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My Youtube Account got suspended...permanently. One of my main traffic sources was taken down in literally one second. I don't even had the chance to respond, so I guess someone reported all game trailers at once. I have no clue who it was but since there are so many idiots, sjw's and jerks out there plus the fact that I always message other creators who are spamming on my public posts it maybe was just a matter of time. There is so much femdom content out there in youtube...way more popular than mine, that it was probably another creator who hates the fact that I'm becoming more popular with a niche product than his/her shitty single milf dating/incest game! I would love to get a hint who it was...

It means a lot of trouble for me, since I need the traffic leading to my website in order to keep growing. It was all going very well, with even Lewdgamer covering my game for the first time and some solid upvotes on my reddit posts, but youtube was one of the main sources and also used for promotion right here on the patreon frontpage. Not to mention that it took a lot of time to make these trailers. I'm just angry and disappointed right now...

I wanted to present a more stable HQ+ version with higher resolution and some other neat features for Captured by Dark Elves, but RPG Maker MV is currently going through an update, and every time they bring out an update it is a real mess...so you have to wait until they fix all the bugs with the help of the community. I would say that's disgusting...but since it is the exact same way that I usually find and fix my bugs I better keep my mouth shut.

Same goes for the android mobile version. In theory I made a genius move. I found a simple, yet smooth way to port my game to android. I don't think any other creator has found a similar way (I don't even believe that other creators do mobile ports because it involves some coding, but I could be wrong...and I will take that secret into my grave just so that the shithead creator who reported my youtube channel never gets a mobile game himself!). But since the update of RPG Maker the way pictures and images are handled is messed up...and because my games have loads and loads of pictures most mobile devices can't handle the memory dump. So the small testrun yesterday ended in a desaster. 

I really hope the RPG Maker guys fix these issues soon, but to be honest I've given up messaging them and posting in the forums how urgent this is...I guess it will take some time.

Got a message from someone who wasn't my patron, getting extremely insulting and claiming that the demo version of the asylum had a virus contained in it that is constantly crashing his pc now. After some more CAPSLOCK YELLING and more conversation I got him to admit that he didn't play the demo, but a pirated torrent from a russian website. Best part was that he said it was still my fault because I should have made sure that there are no pirated versions around (I would love to to that if that was possible! While I'm trying to get as much taken down as possible, it is a fight I cannot win. I have to rely on the support of you guys, the 1%)...he then would have pledged the 2 bucks. 

Told this clown to fuck off and put him on ignore.

I'm working on Dr. Horneys ending but I don't feel motivated right now...got about 25 pictures rendered which is about 10% of the planned story ending. I've written the story line which is something I guess, but like I said, there is no denying in the fact that I'm far behind the schedule.

I was unsure if I should do this kind of post, it's the first one of its kind (just a lot of whining without updates) and will hopefully be the last. But I gotta admit I already feel a bit better by typing these words and expressing my recent frustration.

So yes, I'm sorry but you most likely won't get an update this weekend, unless Degica (the guys behind rpg maker) releases an update or a patch (current version is 1.6.0).

stay kinky



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