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Princess Emi wasn’t hungry. 

That was the lie she told herself as she snacked on a bowl of freshly-baked fish-shaped frosting-coated cookies. She had just finished packing her tummy in the ship’s galley with the heaviest breakfast that she tried to convince herself that she could imagine. Four waffles, eight pancakes, six eggs, twelve pieces of sausage, and a single banana for that helping of protein, all covered in a thick slimy layer of syrup. 

When she had finished, she had needed two deckhands to help prop her up, stuffed to the gills as the seaside princess was. 

Yet here Emi stood, beholding the big capital city as they sailed inward to the port, and her tummy was rumbling at the sweet stench of Black Forest Cake that permeated through the air. It washed over her as encompassing as waves sailing around the globe. 

“Quiet, you,” she jabbed a finger into her belly. “You’re on a diet. No cake, remember? We’re not taking any handouts from… them.”

Emi scowled at the city and turned. She plodded along on thick thunder thighs to the beauty station her head advisor had insisted she erect in her cabin and glared at the fatass with the fat ass who looked back at her.

The princess’s color was a brilliant bright blue, another suggestion by her advisor to resemble the sea that she ruled. This had only been recently established, as Emi’s kingdom hadn’t even existed until a few years ago. The Eastern coast of the continent and the isle beyond had had their own leaders or had been under the boot of savage rulers. Most of them, pirates. All of them, slavers. All of them, perished. 

Emi winced, lifting her belly and watching how heavily it sagged back downward. She reached her hands to her hips. So wide was she now that her palms were completely pushed out beyond the mirror’s frame. She lifted the hem of her dress, looking at her false porcelain legs beneath her real fat knees, and grimaced at how her thighs each looked like the width of an entire pig rather than just overstuffed sausages. Stretch marks dotted her sides.

She sighed, dropping her dress, and spoke to herself in the mirror. “Yeah, yeah. Would you just get used to it? You knew this was coming.” 

Still, she couldn’t help but reach down and pat her tummy. Then, she did her best to banish the smooth dome from her mind, sliding her fingers through her extremely long hair and began to tie it into two proper braids that reached to her hips. 

But much like her hunger, her thoughts on her expanding body never seemed to fade away. “Maybe,” she responded to herself, “but not like this.” 

She sighed a deep breath at her extreme obesity. A small part of her could still see her true self when she into the mirror. A lithe young girl, hopping back and forth on sharp running blades, a tilt to her brow and a grin on her face. Her deep emerald eyes blazed with excitement, glimmered with challenge. 

The fat woman’s eyes were full of jelly glazed donuts and that damnable cake that both gave her purpose and had ruined her life.

She went to the chest at the foot of her bed, opening it to reveal a multitude of prosthetic legs. Almost all were bent out of shape, cracked and broken beneath her sheer weight. Iron would bend, steel would shatter, it had seemed like no metal could bear the constant stress of Emi’s appetite. As she grew fatter, the legs grew thicker, and her engineers grew smarter, giving her the deep pale porcelain that she wore today. Made from the same material Princess Lilly had her teacups made from, the ceramic material was almost inexplicably indestructible! But beneath all of the broken, beneath every busted, a fine set of running blades lay. Unbroken, unblemished, and utterly unused. 

She had to see them, had to hold them, and dug through the pile to pull them out. A ruckus emanated as she tore apart her chest, flinging appendages each way until she finally came up with her prize.

The blades of her legs glimmered in the light of day. The first daylight they’d seen in many months, and they show oh so bright. She could feel the wind traipsing through her hair as she ran, feel the overwhelming power in her muscles, and the strong beat of her healthy heart. 

Then, Emi realized she was nigh panting at the memory. Wind billowed through her lungs, her sagging belly and firm healthy chest blew up, then blew down. Up, and then down, and she was reminded again of her royalty. Of her hunger. Of her misery.

Yet Emi went still when she looked back into the almost empty bin. A long length of leather curved into a strong silver handle. Two emeralds were set around a large blue aquamarine gem at the top of the crest. 

