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“Unngh,” WA2000 groaned. She twisted her neck, felt her round chin digging into her fluffy breasts. “Come on,” she prompted herself, blinking her eyes several times. “Darn thing!”

Her rifle dug uncomfortably into her boob, her body haven grown so fat that she couldn’t stabilize the butt of the gun. She used to hold it with in crux of her armpit, keeping it stable between the gap of her chest and her arm. That gap had vanished, disappearing as the woman consumed sweets like a whirlpool, until even carrying the weapon grew to be a chore.

She twisted her head once more, leaning heavily upon her right arm. She felt the muscles in it begin to burn, unable to burden the load of her body for long while she tried to peer through the glass of the scope.

She felt the mechanical frame of her T-doll makeup being completely smothered in her gelatinous body, felt the awkward strain of gravity’s hold on her, and nearly dropped her rifle when she took a sharp intake of air before firing.

Her shot blew downrange before the pop even came. It slammed into the rear wall, embedding itself inside next to numerous markings of other ill aimed shots. Her target, a large dummy doll with short white hair dual wielding handguns, taunted back at her. “Too slow. Now I’ve got you.”

“Shut up!!” WA2000 blushed, readying her rifle for another shot. She closed her eyes in frustration, popping her weapon off thrice. Each shot sending signals of pain up to WA2000’s neural sensor, causing her to irately whine before letting the smoking hot weapon fall onto the wood by her arms.

When she opened her eyes, she was rewarded with a green glimmer inside the bot’s eyes. “You’ve bested me this time!” the bot imitated Sangvis’s Hunter, “but this won’t be the last!” WA2000 stared opened mouthed as the doll was moved forwards on the track, showing the perfect triangle of bullet holes she had put right through its temple.

She cheered for herself. Then, giddily kicking her feet through the air behind her, caused the tight fabric of her spats to grate against her extravagant thighs. “I knew I still got it!” she boasted. She put her hand to her face, flicking her thumb over her nose. “No problem!”

It took the woman five minutes to manage her move from her spot, lying on the range. Her struggle was hardened by how soft she had gotten, barely able to put her arms around herself much less do a full pushup. She ended up flipping over onto her plush rear and, with sweat dripping from her brow, decided she had earned a bit of a break.

From the interior of her jacket, WA2000 withdrew a large plastic baggie. She pined over the wrapper for a moment before it gave way to the elite girl’s prize. A package of chocolate chip cookies, freshly baked and absolutely smothered by the woman’s fat gut. Melted chips clung to the plastic of the bag, but she payed it no mind as she tore off a slab and took it into her mouth. A gooey mess of chocolate slathered her tongue, spreading throughout her mouth as she chewed it over and over. Her Commander had given her these, along with a packet of brownies, a baggie of salty potato chips, three multi-colored cupcakes, and a twelve-ounce package of yummy fruit snacks for breakfast today. She’d managed to make the cookies last until now, but they quickly joined the rest of her morning meal inside of her grandly rounded tummy.

Refreshed by her chocolates, WA2000 sat back and rubbed the roof of her tummy. She loosened a slight yawn, her fingers pulsing over strained shirt buttons, before deciding she needed to get up and move. Other girls would surely wish to use the range today, and as lazy as the obese lady had become, she knew her comrades couldn’t see her like this. Not yet, anyhow. 

But she had something to prove and by God she’d proved it! She flexed her doughy arm, feeling the heat of pride roll from her belly. Lets see the Commander refer to her as an office girl now! As far as she was concerned, she was ready to go out to the field! Anytime, any day!

It took WA2000 a further three minutes to work her way to her feet. She had to clutch a support, nearly bringing it down when she hung almost all of her weight upon it, but the flats of her feet found the stone of the shooting range and she managed to flounder her way up to her butterball stance. She checked her watch and felt a corresponding rumble shake her tummy. It was almost 1000, nearly time for brunch, and she still hadn’t completed those filings for the Commander Cheng’s budgetary report.

She scampered from the room as best a girl her size could, slowly waddling through every step. Her mind turned to brunch, wondering what he’d made for her today. Would it be waffles again? Or some French toast?

A thought struck her and she withdrew her phone from her pocket. Kept inside of a deep merlot case, her background showed a picture of a much smaller T-doll wearing a fluffy white dress and with joyful pink cheeks next to a grinning man with dark hair. Her eyes went to her surroundings, not wanting to be caught unawares. She looked at a nearby maintenance closet, then down at herself and grimaced, deciding against it.

Instead, she moved on through the hall, bound for her office. Her portly thumb flicked to his number, and he picked up within the first two rings. “WA?” he asked. “Is something the matter? Why are you using the emergency line?”

“I was hoping we could have pigs in a blanket for brunch again!” WA replied happily, feeling even more doughy just by hearing his voice. She caught herself, checking around the hall to make sure she was in the clear. 

There was a pause from the other line, followed by a chuckle. “Yes, of course,” Commander Cheng replied. “I was wondering where you’d gone. Did you sneak more sausages from the chow hall?”

“Actually,” her voice took on a miffed sense of heat, “I was at the shooting range. I scored three perfect hits on the hunter simulation.” Her voice lit up joyfully with her bragging. Without waiting she added, “How’s that for being on ‘light duty’?”

“That’s very impressive!” the commander brightly praised, making WA’s blush even harsher. “I’m really proud of you.”

“Y-yeah,” she felt her face fully flush. “Well I didn’t do it for you!”

He chuckled. “Of course not. Are you bringing your weapon back to the armory now?”

WA froze. She looked down at herself, her chin folding onto her large red tie. Gaps of flesh could be seen between the buttons on her breasts. The fingers of her free hand searchingly felt through the fat roll on her waist. “U-umm…” she replied. “Yes. I’ll be there shortly.”

“Okay,” Cheng said good naturedly. “I’ll see you soon!”

WA hung up the phone. Then, as fast as her piggy legs could carry her, she wobbled back to the range, cursing the Commander and his deliciously distracting cookies.


David Oh

Came to read my comm again since it was posted here as well, and this brings me memory of how I was surprised by this being finished less than a day XD Btw, how is that doll mentioned as the one in her phone’s background?


Hehehe that's actually WA2000 wearing the beautiful white dress she wore on her Oath day to Commander Cheng ;)