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Known Bugs:

- When scrolling to the right side of the Blue Oyster, Map and Character Sheet are bugged!

This was most likely the hardest week I've had so far as a patreon creator. I found out what caused the picture bug...and it forced me to reset the game, start all over again. Of course, I already had all the dialogue saved and the pictures rendered, but program it again after you've already done it is painful...not the good pain 'painful'...just plain painful! ;)

Anyway...this is the 'almost final' demo version and it is now available for all patreon supporters!

It took a day longer. Very sorry, but it really should work now without the annoying picture bug. I also made a version for older 32bit runtime systems. Enjoy:

64bit Version:




32bit Version:


And I made a MacOS version. I don't know if this one works or not, I'm unable to test it myself. The VNM lets you export in a Mac format, so with the new code I'm willing to give it a go. If it doesn't work, I'm sorry...but there is not much I can do. Please let me know if you can get it to work on your MacOS system:

MacOS 64bit:


MacOS 32bit:



- Hopefully got rid of the most annoying bug in the history of Darktoz Games

- Betty Mayhem and Big Mum now in the game, you can talk to big mum and watch TV - an interesting scene with Beatrix de Jaager with a kicker ending that is definetly not for the heart-feinted!

- Game should run more stable overall due to optimized code

- you can press ctrl (control, or STRG in german :) to speed up dialogue and scenes. that is usually better than using the skip button...who is still a bit messy to deal with

--> What is next?

I will finish the demo outro of Femdom City, which should not take too long (get the premium supporter credits in, render one or two preview pictures of what's coming)

Kinkster vote of which of the 3 currently not available jobs should be done next

The next episode of Captured by Dark Elves. I will most likely focus only on that project for two weeks or so to get the new episode out. Should be enough.

Praying that Germany will beat sweden and advance in the world cup after we got beat by mexico :(

Fingers crossed! Hope your team does well, whoever you are supporting :)

And thanks for your awesome support! Really love that our community is growing again :) We got over 600 kinky people now :)

Speaking of kinky...


...stay kinky!

(And please report all sorts of bugs in the comments)




Lucky boy should have mopped the floors better! ;)


where is betty mayhem?


the beatrix scene is great until the guiilotine

Andreas Finn

Why is this named pill update? Did i miss something or am i not just getting it?


no, nothing special, I just like to give my updates very weird names, that's all ;)

Nikolay Donets



I liked when the Viceroyalty of New Spain won. But I also liked when Iceland beated the Viceroyalty of Silver River. I suppose that when I am not affected I always support the underdog. Speakibg of your last submission:. Now everything works.


I'm so fking glad to hear that, it was a hell lot of work and if it still wouldn't work, I would be really losing my mind. Thanks :)


Lovely.. Should make a trampling scene in the BDSM House... ♥ would be amazing!


that shouldn't be too hard to do, so I will keep that in mind :)


Just to let you know, I ran into a bug in FemDom City where when I loaded the city map while in the Blue Oyster I could not choose a location to go to (the city map showed up but without the locations shown and no clickable objects). The section of the Blue Oyster I was in was the bar area with the cage.


Ha! Found it! And what's causing it as well! Thank you so much!


Great update, top knotch as always :) I don't know what these contracts do yet, but i want one with my supervisor :D


the supervisor looks like she is a little bit fat. but that's ok.


Mmmm, i think she's got a FAT strapon cock you will get right in the ass !


no, not really :( when you look at the scene you'll see that there are 2 different camera angles when she puts her boot on the neck. the only thing loopable would be when she presses him down...but that's looking weird when looped


Ok, it's too bad. I hope that you would put other similar scenes (boot on the neck). Thank you very much for your work.


don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunities for boots on the neck scenes :)

Dark Elf

It is very interesting what will happen in the toilet in the future. You can implement similar themes in dark elves? it would be great!


The toilet will get two additional jobs: Human Toilet and Gloryhole. I can't implement similar mechanics in dark elves because of the way the engines work

Timothy M Mahon

Femdom city is great. When are the next updates? Any chance for a walkthrough?


Don't know, will come over time. And Kinksters still vote on what Job will be implemented next. Yes, I will most likely do a small guide for Femdom City. Don't feel like this game really needs a big walkthrough, though