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So, the new laptop is all set up and I am back in the treadmill. First up, Kinksters have voted for a double pegging scene instead of spanking. And I am finally ready to give you an estimated release of Day 4: 4th of November. I have 50% of all renderscenes done, so I'm confident that I can get it done in time (but you never know ;).

The big vote of the next Short Stories Setting is coming up this week: Lady of the Manor, Mindfuck Slavery, Futa Elves or Captured 4 You continues ( Martina and Velvet return or another futa shows up).

I finally found a new name for Darkworld  (Saragoth - The Tortured Realm)and I am starting to create some lore and animations for the new game whenever I find the time. Oh, and speaking about time: I will have a lot more time to work on my games in november and december! I talked to my boss and with my rest holiday I can go part time for two months! Yep, that means creating these games will be my part time job for the rest of the year! :)

I can give you a short overview of Saragoth (look at the map) and the different fractions and races that will definetly be in the game. Let me know if I've there is anything you definetly want to see in this game (In the comments, as always)!


Nozir --> Barbarians (maybe some giants)

Orgoth --> Orcs (I found 3d models that look quite neat...will show them later)

Aelear --> The Elven Realm

Daerulah --> Dark Elves

Dreadmore --> Necromancers, Vampires, Undead

The Abyssal Gate --> Demons

Brigeal --> Humans (The Prince of Brigeal and his sister, Painseekers [Your Order], The Circle of Magi, Guardians of Saragoth [further divided in The Inquisition and the Iron Maidens], The Witchhunters)

And Dragons, Monsters, Mermaids and Pirates is what I got so far...but you can see that there is a lot of stuff on the map that isn't named so far ;)

I am slowly collecting assets, so if you want to have included a specific Race/Fraction/Fetish, now is the time to let me know (as always, in the comments). The look of this game will be very unique...unlike every other RPG Maker game you've seen (at least I hope so).

And since this will be another RPG Maker Game I won't have any problem with the soundtrack. I've already looked into it, and there is tons of stuff for a dark fantasy game! I think my games always have good quality sound and music, but this time it will be on another level!

That's it for now, thanks for your support and...

...stay kinky!



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