She’d almost forgotten of her old cutlass blade. Yet as she gripped it now, it felt as familiar to her as her own arm did. Her door suddenly gave way and Princess Emi unsheathed her sword. It sparkled in the light, shimmering strong and bright and true, and passing that back to the princess as she raised her arm toward the door.

“Oh, good heavens. Would you put that thing away? And what’s happened to your cabin??” Emi’s most trusted advisor entered the room. “We’ve still so much to do!” 

“Mooom!” Emi whined. “Why do you never knock?!” 

The strength flooded out of the fat princess as if she’d be knocked in her impressive tummy. She tiredly sagged back onto her heels as her portly mother came over to her and began undoing her braids before redoing them again. “Sweetie, you know today’s a big day,” she chided from behind. “You look like you just woke up.” 

“If I just woke up, I’d be naked...” Emi grumbled. “I already had breakfast.” 

Her mother’s hands paused. “Oh, no. Tell me you were at least wearing your tiara!” Meiko Ibarazaki tugged on the pearls in Emi’s braid. 

“Yeow!” the princess shouted. “Watch it! And no, I wasn’t.” 

“Emi, really now...” her mother paused before sighing. “You always were such a rambunctious little girl. But you need to be a proper young lady now, you’re a princess after all!” 

“I still don’t see why I can’t wear what I want,” Emi frowned at her reflection, unable to see her mother around either side of her filled round hips, only over the top as she preened Emi as if she were a fat little penguin. 

“Well, you wouldn’t fit into anything for starters,” Meiko began. 

Emi turned and snarled. 

“Oh, hush you.” She bopped Emi on the crown of her head, and the fight left her almost instantly. “And secondly, your crew needs to be centered behind you. Believe in the throne and in their princess.” Her voice dropped a half inch and she leaned forward as she finished tying the final lock of Emi’s hair. “After all, most used to be pirates.”

“Pirates who swore loyalty to this blade!” Emi featured outward with her sword. 

“Yes, yes. Give that here,” Meiko instructed. She took the sword from Emi’s hand and patted the short stack on the head affectionately. “Let’s get you ready to meet with the council. I’ll grab your tiara.” She turned around and went to Emi’s station. 

“They’re not a council, anymore, Mom,” the Princess said. “We’re all royals now.”

Emi followed, feeling a small comfort over how much her mother had grown as well. While nowhere near as obese as Emi had become, Meiko had still gained a fair amount of weight. It had begun when Emi had tried sneaking her a bite of the Princess’ Black Forest Cake. The cake turned into complete ash in her mother’s mouth, despite causing her weight to suddenly explode outward and tear near completely out of her clothing. A dastardly side effect for any unchosen, that was when they discovered that only Emi could safely consume the world’s most delectable sweet. Handpicked by some unforeseen deity to taste ambrosia, and then to wield the power of the throne.

Even if Emi saw her weight as a curse, even if she loathed what it did to her body, Emi simply couldn’t imagine the taste of the cake to be anything but almost pure heaven. It was why she’d built her kingdom, after all.

Yet even so, Meiko had been led to the end of her thin figure. Her appetite for sugar and sweets had swelled, quickly followed by the softness in her stomach. She carried most of her weight in her ass and her thighs, a bottom-heavy girl, same as her daughter, but was thankfully taking the long road on her gain. She was only just peeking past the verges of pudgy rather than a lard covered butterball like her darling little daughter. 

Meiko bent over and opened the clasp in the jewelry box. She withdrew Emi’s tiara with care, before placing it delicately atop of the princess’s head. “There we are. Who’s my little princess?” Meiko asked.

“Moooom,” Emi blushed.

Meiko reached up and pat Emi upon her cheek. Her dimpled smile pushed pleasantly against the beauty mark upon her right cheek. “You know I’m just teasing,” she winked. 

Then, she did something Emi hadn’t expected. She grabbed her tight, arms squishing her middle in every direction, pulling Emi into a clasping hug, smooshing Emi into her large chest. 

