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Welcome in 2019, where hopefully all your kinky dreams will come true.

I have started working on the 2nd Episode of Captured by Dark Elves. I'm done with our orc futanari character Grishna that will join in on the journey as it goes deeper into the skull mine.

From now on it's all about the bread and butter: The scenes ;). As the tension is rising and plans and motives are getting revealed this will take a bit more time than the previous two episodes, please be patient. Right now I can't say how long it will take. Maybe I can give you an estimation next weekend and give you some nice preview scenes. It will also be a lot harder to balance, because while some of you rushed through the game to get to the end, others have taken their time and basically mined every ore there was. I have to find a good middle ground for both.

Femdom City MANTIS

The first 10 days of the new Femdom City MANTIS have now been released and feedback has been extremely positive. But there is still room for improvement and some of you have given some ideas of what should be implemented:

- A lot of people want to be able to save whenever they want and without having to talk to somebody (right now you can only save via the dialogue box). I will take a look at it, and if it can be implemented without having to make major changes to the game, I will do it. I won't give you an additional button in the UI, but you will be able to save with "F5" and load with "F9", or "S" and "L" on your keyboard, if that is possible.

(Man...these futas are sooo tall :)

- Now, some people have asked if it will be possible to talk to any character that you see. Of course! It's just a matter of time.

- Some people have asked if it is possible to give additional dialogue in the job scenes. The answer is yes...that would be possible. But do you really want that? Even if I make the character say different things like "Do a better job!" or "Good Boy!" during the job scene, it might get repetetive over time. And there would be no chance to skip it. Since you will work a lot at the jobs in this game this is not an easy decision. But maybe I only want to persuade you because it would be a lot of work for me to implement it ;). Let me know in the comments!

- One patron mentioned that I should make a minigame for the jobs. And while in theory that is a great idea, in real life that would be something like the mouse clicking game in the asylum! Do you really want that? :). When I find a way to make a fun minigame we can talk about it again, right now we better forget that idea and stick to decisions, dialogue, stats and scenes for this game ;).

- As for Updates, this gets a bit tricky. In theory, I could give you an update of the game tomorrow. It would contain another character to talk to and 3 additional job scenes and maybe the option to save whenever you want. Not really enough to make another trip down to Femdom City, right?

I would say that you rather wait a bit longer but then get another place (the school is next, so some mean schoolgirls and teachers will join our downtown gang dommes), characters encounters and additional job scenes.

But in the end it is up to you. You guys decide, so let me know!

I'm right now working an ambitious schedule to get both games to a decent level, the workload is almost 50:50. I will let you know next week how far I am and maybe we then decide which game should earn a bit more focus and be released next :)

Stay kinky!




Regarding the save, you could make saving CTRL + F1, and loading simply F1. Then we'd have slots up to F12 to save. A bit concerned about the height of the futas too... But I haven't played Femdom City yet, so I'm itching to give it a go when I have free time! Perhaps you can add an option we can toggle, for whether miscellaneous conversation gets played or not? If False, then we'll just skip all those repetitive lines, but some people might be interested in them. It would add to the customisability. You can also make them play random comments from a set of preloaded comments, but to vary those comments will take a bit of work. Perhaps something for after the game is stable and done? I'm also wondering if it's possible (eventually) to get more fluid scenes. I realise the current scenes play back and forth between two images. I understand 3D-modelling is difficult and a lot of work; maybe a future pledge goal? A huge fan of your work! Keep it up!


I'm personally a big fan of taller and bigger girls, both in height and length xD


Hello, I would vote for some kind of a "rewarding" System (as for now it doesn't mattter "how Long" you watch the Scene, or how "good you are at it". So each "Job" starts would then start with 10 EP that can be spend during various Options. For unexperienced, only the Options "do it" (1 EP, Little reward) and "quit" (0 EP, Payout) are availiable. Once you Progress the skills other Options "perform well" (2 EP, a bit reward) up to "godlike" (10 EP, max reward) will become availiable as a 2 way bonus (more ingame Money, and less Real-Life clicking). I hated the clickfest, but now it seems Kind of "unfair" to receive the 10$ if I quit immediately, as well as if I pay Attention to every Detail of the Scene ;-). That way, collecting experience will be more rewarding new "Options" and with them new dialogues might be appearing. Maybe you can test it out at 1 Job first (e.g. boots) and see how it works...


