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The orc ending is done! On to Elorae we go. This is a difficult one. I haven't started rendering it yet, because I'm not sure what assets to pick. It is difficult, because of the place you will end up with Elorae (don't want to spoiler too much). At some point I will have to make a decision, but so far I haven't found a good solution.

Still confident that I can deliver in (middle to end of) february, though.


I have a question: Do you think the new game is going to be too big? I have asked that question myself, so you can be honest. You have seen the trailer and you know what I want to to achieve with this. So far there is nothing but the intro in this game, and I was wondering:

Femdom City is already very big. You have a lot of characters (npcs) that you can talk to. But not every character has a lot of scenes and because of that some of them lack depth. Maybe that is just the way it is, and maybe that is even a good thing because we can always talk about which character you want to see more of and which one deserves less spotlight...

Now with my new game I'm planning to fill an even bigger city with jobs, different races, enemies, wastelands, a big story, different fractions and all of that stuff. Maybe that is too much?

I don't want the world to be empty in the end and feel like that it is just bits and pieces put together. But it is difficult to put depth and meaning behind every character, when you have a limited amount of time to spend on each one. And I want to provide you guys with awesome content that you don't have to wait for too long.

Maybe it is better to work on a smaller scale game next, something like a Prison or Asylum game, maybe a game just around your cruel girlfriend or a Femdom themed Neighborhood with fewer characters that on the other hand get way more screentime that way.

I don't know. Maybe it is just because Cyberpunk 2077 got delayed and my big marketing plan is now flushed down the toilet. But I am starting to feel that bigger and more every game might not be the right way to do things.

Then again, such a big game has also advantages. I would never become bored because I can work on the prison story arch when I feel like it, I can work on some wasteland scenes when I feel like it, come up with a new femdom job in the city while creating a new character and it all benefits the game. I specially designed it that way, with the wastelands being more mad max and medieval themed and the city more retro cyberpunk and gotham city vibe so that I never become bored (plus added magic for all the supernatural sexy creatures) so that I can work on whatever I feel like and what you guys want to see and it still fits the scenario of the game.

In april 2020 it will be the 3rd anniversary of Darktoz Games. And I can say that these have been 3 very productive years with a lot of content. If we take all the scenes that I made in my different games (BDSM Tournament, Captured4You, Asylum, Femdom City, Femdom City MANTIS, Captured by Dark Elves) and now think about I would have just worked on one game instead, maybe sky is the limit.

I had these thoughts for 3 days straight now...let me know what you think! Really would like to know.

Stay kinky!


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