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...Patreon finally allows multiple currencies. Not only dollars, but Euro and GBP. Since I am using Euro and conversion rates on paypal are a pain in the ass, I decided to switch to Euro. Now that I made the change, my new prices are...weird? I made it so that it should still be the same prices, but apparently the prices are a bit messed up with weird cent prices like 3,50$ 2,90€. Makes you think that I am a thrift shop :D. I already tried to change it back, but everytime you change payout related things Patreon freezes the money in the account.

Pretty damn weird. I think existing patreon supporters can just stay in their tier, but I am not sure. And you should switch to your currency that you are using in paypal, to avoid conversion rates. Just a tip.

(Can anyone who uses dollar currency screenshot my page where the tiers are displayed and send it to me on discord or here in the comments?)

Uninteresting! Tell me: What is next?

That depends on this poll. Femdom City MANTIS 0.4.7 is finished. I know some of you are not happy about not being able to use your old saves, but it is how it is. I told you multiple times it could happen. Backlash was a bit harsh, but I guess I should have expected that since you were able to use old saves in previous updates. So yeah...sorry. It was necessary to get rid of the bugs.

Now, in terms of performance, I am not sure if it fixed anything for the better or not. For me, the game runs smooth now, damn near perfect. That is why I am making a poll. 

If the game runs fine for you as well, I will say the update is finished! I will move on and switch to Captured by Dark Elves one last time. Captured by Dark Elves will be finished with the next update...and that will leave me with only Femdom City to work on (at least until I get bored).

If it doesn't run fine for most of you, I will spend some more time on Femdom City (on the mechanics of the game...not new scenes!).

That is the plan, so let me know in this poll if this game runs good enough on your system!

Have a nice sunday and stay kinky!

EDIT: I think it is best to post the letter that patreon sent me to send it to you.

Post Title: Changing currency to [DELETE AS APPLICABLE: <specify your chosen currency here>]

Hi everyone,

I wanted to share some good news. I’m now able to change my creator balance and payout currency to my local currency of [DELETE AS APPLICABLE: <specify your chosen currency here>]. This means I’m subject to less fees when I get paid each month.

To avoid any additional conversion fees for the both of us, I suggest that those of you in [DELETE AS APPLICABLE: UK/EU/US] also change to your local currency. For those of you who would like to switch your currency you can follow these steps:

  1. On Patreon.com, hover over your avatar in the top right of your screen.
  2. Click Manage memberships.
  3. Find this page, and click Edit.
  4. Under Currency, choose your preferred currency.
  5. Click Update to save your settings.

For those of you outside of [YOUR LOCATION], you can also change to pay in your currency of choice (EUR, GBP, USD) which will help you avoid foreign transaction fees.

Thank you for your continued support,


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