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...we made progress...a lot of progress. I am sitting at a total of 7 video animations at the moment, almost 300 pictures and a lot of new characters that you will be able to meet (the first day only had 9 lewd video animations, I am most likely gonna catch that this week already).

The problem is, that it feels a bit like I've just completed the first half of the content that I want to have in the game. So much is still missing (the 2nd half of the bad ending [it will be a different ending depending on your futameter, which means twice the work for me], visiting a bar with a lot of action, a motel surprise and 2 sidequests) that I would like to have in this release as well.

But maybe that gets too bloated? Maybe you say the wait is too long and you want a safe september release without the two sidequests? That would of course be faster, because one of the side quests, the idea that I have for it with the latex hotel, requires quite some time, I think. Of course, the side quests will be added later if we go for an earlier release (if you don't know what I mean by sidequests, Tara and Jinx were the two sidequests for day 1, i plan the ones on day 2 to be a bit longer, though).

Then again, some of you seem to enjoy to play larger updates with more content, even if it means more waiting.

I just want some general feedback this time, see what my community thinks right now. The comment section is usually divided into "I can't wait for the next update" and "take as much time as you need", so we will do a quick poll and you can let me and the community know what you think in the comment section!

And, I would also like to know what video games you are playing right now. Looking for input.

edit: For some reason I cannot display pictures in the poll? wtf? well, a good time to check my twitter and deviantart ;)

Have a nice sunday, thanks for your continued support 

and stay kinky!



Voted "Slow release with both sidequests", ofc i want to play, very much, but still, i'd prefer to have more content, so i wait. Playing Skyrim (modded ofc) and Hades. Thank you for update.


Hades any good? I already thought twice about buying it...still didn't pull the trigger...afraid that I might suck at the game because it's too difficult for me :D


Eager to see some of your latest progress on DeviantArt or Twitter ;)


Hades is an incredible game, one of very few S tier games, so definitely play it. My only complaint with Hades is that it's way too easy, so I don't think you have to worry about difficulty :)


might reveal something new tomorrow or so, still always unsure of how much i want to reveal and to spoiler...but i guess you have to show something to keep the anticipation high :D


I'm in the camp of take all the time you need. I think the content your making is absolutely incredible and I understand that making something that good takes significant time.

Ethalos M

I am in the minority here, which is perfectly fine. My thoughts are that with quicker releases, we can also give you quicker feedback. Like a beta test, or like early access games on Steam. You can still do everything you were planning on doing, just with more community feedback along the way. With that said, I am also a very impatient lover of your games, so it's possible I am just being a little biased. :)


I have the current world record speed run for 100% in a different roguelike, so maybe I'm biased. But yes, Hades is easy. That doesn't mean it's not a nice accomplishment when you beat the game, it's an incredibly smooth experience to play, incredible story and an incredible game.


i'd prefer a slower release so that i have more to play :)


Definitely one of the best. I would at least try out a run and if you don't like it then refund


I liked slower updates with more content as I normally start games over when new or even a couple of updates has come out.


well, I an tell from experience that some early access games on steam take forever to update, lol :D


i normally do the same thing. i tend to forget things so it's a bit like playing something completely new. unless it is later releases already


I went with slower release. Playing a lot of Multiverses and Escape type games


yeah exactly, so if a game has quicker small updates i tend to get a bit fatigued on the early game unless I wait for multible updates.


Maybe 1 or 2 pictures, just post what you are comfortable with. Playing Cyberpunk 2077 for a second time, but I also found the game Succubus, maybe I should play it ^^


Started playing Cursed to Golf this weekend. Its actually pretty good


What games are those? Any in particular you would recommend? Are those lewd games or?


Actually they are board games, Escape room is pretty good, Escape the room is supposed to be better but i haven't been able to play it yet. Dispatch makes some superb games and Box One form NPH is very fun. Unfortunately none are lewd, i would love to find some that are, Earn Your Freedom is a lot of fun and the 3D stuff looks great but not as top tier as what Darktoz puts out.

Baldurs Weight

Well, I can't wait for the next update too, but take as much time as you need, because I don't think it would be better if the release is rushed.


waiting can sometimes be the right answer, so waiting a little longer could only help


I've just looked at it, looks very cool. is it a mix of 2d golf and a platformer?


Hades is great. Unlike some rougelike, You also can "level up" the more you play, making you stronger at the start of runs and getting through easier the more you play. Would definitely recommend.


nice. i played one escape type game and gave up in frustration :D don't think they are for impatient people like me :D


looks like only positive feedback for hades. i might try it this week


its a golf roguelike, you have to finish 18 holes without running out of strokes or start from the beginning again.


just release


what? the game? right now? that would be 300 new unedited pictures and a few videos without any text, choices and gameplay in general. not sure if anyone else really wants that


even without the sidequests the main story line will take some time. the first bad ending is entangled in the main story, the bar visit and the motel surprise will all happen on day 2 and haven't been rendered yet


I voted fast release both tbh both options is okay with me, what I would say would be the best is do what YOU would feel is the best what would help you to feel good about your work.


i honestly would have no problem with both options. i mean, in the end it is the same amount of work for me


Yeah but wouldn't it feel good to see a update finally done and feel less pressure to finish it fast? Maybe I'm wrong if so I have no problem to wait for a bigger update me too 😉


obvs i meant when is playable and ready to be somehow released.


i see, thanks. 'just release' didn't sound so obvious to me so i might just got that wrong


i meant release without secondary quest or something else. its obvs that you cant play a game that doesnt work properly or that is not finished.

Nahreb Bashai

It's still your game, so it's your speed to do it. I enjoy everything the moment you release it and(most important) you release it the moment that you are happy with it.