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It took a while to set it up, it was pretty much the first inside room that you go to in Downtown, but the office of Catherine van Ark is done and so are the action scenes with her :). Started out quite similar to the Samantha encounter, ended a bit different. That's all I will say :D.

Next up will be some more random action happening in downtown, i got a hot idea for a bad ending happening in the streets!

Where to go... 

I still have to scout new places, which takes time, but the ones I have set up so far look very good! And a few new outfits are needed as well...ah, so much to do...

Also still looking for a fitting music theme for Downtown, but that isn't a priority. And if I don't find anything, I am perfectly fine just using the main theme.

"You kept me waiting for two days, huh...?"

And I think that's it. I really have to remember to render some more fun, random artwork stuff to post! I haven't done that since before my holidays, it was all about Blackmore Day 4 so far. Maybe you guys want to let me know what you would like to see? Bondage, Futa...maybe both combined ;). Yes, that sounds like an idea for a good picture :D

Have a nice sunday and

stay kinky!




Great look at this update really exited!! For the tune maybe Sidewalks and Skeletons? It is quite a creepy yet hypnotic sound drawing you in that I think would fit with the theming of downtown.


well i can't just use the original song in the game, due to copyright reasons ;)

Sensual Blue

more futa and more bad endings please. It would also be amazing if the essense meter played into the bad endings. Such that if you don't have enough essense you get a bad ending?


yes i thought about that as well, but right now there is no way to restore essence or drain it on purpose, so there is a chance such a bad ending forces you to restart