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Thank god I'm finally back!

For those of you, who don't follow me on social media or visit my page: My Patreon got suspended and was under review for the last few days. Everything is back to normal now. Some links have been erased, some pictures have been erased. I'm not going to argue about this decision, and it is true that 2 of these public posts contained nudity, which is against the patreon policy.

So yes: I'm the one to blame. I knew about the banwave, I could have easily gone through my old posts and take these 2 pictures down. I didn't because I forgot about it. My bad. You deserve better and because I'm known for getting distracted and losing my head...I can't guarantee that this will never happen again.

I'm just happy to be back. I've received so much messages that made me realize that you people are really backing my projects, and I risked it because of laziness and my arrogant attitude that I'm the hottest thing here on patreon. Lesson learned. I've made it a top priority to work on a positive vibe...and on me being a bit more humble (just a tiny bit).

Public posts will get rare from now on. This might be the last.

And if you are seeing this, patreon staff: That skeleton is not nude! It wears a fig leaf cover! You are unable to see it, because the leg of the woman is in the way! No nudity! 

But for all you supporters: I'm working even harder now to update my games. The public demo for Femdom City is on the way and I'm already working on the next Episode of Captured by Dark Elves! I can't show a sexy Dark Elf because if there is a nipple flashing I will burn like a medieval witch on the patreon pyre...so I will give you one of the new enemies:

I'm not good at gifs so...it will look good ingame. Trust me!

Thanks for your support! Stay kinky!

ps: If anyone has experience in making video trailers for games...or would like to try it...let me know




I’m video editor. I can help you.


Glad to see you back ! :D


Welcome back!


You don't need to blame yourself for Patreon's shitty practices, I'm just glad to see you back. ^^;


Nudity! Mankinds greatest threat. May Patreon protect us all! ;)


I told them they could have just warned me. Something like 'You have 24 hours to take all nudity pictures down, otherwise we will put you under review'. Anyway, I'm just glad to be back up :)


They are cracking down on it, 2 other creators I am supporting are also under review as I text this...


If you can get in touch with them, tell them that they have to remove every public picture that contains nudity and explicit sexual content. Also every link that leads to an adult website, including their own blog! And tell them that it is counter productive to insult the patreon staff. Will only slow down the process...trust me.


LOL, you actually insulted the staff?! You are a legend =D With that said, they deserve it in a way, persecuting the creators that actually make money for the company and basically support their jobs is ridiculous.


they don't deserve that. they just doing what they're told to do. They didn't respond back for one day or so and I went berzerk. I have that issue, if I don't get what I want I scream around like a 6 year old kid ;) They made me pay, picking on every single image that was public...to sexual here, a flashing nipple there...ended up setting almost all stuff to patreon only. Next time I will try it the nice, calm and smooth way :)


Yep, you have to realize that the people implementing those things are not the ones who made the decisions to do that. Insulting them will never help in those cases and they are not the right target for your anger anyway.


No point in getting shitty with the staff, as frustrating as it can be. Just take a breath, jump through their hoops and keep doing what you do. In other words; keep calm and carry on! I really liked the new additions to FDCity and have now increased my pledge to support your work. Well done.


I hear you, but apart from me always being a bit hot headed it is hard when one year of hard work is on the line ;) will try to do better :) thanks for the support


Maybe do what some creators do and host those sort of pictures on your own site or discord with patreon integration?


could you give me the link to a creator who has integrated it to his or her website? maybe that is really a solution


100% femdom =good game, 95% femdom 5% maledom(revenge)=perfect game

NEVETS hcstenk

i have a youtube channel with over 1000subscriber but i dont wana tell it her cuz anonym i do montages cuting etc so if you want that i try it let me know it


sure, if you have experience with that kind of editing it would be awesome when you find the time to put something together


a normal game trailer. If you need some raw materials, just message me. but I think since you got a YouTube channel you can use screen capture to get footage of my game