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I have done almost half of the scenes for the new update. Most what can i do for you scenes are done, and i made a neat scene for the uptown job that i think you guys are going to enjoy!

But I still haven't touched the hospital, mostly because I lack a certain asset. A hospital reception, something like the main room....the first thing you see when you click on the hospital pin on the map...and I haven't found something that could do the trick. The only one that I have is the one used in the dr. horney ending (asylum fans might remember), and that one is not really suitable for a rundown hospital like i am planning.

I am not sure if we should do more story scenes as well or if we should delay these ones and make encounters that are not bound to a specific day instead. because that way you don't have to play to day 80+ again to see new content if you start fresh. And I am still not sure how many days long the game should be in the end.

Same for the hospital itself, it should not be unlocked too late. not sure when exactly. It has to be after Dr. Horneys scene with Beatrix de Jaager, but we can move that scene if we want. Let me know if you have an idea...

I am trying to release this update by the end of september and I might be able to if everything goes smooth and according to plan...which it rarely does. But the public version was released not even a month ago and coming out with another huge update in that short amount of time would be cool.

We will see. No pressure, I know that you guys want quality over quantity.

Stay kinky!




"I made a neat scene for the uptown job that i think you guys are going to enjoy!" Nice! Can you give us a hint? Inquiring minds wanna know...


are there more spanking content ?


you mean is there going to be more spanking content in the game in the future? yes or do you mean if there is more spanking content in the game other than the amount that you've already seen? in that case i do not know because i don't know what you've seen