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So, after playing around a little bit, releasing CbDE for the public...you can share this link if you want to help me make this game more popular (please do):  https://darktoz.itch.io/captured-by-dark-elves-arachnas-return ...and making random characters...(I tried to create the de Jaager Family, for no particular reason. Just wanted to see if I can make Beatrix younger, but so that people would still recognize her. Maybe at one time I will make a spin-off where you are a servant in the de Jaager Manor ;). After I finish my 80 other game ideas :D)...I will finally start to work on Femdom City MANTIS!

Now, I will tell you what I've planned:

1-2 new scenes for each job

"What can I do for you?" Option will finally have scenes for most characters!

Administration Mechanic (meaning consequences when you fail to pay! Being handcuffed and brought to a judge. First Bad Ending: Pony Farm)

2 Administration Encounters (Day 20 and Day 30)

The Church of Kink AND/OR The Gym/Arena

Encounters (Like the Mother Mayhem Encounter. Will be optional stuff. People mentioned they wanted to see a toilet scene, so that's going to be one of the encounters)

Story continuation

I also plan to improve the mechanics a bit, like Escape closing the game seems to be something that annoys people. But the real thing is we have to decide whether it is The Church of Kink or The Gym/Arena as new area. I desperatly want to do both, because I love mixed wrestling and all that comes with it, and I have the most wicked ideas for the bondage/torture tests in the church of kink. But doing both would be too much for just one update. So I think that will be decided in a Kinkster Vote on wednesday!

The mechanics of these two areas will be a bit different. Instead of a job I plan to give you like 10 "quests" that you will have to pass (would be 10 arena fights or 10 tests in the church). If you pass all of them, you get an additional skill. Of course, there won't be 10 full quests right away. Maybe 2 for the first update.

The biggest improvement will be, of course, that you will have dialogue and choices during the animated scenes.

Now: The Bad Endings! You already know that I plan to do a lot of them in Femdom City, mostly it will be triggered by you failing to pay your taxes.

Here is the thing: I am thinking about doing another event, where you you get dragged to some kind of interrogation prison first. This happens when you fail to pay the first time. It is your final warning.

I think that it is a good mechanic, because otherwise failure immediatly means a bad ending. With that one event that you "survive", you can fail one time to pay your taxes.

This is what I've planned so far. I doubt that the update will come out this month. I have just started and I plan to make this update pretty damn big. So it will most likely take a while. But it is going to be great. Trust me. I've already played around with the dialogue during animated scenes and it is going to be a game changer!

Stay kinky!




Yeah! Young Beatrix is hot the hole famaly is but Boy some vampiers and whithes in there lol they all sacrifieded Young Boys for their youth and crowfeet creme I guess real maneaters!


So there will be a toilet scene for both a futa and a female my dream has come true;-)


Just want to say WOOOHOOO! I do like the idea of a fail once pay up next time fail twice to the pony farm with you.


I'm also planning on something like a bank where you can borrow money if you are short, but a bank is more for uptown so that's not coming soon ;)


Many thanks Darktoz!!!


That's interesting, will it be something like the bank will own us as long as we don't pay(with interest I would imagine)?


been a while since i played mantis, but i remember than in the very first version the "intro" would let you know about taxes but then you removed that intro and i forgot about the taxes and was like "ups" when the first tax day came up


oh, good point. maybe a short reminder in the beginning is needed, something like an encounter


will there be a continuation of the futa military in the next update?


yes. but not sure if it will be all 3 of them at the same time again. you definitely get more from meredith who you find at the underpass. her sister will be available if the gym gets voted tomorrow.


yeah or by putting "Administration Mechanic (meaning consequences when you fail to pay! Being handcuffed and brought to a judge." in maybe you get a freebee on first Judge visit or put up posters around town reminding the "men" about taxes, i like to click every thing in games i can so i would deffently press a poster if i could, maybe a picture of Mother Mayhem with the tekst under saying remember to pay your taxes


Will the encounters be and one time encounter or are it going to be like it can happen at random? If you dont mind that am asking:-)


I love mixed wrestling as well. Plus so many fun things could occur in MANTIS after losing said matches.


they usually happen on a specific day, just like in the previous version


true. I really like both options so they will most likely both going to come (arena and church), but packing both in one update would be too much


It would would be cool if the toilet scenes was a school bully or shomthing like that and it happens every bow and then but thats just an idea your going to make it great i just know it:-)


you mean the encounters with the church, cops, etc... right? Because the "what can I do for you?" interactions would have to be any time, or dependent on reputation etc. Can those become ongoing, such that you develop an ongoing relation with some of the characters? Or are they one-time things? I'd imagine if you establish a good, subservient relation with one or two of them, they might show up to try to help you if you're in desperate trouble in some other situation (perhaps, though, with some additional payback demanded later)...


yes, it is going to be an encounter in the school...but right now it will only happen on one day


Me personally, I don't see why everyone's so obsessed with getting pissed on. But then again those and there kinks, meh just can't wait to get my hands on the update, and my undies drenched... Heh...


well, the scene is going to be optional, like most scenes. so you can skip it if you don't like it :)


what has foxy to do with beatrix family? and and why hasnt she aged in the game? :D vampire confirmed


Good eyes :). Was supposed to be her mother ;)...but I was just fooling around and creating characters, which is still my favourite thing to do ;)