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Almost done with the demon encounter...she is a top head in the menu btw, so you better show some respect :D. Hopefully it is only going smooth and downhill from here, since we are over the halfway mark now and story wise I pretty much only have to design the vampire club and maybe the fighting arena as well...still not entirely sure if that should be visitable right away or is something rather for a side quest...maybe you can let me know, but I know already that fans of mixed wrestling will most likely say it should be visitable right away :D.

Tried to create some interesting characters here and there, but wasn't very successful. Really have to work on male variety, but like I told you already: designing males is boring compared to mistresses :D.

Not much else to say, germany is out of the euros so I have even more time to render :D

Good luck if you are from either france, spain, england or the netherlands...I hope your team wins (same for your copa america teams, of course ;)

Have a nice sunday, thx for the support,

and stay kinky :)




As a proud scottish man I was hoping for germany's downfall. Looks good can't wait to see more on the vampire nightclub TM glad you are about halfway there. Honestly I would like a dedicated side quest update that is say about the same size as day 2-3 with just lots of side mission content around the elite, porno shop and maybe Belletrix's family or the voodoo witches from day 1. I think this would be amazing to put the fighting arena in as a larger side quest. I know there are things hinted that are probably not big enough for full days that would be perfect to add as larger side missions or repeatable side missions like going back to the Elite or staring in different unique parody Porno's as examples. Looking great I assume the woman sitting down is the demon as she is on the main menu so I assume she has a transformation of some kind that you are hiding... Great work can't wait to hear more about the vampire nightclub TM!

Frank Kuschmann

Is she that demon on the top picture who you mentioned? Oh man, I wouldn't even hesitate to throw me at her feet (or boots in that case) there immediately. I have ever been a big fan of so-called easter eggs in adventure games. So I would really love it that you hide some events, so they are not too easily to discover. Have a nice and a more successful week, Maestro!


thanks, yeah i wasn't sure if i should show the transformation, might be too much spoilering although i think i have shown her with horns in the artbook already...I like the side quest ideas, but the side quests cannot be as long as entire days :)


i like that as well, but that always has the downside of a lot of players missing these easter eggs :)


10-14 days planned? 😮. I don't know if there will be enough fetishes for that many days, but the dark story and the end of day 3 with the giant winged creature made me very curious. I also don't know if our MC's body will hold up, unless there's a special bath or healing pill 🤣.


it's not like there has to be different fetishes every day ;) but if i had to, i think i would find some that i haven't used, yet :D


Will there be a meeting with the red demon from the futa settings screen?

Sam T

you probably design the best female characters of all erotic games out there! love your work!! I just hope to see more characters with long nails as it's my favourite personal preference :)