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...fun to do but it is important. I spent the entire week on it and while it was worth it, I don't really have much to show off this week. Kind of bad for a patreon creator who does his entire marketing through pictures.

Well, I can at least show you the improvements:

you remember the green buttons which used to indicate where you can click stuff and where not? That is gone now, instead you can hover over points of interest and when they get highlighted, then you can click on them. I also spend a lot of time improving minor things like the artwork and the way you take on jobs, things like energy points instead of hours and so on. The text is now completely ingame, so that a) I can easily fix it when I make mistakes and b) it should run smoother now!

I think we need a kinkster discussion over the next week on how early you want to play it and then I think we do a testrun with a small alpha version and see how it runs. It is HD content now, so I am not entirely sure how the performance will be, but on the plus side you can now enjoy it either in 1920x1080 Fullscreen or 1280x720 Window Mode :)

The same can be said for Captured by Dark Elves. I only spend time on map making and enemy selection, not really on artwork to show. But speaking of enemies...I have a ton of enemies that would make awesome bosses for the next episode. Now that crawlers are not longer frightening you, I need to pull something out of my sleeve that is...bigger :D

We'll see ;)

Stay kinky and thanks for your support :) !




Not to be a nit pick... well actually,,, but if you're testing an alpha build isn't it going to be an alpha test, not beta test :P anyway keep up the good work, looking forward to your next release :)


Oh, right. That makes sense :D ... I will just edit it really fast and without any evidence to make your comment look totally stupid now ;)


Mmmh..thinking about firsting my next comment myself...for...variety reasons...:D


I don't think its bad that you're practising and fixing minor issues at all. As for the removal off green arrows, well as long as the highlight is clear, I'm not a fan of find the pixel. As for when to try it, when its ready. You've already proven you don't give up on your projects so I trust you when you say its not ready yet. On to Dark elves, going from crawlers to Dragons? BRING IT ON!


Ah, maybe I should have explained it a bit further. It will be quite clear where to find the spots. For example when you want to talk to Jazz, you can simply click on her silhouette in you see in the picture above...


I'm not worried at all about it Darktoz! You do great work and always keep us posted. Thank you for that!


Loving your ideas and the direction you're going. Keep up the good work!