Meiko’s hands could only just touch at the fingers around Emi’s back. “I’m so proud of you,” she whispered in Emi’s ear.

“Glah! Mom!!” Emi struggled, pushing her giggling mother off of her. “Lemme go!”

“Hehehe aye, Princess,” Meiko winked.

Emi groaned. “You’re not even saying it right! It’s aye aye when told to do something.”

Meiko smiled brightly, swaying from side to side on plush hips. “Aye aye, Princess!”

“T-that one wasn’t an order!” Emi released an exasperated, “Glaah, whatever! Come on, let’s go top deck. I’m getting all stuffed up down here.”

Silence followed for a moment, causing Emi to look over her shoulder. She saw Meiko’s gaze lift rapidly away from her stomach, and the swiftly turn to the empty bowl of cookies. “Not like that!!” Emi beguiled.

Meiko grinned, then perked her lips in an adorable pout. “Did you save any for your poor starving mother?”

Emi’s tummy rumbled at the thought of more cookies, despite her will struggling to claim she was still full. “No, I didn’t.”

Her mother clasped her arms behind her back. Emi saw where she got her cuteness from, but inwardly reflected that it was much rounder on her. “Will you send for some?” Meiko asked

“Fiiine, let’s just go!” Emi waved a hand over her shoulder and began plodding to the door. 

Meiko followed along behind her, speaking up after only a few seconds. “Goodness, I’m surprised you didn’t wake the whole ship up with how heavy your foot fall is.”

Emi stopped and gazed at her mother through lidded eyebrows.

“Just noticing, dear!” Meiko grinned. “It must be because your porcelain legs. Obviously.”

Despite herself, Emi found herself chuckle. “Yeah,” her hand poked her immense tummy, “obviously.” She reached for the doorknob.

Then, something happened. Emi nearly blacked out as a single object filled her mind. Cake. Her sense of smell picked it up as it approached, slowly drifting closer, but more than just that. Her entire being reached out, pulling the world inward to her. It had been months since she’d allowed herself to be so close to unsecured cake. Even then, it’d taken all of her willpower and several steel locks to keep her from breaking into the scent-proof box.

“Emi?” Meiko asked. 

The princess didn’t hear her. She could tell that this scent wasn’t hidden, was free, and as clear as the ocean. In fact…

Even with just so barren an aroma, a spark of the cakes overwhelming power came into Emi. She released her clasp on the doorknob, leaving it mushed and bent out of shape. Meiko saw it. “Oh, no.” Then, she saw Emi slowly marching toward the open window.

Voices were coming through the window, shouts from the sailors above meeting some from farther away. Lifting her dress, Meiko hurried past her marching daughter to spot a small dingy approaching the ship. The dingy was so overloaded with guards that it seemed a miracle that it wasn’t sinking, and in the center stood a young brunette woman wearing royal pink dress. A handmaiden of Princess Lilly, who held a ginormous silver platter.

Meiko reached out past the windowsill, slamming it shut. She spun round to her daughter and saw the fire in her eyes. The blaze that led her to conquer island after island and secure the coast under her own royal flag. “Emi, no!” Meiko tried a stern voice.

Emi wasn’t listening. She couldn’t even hear her,as she drifted forward fueled purely by desire. Her stomach was visibly rumbling, shaking the lace of her dress.

“Emi, stop! Go upstairs, they’ll meet you up there!!” Meiko pleaded.

Emi continued.

Meiko swallowed. “Guards!” she screamed. “Guards!!!”

There was a shove at the door, and then two, before it slammed open. Two women suddenly appeared in the room. A pair of twin sisters, both exceptionally fit and wearing only teal bikini tops and short skirts, Emi’s royal guard showed off their strong bodies. The sisters matched almost entirely, save for their hair and for their eyes.

One, with pink hair and eyes, called out, “Princess Emi, Princess Emi!”

The other, with blue hair and eyes, shouted, “Mistress Meiko, Mistress Meiko!”

