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OK, I already read your feedback and instead of just answering, I feel like this deserves a topic on its own. I've already said it: It was my first game ever created. And while I really love my little game and it makes me so f*cking proud that you enjoyed it, we both know that there are some things in this game that could have been done better. Much better.

I start off with some basic things:

Resolution: 800x600. It should have been 1024x576. That way you can enjoy it on fullscreen on almost every desktop or laptop. I will get this done for my next game.

The sound: I could have implemented some more sounds in this game, especially during the rendered scenes. Music was good and fitted the mood of the game (at least I think it did). Let me know if you think otherwise.

Puzzles: Easy switch puzzles, find the key to the door. I know, not the most exciting stuff. I actually don't know why I didn't make more things like the riddling wolves level because I had so much fun creating this. It should have been some more passages like this in the game, to give you a break from combat.

Now, on we go with your feedback:

- Combat gets repetitive, feels like a grind. I totally agree. Especially later in the game (after you 'defeat' Merryl) it just comes to a point where combat is not very enjoyable anymore. I will definetly take another approach on my next game (but I can't tell you more about that right now ;) )

- There is not enough porn in it. Ok, this is a topic we have to talk about in detail, because I don't know what you mean by that. Do you mean 'I want scenes like you did in this game, just much MOAR!', do you mean 'I want your scenes to be more erotic!' or maybe 'I wanted to have a hot threesome with Meow and Jade at the end, DAMN YOU DARKTOZ!'

Here is my take on it. The game is short overall, and in the end it really should have had some more scenes. Like more from the rubber squad for example. I think the POV scenes were much more arousing and fun. The camera scenes weren't bad (I think) but it was much cooler when Merryl had you tied up on the chair.

But that is just me. Please tell me your take on it. Just remember that my games will always be about the more kinky stuff, especially femdom. If you don't want that at all, the next game won't be fun for you either.

- Story and Characters...more of it! This was one of my major concerns. I am not a native speaker so I still struggle with writing in english. To hear that you actually enjoyed these parts makes me a little proud and I will make a whole lot more for the next game.

Long story short: Thank you so much for playing the game. If you liked or disliked something about it, want to see more of something, less of something, write it down in the comments below. It will make the next game more enjoyable.

Oh, I forgot: The next game! I have picked two scenarios, and I can't wait to start. And I will let YOU guys decide! But right now all I have is a reddit post and a pornhub trailer with 700 views. Let me follow Tacos great marketing advice first and make a few posts in some forums tomorrow. Maybe we can get some more kinksters interested for the next game ;).

Thanks for your support



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