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So, you guys want to see some teaser of the new project for the new year, but it isn't ready, yet. When I show you, which is hopefully next week or the week after, you will know why ;).

I am back to working on CbDE after a bit of a holiday and things are looking good. Some interesting scenes are already rendered. I have chosen to do the orc camp ending first, which was mainly because I already created all the characters and bought a new cage asset :).

Now, the question is: Do you want it a bit sooner? This will mean that I release the orc ending first, with no other ending. That way it could possibly drop at the end of january, but it would be no other ending that you can play...just the orcs.

I have done this in The Asylum as well, dropped ending after ending one after the other.

I made a poll because I'm not sure. If you want to wait for it longer, there will be another extended ending and a story ending in it, but it would mean that it takes longer to do it (cannot say how long exactly, but definitely not january).

Let me know, 

welcome in 2020! :)

Stay kinky!


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