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If you are a 'Tester+', please click here for the beta of Captured by Dark Elves and provide feedback if you want!

I am done collecting all the assets for captured by dark elves, and I think after a few more tests I can implement the render scenes and release the public demo, and I'm really looking forward to it.

Now it's time for me to start learning something new, taking the next step, away from rpg maker. Even though I love the engine, Captured by Dark Elves pretty much gets the maximum out of it.

Now clear your mind...and answer that one simple question:

What would be your favourite scenario?

(And no, I'm not starting a third game right away, don't worry. This is more about what to learn and what not, which assets to choose and where to look next for inspiration)

Stay kinky!



Ok, on re-playing (not using the bugged Sausage) I was able to get 8 skulls (without depleting my health with mining) by mining 2 iron and 2 obsidian on Day 1. After that I could buy 4 water. Using the 4 water the next day I could get 8 skulls again (without depleting my health with mining) by mining 5 iron and 1 obsidian on Day 2. Assuming you're playing the game with a long-term strategy you don't want to deplete your health with mining. With that in mind, every 2 water gives you enough stamina to mine ~3 ore at a cost of 4 skulls. If that ore is iron then you have a negative profit (3 skulls for ore using 4 skulls worth of water). As such, in the long-term, you should only mine iron ore to get access to more valuable ore such as obsidian. Was this an intentional design choice? It's rather clever if it was. It's not worth it to mine everything in sight. You have to be strategic in what you mine.


Yes, it's a design choice, but it can be frustrating since there is a 35% chance that you don't get the obsidian ore! Every stone has the same system: 65% Chance to get the ore, 20% Chance to get a fight, 15% Chance to get nothing. Going home empty handed after you mined the third obsidian stone is possible and could be frustrating...but so far I heard no complaints, so I guess it is ok. Also I'm not entirely sure how to implement artifacts...or what value to give them. I am thinking of minor bossfights in the tunnels, these fights would of course deplet your stamina and health, but you would get an artifact for it and use it for either a lot of skulls or a lot of affection with your favourite dark elf or slave!


I realized that I don't have all the ore I should because sometimes when combat triggers at the last swing, I didn't get the ore in the post-fight loot. You end up losing that ore permanently while still expending all the stamina. I only got 4 obsidian ore when there were 5 obsidian deposits.


You sometimes get the ore post fight, but most of the time you're not getting it...and even when you're getting it, it's most likely iron ore and not obsidian. That is on purpose...like I wrote above, 65% chance. Life is unfair ;)


Yes, I like the idea of trading artifacts for affection.


About your question i answered present day. I already think of a game which seems to be like The Sims with the femdom, BDSM or futanari part :D


Though that might result in save scumming to prevent a loss of a valuable ore.


I always wondered why there is no real femdom mod for the sims. I know about some animations, but the community of that game is so active and comes up with such unique ideas that I think it can't be that hard to create a mod for that...


Wow, looks like modern day is the clear favourite here. Maybe that is because most patrons are here because of The Asylum, which is a modern day scenario.


That's probably true - but do bear in mind that whatever you make will likely be of such high quality to swing people to like whichever setting you use. Given how well the Captured by Dark Elves beta is being recieved, I wouldn't say people aren't receptive of a different setting. Personally, I'd just like to see what your creativity can do. That's what really made The Asylum stand out for me - that it was *your* idea and that you were so creative with it. So apologies for the ramble, but I'm sure whatever direction you take next will be amazing.


Thank you :). The problem is that I have too much ideas, I even have multiple ideas for a modern scenario...it's hard for me to decide what to do next ;)

Rakun Procyon

Mh :D well if you can't decide what to do next, just do a good mix of Settings, where you just go Modern- Past - Futuristic -Fantasy - Post - Modern - Past .... or even shuffle it ^^... what ever you have the best Momentum and what you feel like doing most-> Do it first ^^ keep the others in Mind, and do em later :D!


Medieval for me, that said, they're all good settings ^^

Rakun Procyon

i bet it would of been a different story if it had been futaristic insted auf futuristic ^^ :F


when are you gona release rest of update for asylum. Current dark elves doesnt look intersting to me


I don't know. hopefully in the midth of next month, but i can't promise anything


I would love to see a school setting from you :)


I'm currently working on a strict teacher, that will hopefully present a small surprise...but unfortunetly that's not in my hands if it works out or not...