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So, I finally have my internet back. It crashed on friday (yeah, truly was a black friday) and it took the company (o2, for any german who's currently deciding on which flatrate to pick: don't pick them!) 5 days to send me a new router. Well, at least it is working again...sort of.

First up, I am currently already working on one ending on the asylum. It's Felicity Abusems ending and it will be quite big (might be the biggest ending). The kinkster vote for all other endings is coming up on 1st of december, and I hope that I can give you the updated version of The Asylum with the first ending on the 3rd.

Next up --> next game. I've decided to mix BDSM Gladiator and Saragoth together, spice it up with some futa content and the outcome was...you won't believe it...'Captured by Darkelves' :D

To me it's the perfect solution. The dark elves of Saragoth are not divided into male and female but futa and female...

...and it makes perfect sense that they have an underground arena, where you have to fight other slaves and monsters for their amusement. Apart from your 'mining' duties.

I've reached out for some help in order to get the most out of RPG Maker MV, since I wasn't really satisfied with that engine lately. Turns out I've just scratched the surface of what I can do with it, but I am still not sure about the combat...working on it though. It has to be another big step...like the asylum was way better than BDSM Tournament, Captured by Dark Elves has to be way better than the Asylum -  I will reveal the first characters in the beginning of december to kinksters, so that we can discuss if they need adjustments or not and what their motives and their story should be (and what they should do to you). I am still collecting assets right now...got the underground arena, but looking for caves and underground dungeons. There are some quality ones. I am worried about 'Dark Elves Chambers' though...say if you impressed a female dark elf and she takes you to her room. 3D fantasy medieval interior is expensive, hard to find and I'm not sure how to give it a dark elf "touch". But I will find a way (and I got some awesome other stuff...I can't wait to show it to you!), don't worry.

I hope that I can give you a demo of the new game by the end of december...or at least the intro. But that all depends on the progress and if you're willing to pledge more :D

Yes, I will update the prices! This will be the last post in november, so unless you just want to pledge 1-2$ more right now, it does not make sense for you to update your status right now! Keep that in mind and if you're short on cash, don't update your status until december! Here are the new patron statuses:

-2$, access to all games

- 5$, get the newest versions 7 days earlier

-7$, all above, participate in polls, vote, write comments and influence the games

- 10$, all above, get the game 14 days earlier than basic supporters

- 15$, all of the above, get mentioned in the credits if you want, get mentioned on the wall of thanks if you want, I will link to your website/blog/instagram or whatever else if you want

I think we all agree that you should pick 'premium supporter' just because of the female drow matriarch ;)

What else? Oh right, Lady of the Manor: Delayed...Put on Hold...whatever you want to call it. I am not satisfied with VN Maker. It could be me, but some things I was hoping for are just implemented in the engine yet. It's really not the engine that made my dreams come true, unfortunetly. But it has a community and the ability to integrate costum made plugins...maybe I just have to wait a little bit longer. In the meanwhile I am trying to learn something that has an annoying flat learning curve...I'm not going to tell you what it is because chances are big that I will fail at it...big time :D

Meanwhile...I am working on something big behind closed curtains. I am negotiating with 2 artists (and before you start getting excited: Not comic/manga artists...but the kind of artists that do game sprites and mapping) AND a voice actress (too soon for captured by dark elves, but if we continue to grow like that I think that voice acting might be the next step). But that is something for another update... ;)

Long story short: Asylum short update coming, Big Vote coming, Darktoz is greedy (but still underpriced ;) and is using too many brackets, the next game will be 'Captured by Dark Elves', Darktoz is trying to learn coding like a real gamedev and wants to hire artists

That's it for now,

Stay kinky!



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