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Welcome in 2021! First of all, if you are a supporter, please click


to come to the final version of Captured by Dark Elves! It is all done now, even the mobile version is online! With that, the long project is finally finished and all the endings are in!

Nonsupporters will have to wait 2 more weeks for it to become public! After that, Captured by Dark Elves, a completed game, is available free to play! They always say nothing is ever really free, but in this case it is true. So if you ever come across a darktoz supporter on the internet, say thank you, because only because of them all people interested in my games can play them! Of course, I have to say thank you as well!

We all know how difficult times are these days, but many supporters stayed with me and continued to support! And that is why I can comfortably say that with that kind of support I will continue with at least the same effort for my projects, if not with more! 

So here is a little preview of what is happening in 2021!

Femdom City MANTIS!

Just very short on this one: This will be for a while my only game that I will dish out updates for. It is currently about halfway done. I planned 100 days for the story and all, but now it is likely to go a bit higher than that. Hospital, Arena and the Uptown Area are currently missing. There will be a vote in the next days on what is going to come next. All supporter tiers will have access to this poll and are also allowed to suggest specific scenes wit their favourite character.

I have no specific goal on when to finish Femdom City MANTIS. I don't want to rush it and even if the main story finishes after a specific amount of days, we could always add a new area or characters if we feel like it (something like a "Latex House" or a "Pony Farm" for example).

Dark Fetish World

Some of you have seen the video trailer, some of you have been interested in this project for a while. A dark, dystopian world, filled with Femdom and Futadom action.

I said I wanted you to participate in this project and create this world with me. But at that time I was working on 2 games (one is now finished) and wanted to switch the render engine and the game engine. So the project got put on the backburner...some of you might remember that post.

In terms of the render engine: I am not going to change the artstyle for this project. I just like the comic style that I currently have more, I am more comfortable with the engine that I am using, and doing animations is just better.

It hit me when I said I wanted to get inspired by Cyberpunk 2077 and did some artwork, and automatically got back to my old render engine and artwork, not even thinking about the new engine.

And this might be a bummer for some that wanted the more realistic 3d look that they are used to from other games, but for my game, that is going to have a very 80s sci-fi B-Movie Synthwave vibe (yes, intentionally), this fits just better.

Well, the artwork will still be looking a bit different, because I learned a ton about lighting in the past months.

Now, I have a pretty good idea of the world that I want to build with this project and the stuff that I want to happen, but I also wanted your input! There is going to be a lot of polls in the future, a seperate discord-area where you can share your ideas with other kinksters


This project is currently in concept phase and will stay like this for a while. We will take a lot of time discussing what we want to see in this project and what not and what the gameplay should look like. I will save up some money first so that we can have professional adult voice acting in it right from the start. Very excited to start this with you,

This is all for now!

Have a great day and

stay kinky! 



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