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Looks like patreon has somehow swallowed this post, weird...

...I think I have a good starting point for all the new assets that you are going to see on day four. And I have already rendered all the scenes (except the driving one) that get you to the new location, so we are making good progress...

...I am not sure how much you want you get spoilered by me. Do you want to see the new scenes (like the one with Mathilda)...

 ...or would you rather see the places but not get spoilered with the new scenes?

I would also like to know what kind of side quests you are expecting, or what kind of quests you would like to see with the day 4 update. Maybe you already have a favourite? Or someone from the main menu that you would like to meet?

Let me know, have a nice sunday and

stay kinky! :)




I'm late this time but always happy to see whatever you are working on, even just thoughts and insights in regard to the dev process. Keep up the great work!


I love the idea of hierarchies where you serve a maid the is nice on the outside but evil in the inside, for example. Being on the bottom of the food chain, so to say. Also manipulative characters and intrigues (Eiskalte Engel). :) Have a great week, Darktoz


Hope we get a medical scenario at some point similar to your previous game asylum.


Maybe some pictures of the locations but no scene spoilers. It's funner when I don't know what to expect.


I would prefer to not know what scenes will be included. Let's me find out next update.