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Alright, Part II of me trying to be  one of these fancy App Developers that get all the chicks and the money!

Last time I failed to bring out a stable version, memory dump was an issue, the game slowed down after some time in the game. I think I have fixed that now but the code for that is costum made by me...and I suck at coding...so we need another testrun!

If you have some time to spare RIGHT NOW plus an ANDROID device that isn't too old (I don't know what the requirements are, but the demo is 400mb and picture heavy, as you know), please message me or let me know in the comments.

You should also know how to install an apk file that isn't downloaded from the google play store.

There is a small issue with the music...it plays a 1-2 seconds later than in the Desktop version. That is because the music files are high quality and rather big, and your phone has to preload them.




Was this a 'I will test it for you'-first or just a first-first?


By the way, the faster you help me out with my Mobile App Developer Dreams, the faster I will get back to rendering Part 2 of Captured by Dark Elves...just in case you need some motivation for helping me :D

Dante B

I gotz timez


Just being first

Mister Mxyzptlk

Not sure if you still need testers but im happy to help


Got an s8+ on oreo, would love to test


a public version is released now, you can playtest it here: <a href="https://darktoz.itch.io/captured-by-dark-elves-arachnas-return" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://darktoz.itch.io/captured-by-dark-elves-arachnas-return</a>