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Gwynevere video as it is: https://puu.sh/F596t/cb5999df66.mp4 

hey! i've been super dead here this month due to a lot of irl stuff that happened, impromptu travel, considered and went in to start postgraduate school stuff but then bein like "nnnot yet" (like that kid shitting his pants video) and leaving again, then i got sick for 2 weeks all while trying to chip away at this mini Gwynevere video which ended up being quite disastrous and miserable to work on as a result of being so distracted and sick.

i really like the opening shot but nothing much after that and i only made it as long as i did because i had lots of fun dialogue written out of Gwyn saying lewd shit in her royal manner of speaking. i'm just planning on finishing the opening shot and adding dialogue to it and leaving it at that as just a lil softcore thing, i apologize!!! this month being hectic clogged me up, with this vid being the only thing i was able to work on and it was for the worst in the end, i haven't even touched the music video i've been working on since last month either, so i need to cut this short and move on to other stuff. sorry again!



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