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Let's get things out of the way first: Thanks for the positive feedback on the first ending. I will try and make the other endings as big as that one as well. Also, thank you so much for your bug reports. Helped me a lot and I think the current version has no more bugs.

For the next ending, my dear Kinksters, please scroll down to the vote, where it is currently a very close race between Mary, Dr. Horney and Nikki. This is a dynamic vote and you can change it whenever you like. Maybe you want to make sure your favourite wins ;)

Alright, let us talk about the Patreon Fees!

I am not only a creator, but a patron to other creators myself, and I am as upset as you are. Especially lower tier supporters are facing a huge increase of their fees. Normally, if you would pledge 1$ to me, I get .85 Cents. Now they say I get .95 Cents, but Supporters have to pledge 1.38$ instead of one. Which is just stupid.

I am doing what I can to make patreon.com return to the old model. By posting on reddit, sending emails to the support and making threads in the creators forum. And by the way, I am not the only one. Almost every patreon creator is fighting against this change as well (and the ones who think it's good are at least so smart to keep their mouth shut).

I should have adressed this earlier, but when I'm close to finishing an episode, I focus all the attention and energy on getting it done...and I think it's in your interest as well so that you all get the Abusem Ending during december.

I have thought a lot of what I can do to help supporters on a budget, and I've decided that I will (kind of) pay the fee for the lowest tier myself, charging only 1.5$ instead of 2$. I admit that I do not only do that for you, but for me as well. I thought we would hit the 400 supporters mark before 2018...400 kinky people like myself in a 3/4 year with absolute fetish niche games! But since the change in fees I've lost about 40 patreons, with people even messaging me that they stop pledging to send a message to patreon.

And I totally get your point, I understand it. But for those who can't afford to pay more, for those who have very little money and still use that little amount to pledge to small creators here on patreon.com...for you guys I will happily pay this fucking fee!

Argh...getting angry and emotional again. I know that these 1.5$ is more a statement than a real help...and I don't want to play Saint Martin here after I just upped the prices this month...just wanted to let you know that I'm as unhappy about the change in fees as you are. As a creator and as a supporter myself.

Alright, enough unstructured rambling about patreon. In the next days a Kinkster talk is coming up about 'Captured by Dark Elves'. What fetishes would you like to see, what do you want to be able to do...that kind of stuff. I will also let you know what my general idea for this game is...and maybe show you some of the artwork, not sure yet. What? Reveal a character? Mmh...

That's it guys, thanks for your support!

- Stay kinky!



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