Their eyes went wider, seeing their Princess advancing on her mother. “Restrain her!!” Meiko ordered. “She’s got the scent, she’ll jump out the window!”

The pink hair one hesitated while the blue girl moved. In a mere moment, she had crossed the room and wrapped her powerful arms around one of Emi’s fat ones. “Princess Emi, no! You mustn’t! You can’t swim anymore!!”

Emi continued. Her whole body quivered in a famished sense of hunger, her emerald eyes the fire of stars. Her belly began to push up against Meiko, and she surely would have pushed her own mother out the window had not a new scent appeared. 

As if from thin air, a much stronger scent of cake had come to Emi, carrying with it a return to more power.

The princess turned. In her outstretched arm, the pink haired girl held a very tiny cupcake. “Is this what you desire?” the guard asked.

Emi’s gut howled. The blue haired guard let loose a scream as her footing vanished beneath her and she was bodily thrown through the air by a cake-crazed bull. Emi moved even faster than her guard, tearing across the room in the blink of an eye before, suddenly, she was completely immobilized. 

Pain returned Emi to herself, and she looked down in surprise. Her fat hips had crashed into the doorframe at full speed, but the woman was so fat that even that wasn’t enough to send her through. Her flabby round hips were entirely lodged, filling the entirety of the space while her immense thighs and even her calves smothered one another and all space between. She bulged through the threshold, belly in the hallway, ass in her cabin. The pink guard advanced, holding the cupcake out to her trapped prey, and Emi snapped her lips greedily over the prize. 

The intensity of the flavor instantly enveloped Emi. Her whole body shook as the tide of pleasure returned to her. It had been so long. Far, far too long. The soft cloud of flavor, the deep heavy cream, spilled over and into Emi. She only just managed to hold her tongue up, to block swallowing the small bite. She knew she had to make it last.

Flecks dribbled down her throat and into her tummy. Her stomach began to grow tighter, filling out even further. Even with simply the crumbs, Emi felt herself growing stuffed, knew she was swelling even fatter.

Pinned to her hips, her dress was already tight over her belly. But as she ate, Emi swelled outward, her tummy flopping forward, and her the threads of her dress began to tear around her gut. Her mother was saying something, but she didn’t care. She’d have fallen to her knees if she weren’t stuck where she stood, rearing her head backward as the absolute bliss that came with being a fat princess gave onto her. She moaned through the rest of the cake, her body swelling like the doughball she knew she was.

The emergency ration had worked. The single cupcake had made Emi swell a further ten pounds, but now she was panting, exhausted, and yet filled with so much electric energy that it felt almost like she’d spilled over the top and just desperately needed a nap.

“Sister, sister!” called the blue haired guard from behind Emi’s massive rump. “What’s happened? Did she eat it?”

“Rem, Rem, of course she has. She’s nearly fallen over. Can’t you see that?” the pink one replied.

“All I can see is her butt,” Rem replied. “Has she torn her dress, Ram?”

Ram reached forward, poking one of the slitted rips in Emi’s dress. Fat bulged out of it. The guard thought she might be able to feel the piles of sugar inside. “She has. Tell Mistress Meiko.”

“I can hear you,” Meiko groaned. She came up from behind Emi and began to undo the jewels from her hair. “It’s just like you told me,” she sighed, stroking her fingers affectionately through Emi’s hair. “We have to be careful when it comes to her…” To Ram, she instructed. “Go and retrieve the cake. A ‘gift’ sent by Lilly, I have no doubt.”

“Aye aye,” the pink guard moved off.

Rem turned to Meiko. “Do you think Princess Lilly sent cake to cause Emi to go overboard?”

Meiko frowned. She patted her stuck daughter on the massive backside, earning a solid grunt. “I doubt it. The others couldn’t know how long Emi’s been without partaking of cake.” She grunted. “Even so, we can’t put it past her. Princess Lilly and Princess Hanako were the ones who forced Emi to be the third girl to eat of Black Forest Cake.”

Rem blinked. “F-forced?”

