currently on the move... (Patreon)
ah, i have messed it up a bit and am currently on the move so i only have my phone to type. but i still want to give you guys an update.
i am in the middle of the first sidequest, i am confident to finish it this week and if i am really, really fast i might be able to finish most of the second sidequest with dr b b monroe as well. that would be great because if i manage that most of october could be used to implement all the scenes! so we might have a possible release in late october already!
fingers crossed, won't be able to render this sunday so that is not good, also having a bit of a cold (no fever, just a running nose and sore throat) that i hope won't get worse!
that's the plan! getting close, so time to say thanks to my awesome community that sticks with me and supports me even though i do bigger updates that take longer :)
hope you guys are doing well, pretty much everybody i know is sick or has a cold right now, so make sure you stay warm, comfy...
...and kinky :D