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With the release getting closer (release date is the 27th, so two weeks away) I've been asked a few times if the old saves are going to work. I don't know if they do. I have never updated a game in RenPy (the new game engine used to create this game) so far. Knowing a bit about RenPy now, I think that it is going to be complicated, and here is why:

In Renpy you have to initialize variables first. Normally that is no problem because when you introduce a new character with an affection system fo example, you can initialize the variable right before the player meets the character. Even if it is on Day 2.

The problem is the inventory. The inventory is accessable right from the start, but does not have all variables set. What I mean is on Day 2 the player can find a new item (meat). Now, in your old savegames that meat variable is not defined at the start, but since the inventory got an update it will check for that meat variable when you open the inventory (in order to display it if you have found it).

So what does that mean for you, the player? It means your savegames will most likely work if you don't open the inventory (until you find meat in the game) and crash if you do. Maybe it will work anyway, like I said...first time experience for all of us ;), but keep that in mind if you really want to play with your old savegames and run into trouble.

("Sounds like a fuckup on your end, idiot!" - "Uuhhmm....well...")

Other than that, everything is on schedule right now. I still have a hard time finding fitting sounds and music (there will most likely be no new music, unfortunetly...I am trying to find something special for worship xxx scenes that are not so intense, but I haven't found anything - that being said, the existing music is still awesome ;), but dialogue and quests are coming along nicely.

That's it for today, hope you have a good start in the new week and

stay kinky! 



Kink Baron

Hey Darktoz what about the sound effects in the game? Have you inserted those for added immersion? Like a laughter, heel clicking, sound of the rubber, slaps, getting hit, etc.


I'm on it. laughter is something that won't be in the game. it would be either every character having the same laugh or every single character having a different one, and i don't really like both options


I like the music so far, especially the music in the main menu.