… though I don’t know where that’s from.”

Kimihito shrugged. “I dunno. The Odyssey?”

Snorting, Cerea rubbed her head into the pillows. “Have you heard her sing?”

Kimihito looked up at Mero. She had begun to snore, tucked into a little ball. He sighed, taking the other blanket from the floor and laying it over her. “No, should I?”

“It’ll shatter all the glass in your house,” Cerea replied flatly.

Kimihito squinted at her, unsure if she was telling the truth. Unable to discern, he lifted Mero’s head and inserted a pillow beneath before removing her accessories and letting her hair lie freely.

He stood back, looking over both the tired girls. “Alright, you two get some sleep. I’ll make breakfast in the morning.”

“No eggs,” Cerea yawned. Then added, “Please.”

Darling chuckled. “I’m afraid Miia’s got a little more say now. Let her have her eggs, I’ll make you a veggie plate. And I’ll add some cheese, too.”

Cerea’s hooves kicked but she was too tired to argue.

Kimihito went up the stairs to their room, shaking his head. The centaur had a habit of overstepping her position, but he knew it was because she saw herself both as a servant and a leader. She wanted to help and to serve others, but she wanted to also be in control and make decisions for them.

She’d make some man very happy someday.

Mero would too, likely some merman prince or something. He mother, the queen, would have high aspirations for her daughter.

That thought brought back Mero’s mention of her mom. What had she meant? Had she even been talking of her mother? It’s be easier if she hadn’t been so drunk.

These ideas spun around Kimihito’s head as he entered his room. Then, abruptly, each thought died as his mind was overloaded with the sight he was seeing.

Miia Kurusu’s pale skin glowed like porcelain in the bright moonlight. Her hungry amber eyes shimmered with the bright lunar flame, her red hair and scales brilliant in the pale blue of the room.

She sat upon their bed, holding a glob of cake in a pudgy fist. Over her upper body, she wore a black dress shirt that was far, far too small for her tubby round waist. White chub flowed out from underneath the bottom, plopping forward over her hips. She wore no underwear, exposing herself to the warmth of their home and her husband’s wide roving eyes.

“I was hoping you’d hurry,” Miia whispered at his shock. She raised the fistful of cake to her mouth, her tongue skating over her fingers and pulling back a tight taste of frosting. “I’m so hungry, Darling.”

Numbly, Kimihito closed the door.

“Darling,” she sang. Slowly she shuffled, straightening upright. “My shirt doesn’t fit…” she puckered  her lips into a pout, though her eyes gleamed with her desire. 

As she rose, her belly pushed outward even further, and her chest pulled to either side. Pale pudge peaked between the buttons until the lowest one came free, flinging off to the side and dropping her gut another inch downward. 

“Do you know why?” she moaned.

Kimihito swallowed. He stepped forward.

“It’s because this, Darling,” she raised her hand. She nibbled at the cake, slicing off a mouthful and sliding her tongue over her lips. “It’s making me fat…” she slithered forward.

He swallowed. He opened his mouth to speak, but Miia shushed him with a certain amorous look, flashing a fang in a grin.

She extended her cake-filled hand. “You’re, making me fat.”

The world seemed to disappear as Miia’s amber eyes seemed to grow larger, the white flame blazing higher. He felt his heart hammering, his breathing short, and before he knew it he’d taken her hand. She placed the cake in his grasp.

She reached down just past her womanhood. A light fracture on her scales, a tear in her skin. “I’ve been getting so fat, that I’ve outgrown my skin. I’m shedding, Darling.”

He felt himself go stiffer, his eyes widening further. He hadn’t known such a thing was even possible, but it just made sense.

Miia seemed to enjoy the look on his face, giggling delightedly. “You like me like this, don’t you?” Miia asked, twirling on her tail and showing her body.

He nodded.

She grinned sharply, moving forward. She rubbed her body on his, rising up toward his lips. “Liar,” she whispered.

Kimihito leaned forward but she pulled away, now gripping his shirt and teasingly moving back towards the bed. 

“You want to feed me fatter, don’t you?” she asked.

He felt the tension in his body as he nodded again.

“Want me to eat more and more…?” Her fingers gripped the buttons near her breasts, pulling on one, “Until I just burst out of these clothes?”

He shivered, his breathing tense. He raised his free hand and she leaned into it, nuzzling it with her cheek.

“Then have me, Darling,” she whispered. And she smiled.

Darling raised his hand to her mouth. She bit of the cake softly, lightly, and smirked at him. 

A sixth sense had him brace his back as Miia’s tail slammed into him from behind, rapidly enclosing around his waist while she dug hungrily into the cake of his hand. Her fingers clawed lustfully at his shirt, tearing it down the center while his hand fumbled to grab at her side. The fell to the bed in a pile of hungry grunt, her fingers gripping his ribs through the rip in his clothes while he snagged a fresh handful of cake.

Miia’s face was covered in chocolate as she flooded her mouth with the second handful. Her eyes rolled back in avid pleasure, fingers clutching his shoulder while her tail forced his pants downward. She had him like that, and he had her. And her fed her bite after bite until buttons began to snap free from her shirt before, unable to help herself, Miia twisted them round and came over him.

Sitting on his waist, mouth filthy with frosting, and shining in the light of the hungry full moon, Miia tore open the remaining buttons of her tight shirt and moaned “Darling,” as she bent over him and kissed him full on the lips.


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