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last update i posted some screencaps on the funny yellow cyberpunk background as the project had been delayed a month, but now we're really in cyberpunk territory as the project looks like its being delayed again, and much more significantly - to February.

this wasn't my decision, though with how this project has been coming together, i can't confidently say it would have came together by November either, so it's probably for the best - they would rather a 2 month gap between MVs to let them breathe (understandable) and theres a Christmas one coming out in Dec, so February is the next option. (so theoretically the video could be finished long before February but we're gonna have to sit on it until Feb to release it anyways) 

and to be honest, i don't think i have it in me to like massively overhaul the animation and visuals with the extra 4 months. the video looks good so far, better than previous MVs for sure, but i think i'm just gonna use the time inbetween to work on other projects.

speaking candidly, i've been profoundly unhappy working on this MV for the past few months. i think the God Save The Music one pushed me so hard in such a short length of time that it just took everything out of me with this one, and i've had little break since.  

i think the main reason i'm upset about this as aside from the GSTM video i've put out fuck all this year, and the 2 major projects i worked on (this and the Succubus NSFW video) have had to be delayed so much, when really neither of them should have taken as long as they have to come out.

but anyways thats it! i'm pretty good at apologizing and making a mountain of a mole-hill for this kind of stuff but i just wanted to put these thoughts down in like a slightly less public manner than twitter or whatever. just feels bad for all this time to have passed and from the outside looking in, its like theres nothing to show for it, but i suppose thats animation in a nutshell. lol its like - people wait a year for a game or a movie to come out - not some 4 or so minute long youtube animations. but o well

i'm going to use the extra time to focus more on working on that Succubus video thats been long overdue, art, gifs and some youtube videos, i started a Squid game shit post video (remember Squid Game from like 40 years ago? that old thing?) and just try to have fun with the delay rather than wallow too much more about it. happy frickin halloween!!!!!




I understand the frustration, and hope you the best. But I do want you to know that we appreciate you and your work. I know you don't feel great about the number of projects completed this year, but I love them. This stuff takes time, effort, blood, sweat, tears, sometimes semen. Anyway, projects take time, and we know you are doing your best, and we appreciate that. Love you and your work man, appreciate all that you do.


thanks! i've cooled off a bit since this morning, it sucks but i'll use the downtime to focus on smaller projects and such which is fine too


Aye it’s all good you get your work done when you get it done. I totally understand not having the motivation or a lot of down time to really work on a project but I’m the end all your work comes out incredibly well so don’t push yourself too much! You got it and I’m sure I speak for at least some of us when I say it’s worth the wait 🤙🏽