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Ok, I've rendered all the new scenes. Done! Now it's time to implement them and make the story scenes work in the game. Need to add the new job scenes and the dialogue options for all the other characters.

The story will pretty much end after 18ish days...after that, a note will appear that says something like "the current story ends here, please save". and from there on you go into infinity mode, can basically play forever if you want, take your time and unlock new jobs.

The story ends that early because you have to go to eva on day 20, and she will send you to the prison if you can't pay the tax for a 2nd time...and the prison is not ready, yet. I don't even have the assets for the cells yet...so...yeah...next time. But it won't be anymore that the demo ends after just 10 days.

So you'll get more story (who is the mysterious woman above?), encounters (choose between futanari army or mean cops), unlocking the school (4 different teachers, schoolgirls...level skills for money), a new job (futa whore, unlocked in the blue oyster by giving money to Red Hailey), dialogue (talk to the women you see, watch tv in the blue oyster), and of course new scenes for the old jobs (about 3-4 each).

Hopefully coming on sunday, so see you all in one week :) ...

Stay kinky!




according to the way you have worded your own terms, gamer tier should have had access 2 weeks ago or have been otherwise announced. this is the release date, not an early release. very confusing and i will likely not be renewing until that date if this is the case.


or i may just forget to renew all together...


If the game was already released 2 weeks ago, I would not have posted updates with "I'm working on it, it is coming out, I'm rendering the scenes" and so on. I keep you updated on the progress on the game every week, and you want to tell me it should have been released 2 weeks ago or have been otherwise announced?


thank you for the update.


no problem ;) it is already one week old, though...the game is released ;)


Just to be clear, supporters would be getting the latest update at around the first week of May?


Can we not leak it? Dont get me wrong. I played it already (its a darktoz game, im playing it the first second ive got the download link). But can we at least wait till the $5 and $7 tier gets something for their patreon? Im pretty sure a decent amount of patreons are in this tier. Many of them are supporting the dev. But likely a sizeable sum just want the game before it goes on general release. If it gets released before the second tier even get their most basic perk, chances are they might drop down a tier (or even drop their sub), and this sucks. Can we just wait a week or so. Better yet, until at least the supporter tier drops. At that point theres a fair trade off with exposure and exclusivity. Even better still, lets wait, as a community until darktoz decides to release it publicly. But if we cant, at least wait until a few days after the second tier get their hands on it.

Aaron Juarez

where can I downlaod episode 1 of captured by dark elves? I just download the episode 2 :(

Aaron Juarez

My game ends at day 2 :( why?


I don't know. Most likely because you do not have the current version. Download the latest version: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-darktoz-19751202">https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-darktoz-19751202</a>


When will there be a 32bit version of mantis?


most likely never, since a 32bit os only supports 2gb of RAM and that won't be enough for the amount of pictures and animations that I'm planning for this game

Eques Leo

When is it going to be available for supporters?

Eques Leo

That means tomorrow? Cannot wait!




Hey, could you please say how can we increase the endurance in Femdomcity Mantis? Also, is there a walkthrough for CbDE? Thanks :)


I think it can be done with working on the unlocked house of pain job, but I would have to look it up. There is a detailed walkthrough for CbDE on darktoz.com :)