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I'm done with all the renders of the Mary ending, the schedule is very tight, but I will try to sneak in the Selina and the Heather ending as well. That might potentially delay the update for 1-2 days, depending how things go.

Have to say that the extended Mary ending was difficult to do. Wanted to mix it up a bit so I gave her two additional outfits...will be a total of 15 scenes as usual.

When the Mary Ending is released I hope that I can finish up the other endings and the epilogue ASAP, but even if protagonists like Nikki, Elaine and Selina don't get an extended ending, they deserve time and effort to be spend on their endings...

That means:

Next Update: Asylum 

Release Date: Sunday if you're lucky. More likely the beginning of next week

I'm extremely busy at the moment so I can't participate myself, but there is a small roleplay group currently about to start on my discord. So if you're interested or want to participate yourself, take a look ;)


And that's it for today :) 

Stay kinky!



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