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I am currently lying in bed with the flu, so I am not as active answering upcoming questions, sorry. I knew this was about to happen. Everyone around me was sick in the last days so I was about to catch something. It's not that bad, don't worry...I am drinking a lot of tea and I am chasing a new hell mistress in my fewer dreams :D

(Yes, Diablo 4 shamelessly took inspiration from the Dark Mother of Femdom City :D)

Speaking of true work beginning: The renders are done! Yes, I managed to finish it in time just before i got sick. i still need to render the busts (only 3, the doctor, the muscle mommy and the futa army captain) and do some postwork edits (cum and stuff) before I go into implementing it all and adding the dialog! The big parts of the update, the artwork and animations, are finally done, though!

So because the question came up a few times now: The plan is to release Femdom City MANTIS 0.8 soon and then change games again and work on another Shadow over Blackmore Update afterwards. Also looking for a programmer who might be able to port fcity to the RenPy engine after the update is released.

This is the way!

Have a nice sunday, keep your feet warm and praise giant demon mistresses wherever you can ;)

and stay kinky, of course :)




Get well soon!

Captain Gregg

Get very well very soon!