As for the updates: I don't mind if they are "minor" as Long as this is stated in the description. So it is up to useres to invest in test and download time, or to skip this one. Good Thing for you would be "incremental" bugreports and happy patreons ;-)


Right now you already get more payout when you get better at the required skill on the job. Once you get to 15 Worship and work at the underpass you get 12$ instead of 10.


that's true, but I think game updates should always contain something to look forward to, like long and interesting scenes. After all, I want all you guys to play the update and look forward to it, not just to say "Meh, not enough, I will skip this time"


Yes I know, but the only reward is the "more Money", new System would provide "better comment" and "less mouse work" (instead of 10 "do's" for 1$ each, just 5 "do wells" for 3$ each, or later 3 "do very well" for 6$ each, up to 1 "outperform" for 30$ at one button. Just an Idea...


Not all the futanari are that tall. Right now I'm planning to let you save with F5 and load with F9...that is how I am used to it in games. The option to toggle and skip dialogue and scenes is already implemented in the game. The scenes are not just 2 images, but 3-5 to make them look more fluid. I can't just make 12 of these pictures because that would blow up the size of the game


Ah alright! Didn't know since I come from The Asylum/BDSM Tournament/Captured by Dark Elves Ep 1! As an aside, love those games!


In that case, keep in mind that Femdom City and Femdom City MANTIS are two different games/episodes (might want to start with the first one but that is up to you :)


I need more shoe pov maybe some pov face trampling too. Jokes aside (although it was worth a try) Nice work and thanks for the status report! Hope you can keep it up and never run out of motivation ^w^


So I'm oficially your patron. Keep up the good work, pal! :)


Hi Darktoz! I love your games and would like to know more about them, so please pardon me for my stupid questions: what inspires you? And are there any bdsm/femdom/erotic games that you like or can call your references?


These questions are not stupid, but I do not get inspired by other games (maybe futadomworld is a small exception). In fact, I've started to make these games because there wasn't anything like it out there at the time. All my inspiration comes either from my sick mind or from talented artists like: Sardax, Nanshakh, Eric Stanton, Neocorona, Kamitora or Anasheya to just name a few. But usually when it is scenes for my games I try to clear my mind and come up with something on my own...


I love your work I'm always excited for your work. Keep up the good work.


I love the work you have put into femdom city so far. It is far and beyond my favorite project of yours. As much as I am looking forward to the release of the new content, I was wondering if we could get a rough time frame on when we might get an endless mode. I understand at a certain point there will be no new scenes or dialogue, however it is SLIGHTLY disappointing to get to tax time and have the game simply end. Edit: Really looking forward to encountering some evil school bullies.


Also, I would just like to add, I personally really like the tall futas. Not saying they all have to be that tall, but the idea of them being massively physically superior is a big plus.


thanks :). I think I've mentioned it in the post, an endless mode for me only makes sense when there is enough content (like enough mistresses to talk to, enough places to visit and things to unlock). I don't feel there is enough right now, so maybe with the next release or the release after that there will be an endless mode coming


Hi, for some reason I cannot Save the game, I do not find any save button. Also no matter what I do I do not gain any skills


What are we talking about? Captured by Dark Elves or Femdom City MANTIS? In Captured by Dark Elves you can press Escape and save or access the skill menu from there. In Femdom City MANTIS it can take a while until you gained enough skill to show it on the progress bars. You can save when the message box pops up, it is on the lower right corner.


Will there be blowjob scenes in the episode of CbDE i just love when futa girls force you to suck them off and they cum down your throat so fucking kinky:-)


Nice and i mined every ore there was lmao😂


Propely 4-7 not sure but yes i was like i need all skill perks😂