Meiko went to the window of the ship. She pushed the doors open, and even to her the scent of the freshly baked cake was clear. She watched strong guardsmen working alongside Emi’s sailors to hoist up the titanic tank, while the handmaid stood below slowly swaying in the boat. “Hanako and Miss Lilly summoned my daughter to Lilly’s castle as part of an old council… she wobbled out of that meeting sixty pounds heavier.”

“Oh…” Rem hesitated. 

She thought over all the times she’s seen the cake pop up throughout the country. Even before she had joined, the hillsides were sprouting the sweet like weeds, but there were always those stories about the girls in town… 

“Why doesn’t Princess Emi just eat cake more often?” Rem asked.

Meiko pulled the last of Emi’s hair free. The long mop was flagrantly messy, as rebellious against form as the pudgy princess could be. “We’ll have to do your routine all over again by the time you finish that other cake,” she told her daughter. 

Weakly, Emi’s legs began to pull. The ship’s threshold creaked but held. 

Satisfied, Meiko turned to Rem. “You’re part of the Royal Guard, so I suppose you should know. What island are you from?” she asked.

Rem looked over to a map nearby, which showed off the continent. Shadows began to overlay as the tall cityscape began to cover their sunlight. She pointed. “My sister and I are from Razaro.” 

“One of the last islands liberated,” Meiko intoned.

Rem nodded. 

“Did you see Emi when she took control?” Meiko asked.

Rem hesitated, and then shook her head. “My sister and I were… we were maids to the governor.”

“To the pirate lord,” Mistress Meiko corrected severely.

“Y-yes,” Rem bowed apologetically. “To the pirate lord who was slain. We weren’t freed from captivity until afterwards.”

“And then you joined the guard?” Meiko questioned.

“M-more cake…” Emi drooled. “I can smell… need more…”

Rem hesitated, looking at Emi’s shuffling thighs. “Y-yes. And we worked our way up to the Royal Guard, and Emi helped train us.”

Meiko sighed. She ran fingers through her hair. “Your Princess is-”

“Hungryyyy,” Emi cut in.

Meiko rolled her eyes. “Your Princess is the third of the girls to be chosen. She is able to consume the Black Forest Cake without the ill side effects.”

A thought occurred, looking at Emi wedged into the doorway. She was overflowing with fat yet still rumbling with hunger. It seemed like an ill side effect, but Rem held her tongue. 

“Yet,” Meiko continued, “it did not affect her like it did Princess Lilly and Princess Hanako.”

Rem tilted her head. She waited, patiently. 

Meiko continued with a softer tone, “Emi would stuff herself silly with the sweet, and it would make her weight explode. Even worse than the others, she would gain so much weight she’d need to be carried away because her protheses couldn’t hold her.”

Rem thought back to her training. She remembered the throne and the pole teams that would carry it. She remembered the weight in her arms and compared it to the waggling seat that would fill it on the way to the castle. “Oh.”

“But it always melted off,” Meiko’s grinned at her struggling princess. “Since my daughter was so active conquering the islands, all of her cake turned straight into energy. She could fight for days, moving as quick as lightning and leading her growing army.”

Rem looked at Emi pathetically grasping the air in front of her and saw the rolls on her side quiver with hunger. Flashes of Emi came to her from her training. She’d been obese then, but still moved unnaturally quick, and disarmed her own guards in just a few seconds. Those weeks had been grueling to Rem’s body, but Emi had come out each day looking plumper and acting even more critical until her guards were the top physical contenders throughout the continent. Very few could be as strong as Emi’s Royal Guard, and none could move as fast. 

“And now,” Meiko sighed, “Emi’s quite possibly the fattest of the bunch. Despite the others growing fat over years, Emi has caught up to them and overtaken most within only twelve months.” Meiko’s hand went to her own tummy. “No matter how hard she diets, she can’t lose any weight.”

Emi was even fatter. “W-what happened? Why has she gained so much?”

Meiko grinned sadly. “Because, she won.”


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