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It is time for you to make the big decision. What is going to be the next update?

Femdom City MANTIS?

I think that Femdom City MANTIS, currently sitting at version 0.7.2, would need like 3 updates to call it "complete" (not with all content but with the main story finished). The next update would focus on the main story, Beatrix de Jaager and you uncovering what's really going on in the city. Also updates for the big questlines like the hospital, uptown and the church...and some fun encounters, of course.

The Shadow over Blackmore?

The new kid on the block, with 0.1.1 just being released. I know exactly what I want to do in the next update but it is going to be a lot! The gallery needs to be implemented, the inventory needs improvement and the story needs to continue ;). Day 2 will let you meet some new people and drive the story forward, I also want to do one or two side quests (one will most likely feature the first bad ending), maybe even the trainer learning system where you can learn your first skill with Tara.

Keep in mind, both projects will take their time! I think that I lately did a step in the right direction in terms of quality over quantity, but doing games like these are a hell lot of work! So whatever you vote on will be the main project for the next time.

You can vote for both options if you do not care what's coming next or if you are happy with either game getting an update!

Excited to see what you guys will vote for!

Stay kinky!



While TSoB was amazing, I voted for Femdom City. I think it is better to finish this and then put all resources into TSoB. Another aspect: Even with just the first release, TSoB is already ahead in technical/mechanical terms by quite a margin. The longer Femdom City will take to be finished, the more the gap between the two games will widen.


Obviously we all think you should work on whichever game you happen to be in the mood for, but I voted for Femdom City. I love the polish and gameplay of TSoB (nice work!) I just think the women of Fem City are prettier LoL

Francois Champagne

Thb Shadow of Blackmore will with time be your best game visually and gameplay wise and I wish I could have way more content right now but I think that you should finish FC MANTIS first because just with the graphical upgrade between the 2 it will make it harder to go back to FC MANTIS if we jump always between the 2. So I vote FC MANTIS if that wasn't clear ;)

Eques Leo

I am kind of hesitant here. On one hand, I've been a fan of MANTIS for a loong time and I definitely want to see the continuations of the story. On the other hand, the Shadow seems to be so friggin awesome so far! So, I'm voting for both

Walt Stiles

MANTIS is so unfinished with so much story to tell - I am ok with finishing it first then going back to Shadow ti continue the great story started there. Finish what you started please.


TSoB is just so much better. I don't like the gameplay style of your earlier games but I love TSoB and became patron.


Thanks for you're hard and great job on this games ^^. I have to say that I agree with a lot of people there. As fun as tSob look's like, I think it would be better to finish Fcity, and not in a rush please!!, so that we can enjoy this game fully and after that, give it all to tSob !!! ^^


Mantis because the game should get a good plot closure which it currently lacks of.


I personally have no preferences in terms of gameplay. I love your games all. but I voted for Femdom City because I think completing the game is more useful. then you can fully concentrate on the other game. so personally i think it's best to focus on one product at a time.


Femdom city please, it needs a good closure ;)