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Maybe you know this problem and you have had it yourself: When you create something rather complex (like a game), it is a difficult decision how much time you spend on the details.

The map of Femdom City is a good example. In the beginning I tried to make a map of the city myself. I bought some 3d assets of city blocks and some nature assets so that i could mash them together and make my own unique map. In my mind it looked perfect. The best map there ever was in a game.

In reality it was a desaster. It looked horrible. If I learned something from that it is that Poser Pro 11 isn't made for making maps. But it took me almost a week to learn that. And it became a full week of map frustration because I then tried to hire someone...and wasn't pleased with the result either.

Why am I telling you this?

Because in the end I took a free picture off of pixabay, inverted the colours, flipped the image and put it into the game. 5 minutes of work. No money spent. Instead of a week of frustration, 35$ in assets that are pretty much useless now.

No one ever said "damn, that map looks awesome", but no one said "what an ugly map" either. Because maybe the map isn't that important for the game experience.

As an artist you can spend hours, days and weeks on details...but that can lead to yourself not making much progress.

I am going to be honest: I haven't made much progress in the last 2 weeks. I lose myself browsing for music without having a real clue what to look for, I spend hours comparing which font is best for the game and I am saying to myself: This time I need an awesome map!

So this is a bit of a reminder for myself to focus on getting it done and worrying about the details later. Because a map picture can be changed later, music can be replaced as well as fonts.

I will try to release the intro of The Shadow over Blackmore in (late) february. Let us see how it works out :)

Stay kinky!




And that you make porn games kinda makes what is most important for the player a given just how i see it like the story and scene and dirty talk like thats the stuff am really looking into like «wow that was so hot» or «wow thats really good line» ir «wow the story is so hot/cool» stuff like that😁


naaaah, dont be like this... I spend a lot of time on that Map of Femdom City. I had a lot of fun "guessing" where you put the next location up. Even sometimes zoomed with win-zoom in😋 I think the map was nice and fit the game. Also you wont find a "pixelfluttering" or some in your animations. And problems can be told to you and gets fixed fast! So I can honestly say you're one of the best artist's/creators I know so far. Doing a great job (But I know one can't say this often enough, never) It is often difficult to see this in a fitting relation. But It is a "harsh environment" and a "thankless job" where you creators work. Being "Indie creator" I think it is like this. And you even do it in private, next to maybe a fulltime job or something.💪🏻🍻 You give people some time of your life, for making them smile. Thats a grateful thing in the end, and it helped me about some nasty times. Therefore, Thank you again.🍻 Sorry, longer text with bad english😅🙈


You have always good taste on things in your game. But you should lower your demands on yourself and fix certain things over time. Take care

Laugh N Half

Is it possible make a tempoary map and add a better one retroactivily. And post pone it to the final release?


thank you, i really appreciate it! It isn't thankless when I got supporters like you :)


yes. renpy (the game engine)easily allows switching out everything. the thing is i had the same idea for femdom city, but after some time has passed i never gotten back to it. there are some good reasons to get it right at the start


After 20 years with 3d and developing my game (and i still working on it) I understand that: look how painting is done. First all that is at the base of I Your picture. The you can start with details. So it's like I Femdom city, first the map, second define the main story, third develop all characters. At this point you can start with details like secondary quest, adding details in scenes and to the characters or improving animations. On this way you'll never get bored ... At least for me it works 😁


i think the main story has to come before the map, also the characters have to come before the map. maybe that's just me :).


As a fellow creator, I know the feeling of getting lost in the details, whatever they may be. Firstly, thanks for your honesty and sharing your reminder to yourself with your fans. Secondly, I'll tell you what I do when I get lost in the details, I ask myself one or two questions: 1. Am I proud of the work I've achieved, considering the time spent on it? If the answer is yes, odds are fans will be proud of me too and happy with my work. 2. If I were to do what I creatively do for a regular 9-5 job, and my boss asked me what I've been doing with this task or with this time, would I be able to justify myself and give a good answer? I find that if I treat my creative work like a job, in terms of the discipline it takes to produce something and where to focus my limited time, I achieve my weekly goals more reliably. Lastly, when I lose myself in the details, sometimes I just move on to a different task. If there's some more interesting task, maybe do that instead and let inspiration build. ;) That said, I like the map in Femdom City. It's not great, it's not bad, but it's not what the game is about. I liked the font too. Big fan. Can't wait.


Sometimes some procrastination leads to a better result. Take a step back, chillax, think this through and you may come up with something that would take less time to make and would look at the very least not worse than ‘the hard way’ approach. Helps me sometimes 😁 (I’m a 3D artist), so might work for you.


I am just glad that I can roam the whole map freely instead of, you know, having to click each pixel 20 times like in certain OTHER games...


thanks, good input :) guess it depends a bit if my boss would be a map fetishist :D


Ha, not so sure, I have tried this procrastination many, many times :D. didn't lead to a better result that often ;)


Any idea for release date for the new game 🥺


just read what's in the text above. it says i am aiming for late february...and that nothing is certain


Thank you for reply I may wasn’t focusing 😂